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[–]Tbkssom 1454 points1455 points  (489 children)

What’s story of dogecoin?

[–]MadaxMadax 2268 points2269 points  (278 children)

He made it as a joke because he saw the internet tabs on google spell out DogeCoin (from Doge and CoinMarketCap). He thought it was funny, 2 hours later Dogecoin was born.

[–]iskrivenigelenderi 962 points963 points  (268 children)

So it's that easy to create a crypto?

[–]Cask-n-flagon 1023 points1024 points  (173 children)

Yes but from what I understand he basically copied existing code

[–][deleted]  (67 children)


    [–][deleted] 637 points638 points  (60 children)

    $70 Billion USD amazing lmao

    [–]c0brachicken 404 points405 points  (58 children)

    The worse part is that guy was claiming he only has like 190,000 Dogecoin... that people donated too him... like how in the hell are you the creator, and the only coins you have are ones that users donated back to you?

    [–][deleted]  (13 children)


      [–]AvoidCryptoTaxes 62 points63 points  (8 children)

      It was a fork of Litecoin so if you had a litecoin miner you just changed some API keys around and off you went mining dogecoin at like 10k an hour.

      [–]New013 40 points41 points  (7 children)

      I know a guy who mined Doge for a while and had around ten million. He sold them all around october to buy more ETH. Everytime I see him now he starts with the exact dollar value in millions hed have if he didnt sell.

      [–][deleted]  (32 children)


        [–]c0brachicken 101 points102 points  (31 children)

        A MILLION coins would have cost less than $2,000 when it was first created.

        But I guess it was created as a joke...

        [–]cr0ft 6 points7 points  (1 child)

        It was a joke. He made the funny. He had fun with it a few years (this is years ago now). He felt the joke was over, I guess, and got out.

        And then of course people went nuts and started treating his joke coin as a real coin, and shoveling in billions of dollars into it, and now we have this coin with no utility, no use case and infinite supply at values that stagger the mind. It won't stay there, it can't, because infinite supply, but for now...

        [–]AmnesicAnemic 30 points31 points  (2 children)

        I mean, that's literally what the thousands of alt coins do...

        Then they go on big crypto subs and shill them, lmao.

        [–]TacoNomad 23 points24 points  (0 children)

        Wait, the font choice is Comic Sans?

        Let me go buy more.

        [–]speakingcraniums 38 points39 points  (10 children)

        It's Litecoin with a different name and a larger supply. Which is to say it's pretty much bitcoin

        [–]normal_whiteman 18 points19 points  (4 children)

        Actually it was a direct rip of Luckycoin, but that itself was almost an exact replica of litecoin

        [–]kenriko 3 points4 points  (2 children)

        Which is why the bitcoin people being anti-Doge is so funny.. it’s basically the same shit with a different logo. Yeah I know it used skrypt but.. at the core it’s bitcoin with a dog icon and inflation.

        Morons. It’s like religion, people fighting over who has the best imaginary friend.

        [–]likmbch 147 points148 points  (88 children)

        The way you phrased that response I think saying “no, ...” would have been more appropriate. It is not easy to “make a new cryptocurrency” but if you copy an existing one then, sure, it’s easy.

        Edit: since this has lead to a lot of arguing I want to clarify my point. You can use the phrase “make a cryptocurrency” to describe two hugely different acts. One is: designing and implementing a very complex software solution from scratch (or at least mostly from scratch). The other is: clone an existing code repository and rename it. Both of these actions result in a new cryptocurrency and can be described by the same phrase.

        My point is, there should be more clarity when describing one or the other so that we don’t confuse people who don’t know.

        It is hard to make a crypto currency from scratch.

        It is easy to fork from an existing repository and rename it.

        [–]DangerZoneh 67 points68 points  (35 children)

        Well I mean the math behind crypto is the hard part. The actual code is just implementing that math

        [–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

        Forked is the correct term

        [–]adolfojp 76 points77 points  (37 children)

        Creating a cryptocurrency is easy. There are thousands of them. Convincing people to trade and use your cryptocurrency is hard.

        [–]Stoned_Cowboy 42 points43 points  (32 children)


        Dogecoin is just a fork of Litecoin. Creating a crypto from scratch is a lot harder than simply copying someone elses code and tweaking it slightly.

        [–]tinco 15 points16 points  (18 children)

        Dogecoin is a joke about Litecoin, because Litecoin itself is a slight tweak on Bitcoin. They swapped in a different hash function and they messed with the block rate a bit to make it "quicker". In this period it was fashionable for a couple months to start "new" cryptocurrencies by forking Bitcoin, Litecoin was the most succesful at this and Dogecoin is just a joke on this theme.

        [–]tosser_0 3 points4 points  (9 children)

        And Litecoin is just a fork of Bitcoin.

