
Today's Game Is Called: "Spot the Terrorist." by CrJ418 in conservativeterrorism

[–]omfghi2u 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah, at least the taliban/isis guy isn't a fucking pussy and owns his convictions like an adult. More integrity than these babies.

What did your parents teach you as a kid that you didn't realize was actually f**ked up until you were older? by timdood3 in AskReddit

[–]omfghi2u 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Its not just fractional payments, it's the sum total compared to retail price.

Not sure if this exists in Spain, but in the US, we have businesses that are generally referred to as "rent to own" companies (Rent-A-Center, for example) where their entire business model is to basically fleece impulsive, poor, and math-illiterate people into buying items for multiple times their retail price.

Need a new TV but don't have $800 to go buy the one you want? No worries, you can go down to rent-a-center and get that same TV for $100 now and $100/mo for the next 18 months! Everybody wins!

Karl Marx publishes Das Kapital, 1867 by BabetteMillard in fakehistoryporn

[–]omfghi2u 8 points9 points  (0 children)

That's fine but has nothing to do with whether or not the game is unfair to the players, which it isn't. Everyone starts the same and plays by the same rule set. They all have an equal chance of becoming the winner.

Karl Marx publishes Das Kapital, 1867 by BabetteMillard in fakehistoryporn

[–]omfghi2u 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Cool, I don't disagree. It certainly makes a commentary on rampant, greedy capitalism. But that's different than being "designed to be as unfair as possible to players", as the comment I responded to had said. It's not. It's a competitive game with rules that are fair to all the players.

Karl Marx publishes Das Kapital, 1867 by BabetteMillard in fakehistoryporn

[–]omfghi2u 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Is it, though? It's a competitive board game where, just like any other competitive game, one person wins and everyone else loses. The rules are just the rules. Everyone starts with the same resources and plays by the same ruleset, which is about as fair as any game can be.

Sure, it's about building/using your resources and strategizing to defeat the other players but, if you think about it, that's what all competitive games are. Risk, Catan, MtG, Chess, Texas Hold 'em. No one says those games are "designed to be unfair to the players". Hell, I've even got a game about growing trees in a forest (Photosynthesis) that's just as cutthroat as Monopoly in terms of trying to dominate the board and beat the other, shittier, forests.

What’s something that people should stop normalizing? by SaggyTitsSusan in AskReddit

[–]omfghi2u 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Never said it didn't work, my point is that working hard and actually being good at your job isn't necessarily the thing that causes upward mobility.

What’s something that people should stop normalizing? by SaggyTitsSusan in AskReddit

[–]omfghi2u 6 points7 points  (0 children)

And I work at a fortune 20 company where VP is a low-ish corporate rank. In fact, the hard-working VPs who are actually highly qualified and good at their jobs are the very people who get stuck as "irreplacable" while the people who climb beyond that are the mediocre-skillset expert kiss-asses I'm talking about. Not every single one, but many.

What’s something that people should stop normalizing? by SaggyTitsSusan in AskReddit

[–]omfghi2u 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Most people I know who manage to move up to the higher ranks of the corporate spectrum (who don't already "know someone") are overwhelmingly ass-kissers who know how to play the silly politics games. That's their main success trait. They aren't necessarily the hardest workers and are rarely the best at their jobs.

It's something of a skillset, but it's definitely not "excellent, smart, hard-working, employees get rewarded for their effort".

What’s something that people should stop normalizing? by SaggyTitsSusan in AskReddit

[–]omfghi2u 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Working hard doesn't, but working too many hours forever, never taking a break for your whole life until you're 80 years old does.

It's seriously bad for mental health to literally never relax, decompress, and disconnect from work to the point where you have no self-fulfillment/hobbies or healthy social relationships.

Choose your side bois! by Alarmed-Apple-9437 in wallstreetbets

[–]omfghi2u 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It's honestly a little concerning to me that this is a person responsible for making and voting on potential laws and the best they can do is -83% even when they have access to privileged information.

I Fucked up by Badhabits615 in cannabiscultivation

[–]omfghi2u 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Looks... well, not ideal, but still probably fine. Even in the first pic I see some leaves curling at the tips and "clawing" (sort of folding in half long-ways), which are both fairly common signs of under-watering/dehydration. That combined with the sudden atmosphere change probably caused her to become a drama queen for the day.

edit: when you water, you don't necessarily want to stick to a predetermined volume of water, but rather water with however much water it takes until you get like 10-20% runoff volume (i.e. you water a gallon and end up with 20 fl oz down in the bottom tray).

He needs a hug by Tri734 in justneckbeardthings

[–]omfghi2u 52 points53 points  (0 children)

I mean, his shirt says "proud fuckin' male" right on it. Dude is proud of fuckin males and we better be prepared to deal with it.

Gay bottom who wants to jerk dudes off and prefers he/him pronouns. Totally fine by me.

Trump forced to admit he is one inch shorter than he claims on arraignment paperwork by theindependentonline in politics

[–]omfghi2u 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That's so fucking good. Just a couple days ago I saw a comment written by some maga person talking about him like a hunk of sexy man meat, praising him for weighing in at 6' 3", 240, like an athlete or something. Now we find out that he's even been consistently lying about something so simple, verifiable, and meaningless as his height. By one inch. What an insecure little turd burglar.

Conservative or not, I have no idea how anyone can look at this dude for more than 5 minutes and think he's anything special.