        [–]IAMHideoKojimaAMA 8 points9 points  (8 children)

        And bitcoin is just a fork of the Grand Exchange Market from Runescape

        [–]jonsa4ever 7 points8 points  (3 children)

        The Grand Exchange is just a fork of some dude selling lobsters outside Lumbridge

        [–]anlskjdfiajelf 7 points8 points  (0 children)

        Making a unique crypto that isn't copy pasted is very hard but ya there is a lot of copy pasted bullshit

        [–]MadaxMadax 7 points8 points  (6 children)

        most cryptocurrencies are made from copying bitcoin's code.

        [–]IM_INSIDE_YOUR_HOUSE 7 points8 points  (6 children)

        There is a new cryptocurrency made every hour on average. They’re incredibly easy to reproduce. There’s thousands upon thousands of junk coins out there.

        /r/cryptomoonshots is basically where people shill their own crapcoin or sacrifice a goat that the worthless coin they invested in will suddenly explode in value for no logical reason.

        [–]midgetforce2k 2 points3 points  (0 children)

        The first one wasn't, but since all cryptos are opened sourced it really easy to make a new one

        [–]mmatke 2 points3 points  (3 children)

        Yes, that's why so many meme and scam coins exist. It's important if you're investing in crypto to put money into projects that push the needle and actually improve on the technology.

        [–][deleted]  (184 children)


          [–]_TR-8R 37 points38 points  (110 children)

          Ok look I'm not one of those ppl who are gonna say "put everything in doge" or hype it like it's gonna be the next Bitcoin but I made in the realm of 10k last year trading it. Any given currency is speculation based, plus a lot of the community just enjoys the meme. I don't like Elon Musk very much but it's not really fair to talk about it like anyone who buys it is a moron.

          [–]SuggestAPhotoProject 19 points20 points  (23 children)

          Right? People can joke and make these memes all they want, but a lot of us made a stupid amount of money for no reason at all.

          Like yeah, it dropped from $0.79 to $0.50 in one weekend, but I bought it at $0.04 only three months ago.

          Laugh all you want, but I’m still up over 1200%. It’s the best joke I’ve ever heard.

          [–]_TR-8R 6 points7 points  (1 child)

          Similar boat, sold half my Doge before the SNL event bc that's usually when the whales take a dump, bought back in at .44 and now I'm already up another 14 percent.

          [–]Sgt_Meowmers 5 points6 points  (0 children)

          I bought 5 dollars of it as a joke years ago and got 200 dollars out of it (and it could have been more). That was a nice surprise.

          [–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (1 child)

          For sure you can make a ton of money on it but at the end of the day you're still making money off dumb people because somebody is buying it at a higher price where Dogecoin has no backing behind it. Eventually it'll all collapse unless it finds real world use.

          [–]sourlor 4 points5 points  (2 children)

          I think this is what people dont understand. even if its a joke if you bought anytime before may 4th at this point you would have made money... That was only 10 days ago.

          Value is whatever a large amount of people are willing to give to it and right now people are valuing doge coin. Its the same sense as gold... gold has its uses but the price does not justify the cash value/supply besides "its shiny." Similar to diamond.

          [–]majoranticipointment 8 points9 points  (7 children)

          It’s just a fork of litecoin with a funny name

          [–]likmbch 5 points6 points  (6 children)

          Dogecoin <- lucky coin <- lite coin apparently

          Edit: had Bitcoin at the end, that was wrong.

          [–]Ok_Raccoon_9584 2 points3 points  (0 children)

          Sorry, idk if anyone tossed this in. It's also important to note that part of the purpose of creating it was because they actually believe in crypto, however, they made it worthless because they believed the money and instant profit from Bitcoin was negative and a draw for scammers and terrible mentality/community.

          So one of the core principles of doge coin is to be a positive role model that avoids the scammers and so fourth. The creator is actually a very positive individual and incredibly humble. He'd probably happy to delete his Twitter if he ever saw the dogecoin community become a negative environment.

          [–]skippiGoat 2 points3 points  (3 children)

          It's terrifying that people would throw money at something they know nothing about.

          Not saying the top comment is one of those people, I'm just saying in general it explains a lot.

          [–]TurdsforNipples 2021 points2022 points  (81 children)

          "It's a coin with a dog on it, bro"

          [–]bikwho 637 points638 points  (47 children)

          but have you thought of the E N V I R O N M E N T?

          [–]nightimelurker 179 points180 points  (13 children)

          No what's that?

          [–]MoffKalast 75 points76 points  (6 children)

          It has been moved outside the environment.

          [–]svcDOOM 25 points26 points  (0 children)

          a thousand tons of crude oil

          [–]MIS-concept 9 points10 points  (0 children)

          no no, it's beyond the environment it's not a part of it

          [–]WoobyWiott 14 points15 points  (5 children)

          The front fell off.

          [–]lightspirate 4 points5 points  (4 children)

          Can you explain how the front fell off

          [–]LovelyOrangeJuice 15 points16 points  (18 children)

          Lol right. Everyone is trying so hard to look considerate and ask "smart questions" it's pretty annoying sometimes.

          [–]pleaseticklemyballs 11 points12 points  (16 children)

          It's generally a valid question to ask tho

          [–]LovelyOrangeJuice 19 points20 points  (15 children)

          Yes, but not for obvious meme coins. Who ever thought dogecoin's creator would sit down and think about environmental impact is a complete moron. He probably didn't even think his coin would get to this point in a million years.

          [–][deleted]  (7 children)


            [–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (5 children)

            I wonder how many people realize that a single wallet holds almost 30% of all dogecoin in circulation.

            The other 99 largest wallets hold another 40%, which means only 100 people hold 70% of all dogecoin.

            Doesn't sound like the makings of a good "important investment" lol.

            I'm happy a lot of "regular people" were able to gamble and win and change their lives for the better, but a looooottt of people are gonna be fucked one day when the house of cards collapses.

            [–]3pl8 4 points5 points  (0 children)

            He probably didn't even think his coin would get to this point in a million years.

            You can scratch that probably, cause he sold his all of his doge very early. He never expected it to become this big

            [–]healzsham 54 points55 points  (7 children)

            Quite literally a meme currency.

            [–]Ermeter 5 points6 points  (5 children)

            Millionaires are being made right now. Bankruptcies and suicides later.

            [–]pineapple_calzone 12 points13 points  (8 children)

            Coin dog. The dog with the coin on it.

            [–]plexomaniac 6 points7 points  (2 children)

            A drawing of a coin with a dog on it

            [–]embiors 2218 points2219 points  (859 children)

            You gotta love the honesty.

            [–]The-Donkey-Puncher 1341 points1342 points  (826 children)

            did anyone truly see Dogecoin as a viable crypto currency? I don't know much about crypto in general, but I found out right away that

            • dogecoin was created as a joke coin; and

            • dogecoin generates 10,000 new coins per minute. I don't know why anyone buts these ever... why not just mine then? How would you evejr off load a ton of them when they are so easy to mine? (unless you generate a bunch of hype and get new players excited and want to buy in as the easy way to get rich quick)

            edit: I got a lot of replies that "its not that easy to mine dogecoin", I get it. but people are mining it despite the cost to do so. but my point stands. the only reason Doge went above pennies is because of social media hype and Elon enforcement. The only reason that hype isnt gone is because those who bought at $0.70 want someone else to buy at $0.80 so they are pumping

            [–]Drachefly 560 points561 points  (424 children)

            10 000 / minute is just as fine as mining any other flat rate. It just means that dogecoins are cheap enough that you don't use tiny fractions of one to do transactions.

            [–]Aphix 299 points300 points  (407 children)

            It's an increasingly inflationary joke currency, please, please be careful putting any money into it (which is honestly insane to me given how easy it is to mine).

            [–]EarlGreyDay 215 points216 points  (262 children)

            if it adds 10,000 every minute then it is decreasingly inflationary. the next 10,000 is a smaller percent increase than the last 10,000

            [–]IIdsandsII 76 points77 points  (248 children)

            Lol the dude you replied to said what he said with so much confidence, as if only his imaginary coins that can be copy/pasted to infinity are actually scarce

            Edit: LMAO; feathers = ruffled

            [–][deleted]  (42 children)


              [–]clombgood 49 points50 points  (154 children)

              This isn’t true, blockchain by definition does not allow this.

              [–]CrispyKeebler 120 points121 points  (121 children)

              So many people in this thread have no idea what they're talking about. Doge being a terrible long term investment is really the only takeaway.

              [–]Rabid_Platypus_II 20 points21 points  (1 child)

              Like a white girls tinder bio I'm here for a good time, not a long time

              [–]pingleawkwin1 17 points18 points  (5 children)

              Turns out mass manipulating social media to affect stock prices is working better than anyone could have imagined.

              What a fucking mess.

              [–]bassinine 5 points6 points  (4 children)


              this shit has been effective for decades, honestly i'm surprised it took the billionaires this long to catch on to what kids were doing 20 years ago for fun.

              [–]clombgood 27 points28 points  (59 children)

              Yeah seriously. Seems like a very easily manipulated user base.

              [–]Aksama 35 points36 points  (22 children)

              Noooooo. The meme-stock/coin which exploded 400% (Edit: Yeah I know it's like thousands of percent, I don't care) in value based on nothing with effectively no use-case and little viability for purchasing, and Infinite-inflation. MANIPULATED you say? Why I never.

              [–]panspal 26 points27 points  (20 children)

              If a tweet from a billionaire can financially ruin you, maybe it's a bad investment.

              [–]zimbabwe7878 7 points8 points  (6 children)

              This is what puts me off the most. The stupid pep-talk threads every day in /r/all with HODL and diamond hands and all that shit. Talking about changing the world but everybody just wants to make their nut and cash the fuck out. The people that genuinely believe in it (I don't know if they actually exist) are going to be left with their doge in their hand.

              [–]Ornery_Blacksmith506 9 points10 points  (17 children)

              It amuses how reddit likes to make fun of "karens" pushing MLM and other pyramid schemes but if instead of essential oils it's some meme-branded cryptocoin they line up to pump it.

              That Doge thing took off after GME exploded and was a transparent pump-and-dump from the get go. People who buy into it are either being scammed or think they're getting in early enough not to be left holding the bags. It's frankly scummy for someone with the influence of Elon Musk to legitimize this blatant pyramid scheme.

              [–]adidasbdd 4 points5 points  (13 children)

              I mean, I bought in at .07 and sold at .60. Then bought at .41 and sold at .52. I started with $30 just for fun, turned it into 250 in less than a month, then turned that into a little over 300 in a single day. I would never put real big money into it. I'm kinda on the fence on whether it will crash to 0 or go up for some stupid reason. There is no reason any crypto has value other than hype, same could be said for many stocks, like how tf is tesla the most valued car company when they make like 5% of what actual big car companies make.

              [–]Wresmun 5 points6 points  (0 children)

              Can confirm, I know jack shit about cryptocurrency.

              [–]party_arty 4 points5 points  (1 child)

              Welcome to every single thread about crypto.

              [–]albmrbo 2 points3 points  (0 children)

              Impressive how this needs to be said on a post about the creator freely admitting that he created the coin in 2 hours as a joke (something everyone already knew).

              [–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (21 children)

              Blockchain allows whatever the consensus says it does. If China or Russia come out of the blue with quantum computing or compact fusion or any other tech that can shatter existing hashrates then they can rewrite the rules.

              [–]Drachefly 18 points19 points  (56 children)

              How does it get to be increasingly inflationary or cheap to mine at a flat release rate? From out here it seems like there's an applicable part of Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court…

              I don't own any crypto, btw.

              [–]Sir_Webster 6 points7 points  (55 children)

              Same as any other currency. The more gets printed the more the value of all the existing coins loose value. 10'000 is fucking high (ETH is 2 per block). For a ETH tx we pay with gas make sure it is still worth it. Hopefully it will change soon

              [–][deleted]  (34 children)


                [–]Shakitano 8 points9 points  (0 children)

                THANK YOU, unit bias is a hell of a bitch for whoever keeps commenting with these dumb takes

                [–]Ornery_Blacksmith506 2 points3 points  (4 children)

                It's more complicated than this, only a fraction of the market cap is being traded at a given time. If I want to sell 10k Doge coins but nobody wants to buy it can crash the exchange rate even though it's a tiny fraction of all Doges in existence.

                Another way to look at it is that, since 10k blocks are mined every minute and a single Doge trades for $1, in order to maintain this value at least $10k needs to be invested in Doge every minute, or about a million dollar every hour and a half.

                *Or* at least an equal amount of Doge need to be taken out of the market, but as the value increase more people are likely to start digging out their old wallets and *increase* the liquidity instead of reducing it.

                [–]HolierMonkey586 11 points12 points  (30 children)

                It's deflationary inflation rate is decreasing year over year compared to a variable inflation rate like we have. Every year the exact same amount is mined. This means the total dogecoin goes up and the percentage of new dogecoin goes down.

                Edit: Changed deflationary to more accurately reflect what I meant.

                [–][deleted]  (27 children)


                  [–]TamoyaOhboya 2 points3 points  (22 children)

                  Is inflation inherently a bad thing?

                  [–]Thompson_S_Sweetback 4 points5 points  (14 children)

                  If you are purchasing a currency for the purpose of holding onto it and use/sell it later, it is inherently a bad thing for the purchased currency to have a higher rate of inflation than the purchasing currency.

                  [–]Wildercard 7 points8 points  (15 children)

                  It's an increasingly inflationary joke currency

                  I saw a post somewhere that it's actually inflating slower than the USD right now

                  [–]Chumbag_love 2 points3 points  (2 children)

                  Just about everything is. We printed 20% of our money in 2020.

                  [–]Byizo 2 points3 points  (0 children)

                  It is inflationary, but it is fixed inflation. You can know exactly how many coins there will be next week, next year, and 100 years from now. This is not necessarily bad. Fiat varies depending on a variety of factors.

                  [–]DirtCrazykid 4 points5 points  (8 children)

                  You might not use tiny fractions of one, but it has the opposite issue where you need to use an absurd amount

                  [–]Calvin_v_Hobbes 11 points12 points  (7 children)

                  The absolute value of a "unit" is irrelevant when it's digital, isn't it? Whether someone considers the fundamental unit of BTC to be one bitcoin or a millibit, you can buy/sell as few or as many as you want, can't you?

                  [–]omfghi2u 5 points6 points  (6 children)

                  You can, but, in terms of real-world transaction, it's not easy for a human to understand what 0.00032758 bitcoin actually means in terms of the currency that they know/earn -- especially since that amount can vary day to day. The end goal is that you stop thinking about it in comparison to FIAT, eventually, but for most people that can't happen until they stop being paid in fiat/until most of their net worth is held as crypto.

                  Case in point, a "millibit" is worth $50 USD. Did you realize it was that much when you typed it or did you just assume that was a small enough fraction?

                  A computer can easily do that math, but humans need to be able to use a currency for normal transactions in order for it to be an effective currency, and we need to be able to easily equate it to the money we earn for the time being.

                  [–]RiceSpice1 34 points35 points  (127 children)

                  It was never viable but it’s made me £23,000 so I ain’t fucking complaining

                  [–]The-Donkey-Puncher 10 points11 points  (101 children)

                  respect. I got burned on GME so didn't risk it on Doge

                  [–]textposts_only 7 points8 points  (48 children)

                  In hindsight the better choice. Dogecoin like all other things like that can only make money on the expense of others. If he made 23k then down the line some other people will have to lose the same.

                  [–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (45 children)

                  Thats not true, market cap of dogecoin isn't how much money is in the coin. Since it jumps on speculation there's very little to actually burn

                  [–]textposts_only 7 points8 points  (40 children)

                  Of course it's true. Where do you think does the money come from?? I'm not even talking about the market cap. I am talking about the dollars.

                  I'll enlighten you: you bought Doge at 10c, so you can sell it at 20c. For that to happen someone needs to buy it at 20c. That person buying it at 20c wants to sell it at 30c. for that to happen someone needs to buy it at 30c. That person buys it and wants to sell it at 40c. But nobody wants to buy it at 40c. So the price falls and so on. It might go back up, it might not.

                  Any time you make money on it, someone else down the line will eventually cease to make money off of it. There is no value in dogecoin, even if it is being adopted by Amazon. Because nobody is being paid in dogecoin. You'd essentially have to convert your dollars into a volatile coin to buy goods and services.

                  Buy low sell high means that someone else bought high and sells low. Maybe not immediately but down the line...

                  [–]cbslinger 2 points3 points  (4 children)

                  Respect for being honest, there’s a ton of ppl out there pretending like nobody other than hedge funds got hurt by GME

                  [–]broadened_news 5 points6 points  (0 children)

                  But I don’t have to pay it

                  [–]marcoporno 3 points4 points  (0 children)

                  You gotta love that by “took down” OP should say: went up 35% in the next few hours and still rising

                  [–]Iamafuckupasdfasdf 4 points5 points  (1 child)

                  You gotta love the honesty.

                  No one said it's a serious coin so he doesn't have to bullshit anyone because from the start it supposed to be low effort fun coin.

                  [–][deleted]  (52 children)


                    [–][deleted] 178 points179 points  (12 children)

                    How did it end up like this

                    [–]PRNmeds 71 points72 points  (5 children)

                    It was only a kiss

                    [–]GhostofNicolasCage 35 points36 points  (4 children)

                    IT WAS ONLY A KISS

                    [–]ddoubles 11 points12 points  (1 child)

                    The true value is how much one values a good joke. There will forever be someone who wants this meme coin: Will it drop, probably, how far, no one knows. People still collect sea shells and roman coins.

                    [–]Xero2814 7 points8 points  (32 children)

                    It's finishing that way too

                    [–]Scunndas 13 points14 points  (12 children)

                    The joke put $250k into my bank. I’ll take jokes like this every day.

                    [–]clexecute 3 points4 points  (1 child)

                    Yeah, and it's awesome that a whole bunch of dudes were able to get life changing money out of a meme coin, but dogecoin is one of the worst cryptocurrency coins to actually invest in long term. I made some booze money off of it short term, but the people who made money like you invested like $100 years ago, or have been mining the entire time and got lucky.

                    I will also take jokes like this all day long, I think it's amazing, but people getting rich in dogecoin was like buying a lottery ticket 5 years ago, and see there was a missing ticket that won and you happened to find it in your desk drawer.

                    [–]phattanner007 5 points6 points  (15 children)

                    Price is back up to over 50 cents as of now.

                    [–][deleted]  (13 children)


                      [–]phattanner007 4 points5 points  (5 children)

                      Yeah I mean I get what you're saying but it doesn't seem like the joke is over quite yet, no telling when that'll happen and what ends up being the ceiling so as of now I'm going to put a second mortgage on the house and go all in.

                      [–]Abs0lute_Jeer0 155 points156 points  (230 children)

                      Do all cryptocurrencies spend the same amount of resources or are there more efficient ones?

                      [–]__Geralt 116 points117 points  (156 children)

                      it's a very complex question; the answer is no: not all they consume the same amount; some of them are considered at carbon negative impact like ALGO.

                      For the 2nd biggest one (ETH) is imminent a switch from a mining process that consumes a lot of power to one different process that requires very little power involved

                      [–]kenman884 34 points35 points  (25 children)

                      What does it do, suck carbon out of the atmosphere?

                      [–]photenth 50 points51 points  (19 children)

                      The foundation that is handling the initial minted coins invested part of the coins into carbon capture thus removing more CO2 from the air than is calculate to be added by the minimal energy waste by the nodes.

                      [–]kenman884 37 points38 points  (18 children)

                      Ah, so nothing inherent to the coin itself, just a business being ethical for once lol

                      [–]Sean951 40 points41 points  (14 children)

                      A business making a business choice they hope will attract customers. I don't think ethical discussions factored into it, but that's one of the benefits of the free market/choice. If enough people care, businesses will pretend to care in order to attract customers.

                      [–]Piecemealer 4 points5 points  (0 children)

                      Probably uses less carbon than traditional money is what they meant.

                      I can’t verify. Just a guess.

                      [–]QuantumDex 6 points7 points  (103 children)

                      Problem with Proof-of-stake is that mining rewards are a lottery where the wealthiest have more tickets.

                      Proof-of-work is much more fair.

                      [–]LibRightEcon 4 points5 points  (8 children)

                      The bigger problem is that proof of stake doesnt even work; its an older idea from the 80's and it never got off the ground because it doesnt solve the problem.

                      [–]1bitwonder 2 points3 points  (6 children)

                      in proof of work, the wealthiest have the biggest mining rigs anyway

                      [–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (5 children)

                      But anyone can join to mine at any time, only needed to invent a better way to mine or otherwise contribute work with what they have.

                      Proof of Stake is exclusionary to new entrants who do not already have currency to stake.

                      [–]53uhwGe6JGCw 15 points16 points  (46 children)

                      Some use basically 0 energy because they either don't use proof of work like Bitcoin/Eth/etc. and use something like proof of stake (Cardano) or proof of space (Chia), or because they only do proof of work at the time of the transaction, like Nano.

                      [–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (14 children)

                      Chia uses a ton of energy as implemented right now, it is neither passive nor as easy on the system as advertised.

                      Not sure why, I have yet to look into the technical details. But it does use a lot of energy to secure the network still. And eats consumer grade storage drives for breakfast.

                      [–][deleted]  (1 child)


                        [–]LetshearitforNY 74 points75 points  (111 children)

                        Why does crypto use so much resources? I didn’t know this

                        [–]odraencoded 69 points70 points  (16 children)

                        Lots of people have an account in a bank, the bank is a centralized authority that knows how much money these accounts have. You have to trust that the bank isn't going to steal your money and run away.

                        Crypto tries to do away with the centralized authority, so you don't have to trust anyone.

                        This means that there must be SOME WAY to prove that you actually have money. Since it's all virtual, it can all be faked, so a way they came up with to counter that is to require so much processing power to fake a transaction that it isn't feasible to try to manipulate the system and give yourself infinite money.

                        It's working exactly as intended. In order to game the system you'll need to use as much electricity as argentina. The whole argentina.

                        [–]polowololo 44 points45 points  (4 children)

                        So what you're saying is.. Argentina can game bitcoin? They're gonna be rich in 3 easy steps!

                        [–]mynameismulan 19 points20 points  (0 children)

                        Chileans hate this one simple trick to restore national economy!!

                        [–]JudgeHoltman 11 points12 points  (1 child)

                        Attention Citizens: Next Week is "National No Power Week".

                        Everyone buy some condoms, take some time off work and charge your phones while we in the government "work on our mining economy".

                        Also, no taxes this year.

                        [–][deleted] 17 points18 points  (1 child)

                        Since it's all virtual, it can all be faked, so a way they came up with to counter that is to require so much processing power to fake a transaction that it isn't feasible to try to manipulate the system and give yourself infinite money.

                        I can't know if that was originally intentional but from what I understand the idea was everyone gets a copy of the blockchain which effectively crowd sources the verification. Since so many people have a copy that can be verified any fakeed blockchain won't match and will be scrapped.

                        [–]druman22 3 points4 points  (0 children)

                        A little more indepth on how it works:

                        Cryptocurrency is really just a public ledger. It uses cryptographic hash functions as a way to show proof of work for each block of the ledger. Every user has a copy of this ledger, and uses the one with the most computational work.

                        Miners listen for transactions, and then create a block (list of transactions) that has a sufficient amount of computational work, then it's broadcasted. They are rewarded with a new small amount of the currency that is brought into the economy. Also you should note that each block has a signature that proves this work and also includes the hash of the previous signature. Changing anything in the block would result in a different signature, which results in a different hashes on newer blocks. They are connected and this is why it's called a "Block Chain"

                        (Miners listen for transactions, while users listen for the block chain)

                        Making a fraudulent blocks is basically impossible as you would have to do the computational work that comes after the fraudulent block in the chain. This is because everyone is broadcasting their version of the block chain to others and if there are conflicting chains, then users use the one with the most computational work. You are also competing with many other miners on the network, so it becomes impossible to uphold a fraudulent version of the blockchain.

                        [–]topforce 126 points127 points  (62 children)

                        Oversimplified version: lots of computers are doing a lot of math to mine crypto. To do sou you need a lot of electricity and computer parts.

                        [–]PsYcHoSeAn 73 points74 points  (57 children)

                        and computer parts.

                        A reason why this whole crypto shit needs to die

                        When you need bots and extreme luck to even buy a GPU for your computer because of a fuckton of morons hoarding 50 GPUs in their basement for cryptomining then something is definitely wrong

                        Fuck all those losers.

                        //As expected all the insufferable crypto clowns comin out of their basement. Hilarious.

                        [–]lemonlucid 25 points26 points  (3 children)

                        This has been happening with NFTs too, (non fungible tokens.) The art community is really pushing against them because of this.

                        [–]tehlemmings 24 points25 points  (2 children)

                        The art community is also pushing against NFTs because NFTs are really, really dumb.

                        [–]ImJustRemu 4 points5 points  (0 children)

                        I think that just like all unofficial crypto in the future, nfts will be remembered as a rich man's plaything/phase, even right now they have 0 authenticity and therefore zero actual monetary worth, the best comparison is SUPREME like sure it costs alot but that's it's only worth

                        [–]ChawulsBawkley 5 points6 points  (0 children)

                        closes Tarkov

                        I don’t know what you’re talking about!

                        [–]Thenadamgoes 23 points24 points  (11 children)

                        People are giving you answers but they're missing a key part of this.

                        To really oversimplify things, Crypto is mined by a computer solving a very complicated math problem (it's not actually a math problem but it's the easiest way to think of it.)

                        That seems pretty simple - solve a problem, get crypto.

                        But what happens when several people with computers all solve the problem together? Easy, whoever finishes first.

                        But what then happens when there are thousands of computers solving the problem and several finish at the same time? Or worse...get different answers?

                        Crypto solves this by awarding to the computer that did the most work. And that typically means the computer that used the most energy wins.

                        So you can imagine that it becomes a sort of crypto arms race to use the most amount of energy in order to win.

                        [–][deleted]  (3 children)


                          [–][deleted]  (10 children)


                            [–]Fortunoxious 346 points347 points  (287 children)

                            To be clear: Elon is full of shit

                            [–]Byizo 62 points63 points  (8 children)

                            Lemme just sell a bunch of this coin, then trash it on Twitter, buy more when the price goes down, then tweet some bs about how I’m making more energy efficient mining processes or something all for shits and giggles because I’m already the richest motherfucker on the planet.

                            [–]snoogins355 8 points9 points  (5 children)

                            Using Tesla's giant renewable battery tech...

                            [–]TurkeyTendies 11 points12 points  (4 children)

                            Its renewable for the battery, not for the energy that they are using to REFUEL the battery. Not all the time, guarenteed. The U.S. doesn't provide infrastructure capable of that on the scale he speaks.

                            Elon is a business man and nothing more. Coaxing this nation.

                            [–]FlingFrogs 45 points46 points  (15 children)

                            On the topic of cryptocurrency or just in general?

                            [–]D_Doggo 88 points89 points  (5 children)

                            In general, till he leaves the bathroom.

                            [–][deleted] 15 points16 points  (0 children)

                            Twitter is his personal shitter.

                            [–]DeadLikeYou 11 points12 points  (7 children)

                            I mean, he did push the company to buy bitcoin, which lead to one of the biggest reasons for the mining boom (companies buying bitcoin, and floating up etherium to profitable levels once again). And then very obviously doing market manipulation with Dogecoin and Bitcoin, especially with the way it was announced about bitcoin.

                            [–]madnick2 4 points5 points  (0 children)

                            eh, mining boom had started almost a year ago, which caused gpu shortages n whatnot. Teslas announcement just added more hype to it as it was starting to die down

                            [–]kaveman614 40 points41 points  (36 children)

                            He 100% pumped and dumped the crypto. Manipulating his little cult to feverishly buy into doge to jack the prices up.

                            [–]RiceSpice1 71 points72 points  (161 children)

                            Ikr? Like it’s uses a lot of power but it’s not like I’m mining etherium off my backyard coal powerplant ffs

                            [–]DatJellyScrub 165 points166 points  (76 children)

                            Not you individually, but bitcoin alone uses more power than entire countries

                            [–][deleted]  (49 children)


                              [–]Qudd 24 points25 points  (27 children)

                              Source requested

                              [–]Leo-bastian 92 points93 points  (20 children)

                              [–]RiceSpice1 38 points39 points  (13 children)

                              Jesus fucking Christ I did not realise that, I could literally power fucking Nigeria with how many transactions I’ve done over the years

                              [–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (11 children)

                              Yeah feel genuinely weird about it now. That's really fucked up!

                              [–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

                              Big Coal done got us again.

                              [–][deleted]  (2 children)


                                [–]saxGirl69 7 points8 points  (1 child)

                                Yes crypto is not a silver bullet. It needs to be regulated. Bitcoin needs to go away.

                                [–]yottalogical 2 points3 points  (0 children)

                                The number fluctuates, but it's always astonishingly high.

                                [–]ManyWrangler 5 points6 points  (7 children)

                                Where do you think your power comes from? And the power of other miners?

                                [–]SHAGGY198 27 points28 points  (56 children)

                                1% of the worlds entire power to be clear, Elon still is responsible for worse, energy wise and in other fields, classic grift

                                [–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (3 children)

                                You buy your power from an energy company...

                                [–]RiceSpice1 2 points3 points  (2 children)

                                I live in costal England about 4 miles from one of our nuclear power plants, I’m personally ok but obviously I can see the issue of your in a big coal burning area

                                [–]Vaynar 2 points3 points  (0 children)

                                You do know that proximity to a nuclear power plant doesn't mean anything right? It's not like you can hook up a line to the reactor. The power from that plant goes far far away to multiple transformers before it's gets distributed into a transmission system which then comes into homes. It may travel hundreds of kms before actually reaching your house, depending on how the system is built

                                [–]_I_Hate_Cats 24 points25 points  (4 children)

                                Basically, “I’m retarded, and you’re all retarded too.”

                                [–]Regular_SpiderPig 9 points10 points  (3 children)

                                When has that stopped anyone? Remember the dude who ran for president in ‘16

                                [–]vanquishboi12 3 points4 points  (1 child)

                                Oh yeah, what's his name from the apprentice.

                                [–][deleted]  (6 children)


                                  [–]TheDukeofKook 30 points31 points  (1 child)

                                  The coin of the people.

                                  [–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (14 children)

                                  I don't think this is kamikaze, they have always advertised that the coin is a joke.

                                  Who the hell thought investing in that would be a good idea?

                                  [–]Ed98208 5 points6 points  (10 children)

                                  I bought some in February and now it's worth almost 8x what I paid. I know it's a joke crypto, but money's money.

                                  [–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (5 children)

                                  I bought last year at a fraction of a cent.

                                  I get the impression people are thinking about that Sunday dip because it's been floating around 50-55 cents. I can't tell if people truly don't give a shit and don't bother to check before they post (I don't blame them, it's a fucking memecoin) but pretending as if the coin has died or that no one ever made money off it is just flat out misinformation.

                                  [–]Koa3k 9 points10 points  (14 children)

                                  bro i was like 11 or 12 mining doge its always been a meme / joke coin its not gonna be any real value any point in this fucking timeline its just a fucking joke being fueled by retards and elons musks tweets

                                  [–]Suncheets 2 points3 points  (0 children)

                                  If those people could read they would be very upset!

                                  But for real, congrats to the people who got in early and are up but please have an exit strategy. There's just no mathematical way that doge holds any real value long term. It's like if Venezuelas currency went virtual but worse

                                  [–]mrbigglessworth 17 points18 points  (21 children)

                                  I don’t buy Elon’s comment because those same fossil fuels charge up his cars.

                                  [–]Amusei015 6 points7 points  (12 children)

                                  Each bitcoin transaction uses 707.6kwH.

                                  Each Tesla refill uses 50-100kwH.

                                  Elon is most probably pump & dumping you fools. However, he is not wrong about Bitcoin needing to change when you'd spend 7x-14x more energy paying for the charge than the charge itself.

                                  [–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

                                  Some people on YouTube have done the math on this.

                                  If you get 100% of your electricity from an oil-burning power plant, it still takes less oil to power a Tesla than a normal car.

                                  And that’s the worst case scenario. Some percentage of electricity comes from renewable sources.

                                  [–]bbbruh57 3 points4 points  (0 children)

                                  Which create less CO2 than gas cars over their lifespans. Is that seriously your argument dude? I dont buy elons comment either but my reasoning isnt founded on something so freaking incorrect

                                  [–]ishitmypants1s 4 points5 points  (1 child)

                                  ELONs a rich guy playing with poor people like toys.