The post and then the first comment! Astonishing really how delusional people can be. by Mauser84 in insanepeoplefacebook

[–]omfghi2u 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It's okay to point out, acknowledge, and discuss possible causes for existing issues. Saying "they do that of their own free will" is akin to saying "welp, can't explain that". That's an excuse.

Meanwhile, there are entire generations of people who are currently still alive, voting and making laws, who experienced prolonged exposure to lead-based paint, leaded gasoline, and lead-alloy cookware for their entire childhoods and long into their adult lives. Lead exposure has been shown to cause literal brain and nervous system damage, leading to behavioral issues, slowed cognitive development, inability to pay attention, lowered IQ, learning disability, etc.

Just saying. Cognitive decline as people age is already pretty normal and it certainly doesn't help that the people getting old now were also regularly exposed to lead for an extended period of their lives.

Ocasio-Cortez calls for Thomas impeachment after report of undisclosed gifts from GOP donor by Gato1980 in politics

[–]omfghi2u 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Healthcare also. If you have a population who is mostly stable, happy, healthy, and educated, it's a lot harder to control them en masse with baseless claims/propaganda/fear-mongering. If you want people who will obey without question, you need them to be unwilling or unable to think critically.

Why do people who want the most freedom complain the most about what other people are doing? by Burntout-Philosopher in RandomThoughts

[–]omfghi2u 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Oh, you lost it again. So close. Nobody cares about what you personally chose to do. Wear whatever clothes you want, go to whatever places you want. If a gay person or a cross dresser is there, and thats offensive to you, feel absolutely free to stay away.

You get labeled "phobic" because you're so afraid of a person wearing different clothes than you, or having different feelings than you, that you want to try to stop them from being allowed to exist. You want to force them to stop being themselves. You are fearful of the very idea that "normal" to you, isnt "normal" to everyone. That's what a phobia is. Being so fearful of something that it actually impacts your ability to coexist in the world with everyone else.

The older you get the longer Monopoly games last because all players become more fiscally responsible by fandangledvietnamese in Showerthoughts

[–]omfghi2u 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'd even say that it is intentionally designed to highlight some of the flaws of unchecked capitalism, but that doesn't inherently make it un-fun to play as a game. The rules as written make sense and, if followed, end up with a 45m-1hr game.

It's a competitive game where the goal is to beat the other players. Simple as that. The name of the game is literally "be so cut-throat that you end up owning all the available resources". It's not meant to be played with kid gloves. It's not meant to be played with house rules that offer extra wind-falls, catch-up mechanics, or directly undermine other actual mechanics in the game.

People add these kinds of rules because, lets be honest, it's a little bit adversarial and mean to relentlessly crush your children, family, friends, etc. under the bootheel of greedy capitalism, which can make for a bad family game night... but healthy and friendly competition can be fun if people aren't a bunch of whiny, sore losers. If everyone at the table is already bought into the idea that we're all going to try to beat each other, free-for-all style, no pulled punches, it actually is a pretty fun game.

Why do people who want the most freedom complain the most about what other people are doing? by Burntout-Philosopher in RandomThoughts

[–]omfghi2u 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Congratulations, you're starting to get it! You can do whatever you want with your children. Keep them at home where they won't be exposed to the scary world full of people who are different than your personal "normal". Nobody is stopping you from doing that!

People who don't always follow traditional social norms aren't mentally ill. They aren't sexual predators. They aren't "freaks". They aren't out to get you. There's nothing wrong with being different. You go do your own thing and leave those people alone.

Why do people who want the most freedom complain the most about what other people are doing? by Burntout-Philosopher in RandomThoughts

[–]omfghi2u 3 points4 points  (0 children)

That's not at all true. People can dress however they wish and be perfectly normal, healthy, and happy people. Clothing social norms are a construct that have nothing to do with a human's mental health.

People who give this much of a shit about how other people dress are the mentally ill ones. I don't mind a boy in a dress, but I wouldn't want someone who cares this much about a person's clothing choices to be within 500 feet of a child. You're liable to sexualize the child for wearing shorts or something.

How about this for freedom - you dress yourself however you want and let other people dress themselves however they want. It isn't up to you or anyone else.

Why do people who want the most freedom complain the most about what other people are doing? by Burntout-Philosopher in RandomThoughts

[–]omfghi2u 1 point2 points  (0 children)

... Because there is nothing inherently wrong with someone cross dressing and reading to children you fucking dimwit. People can dress however they want and still be perfectly fine people, just like people can dress to match your socially acceptable dress code and still be complete pieces of shit.

The older you get the longer Monopoly games last because all players become more fiscally responsible by fandangledvietnamese in Showerthoughts

[–]omfghi2u 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's not, though. If you play Monopoly by the written rules (and the players know how to play), a game takes less than an hour.

One of the biggest problems is that most of the common "house" rules people have made up over the years are things that extend the game.

‘I am truly sorry’: Credit Suisse chair pleads with angry shareholders at annual meeting by predictany007 in wallstreetbets

[–]omfghi2u 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What if the backup chute instructions were spelled wrong and the error is what causes your backup chute to fail to deploy?

Source, professional parashooter.

What's the biggest thing you wish you knew when you started growing? by ElevatedCeramics in cannabiscultivation

[–]omfghi2u 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Atmospheric conditions in the room/tent matter in every stage. Read about it. Monitor your temperature and humidity, calculate vapor pressure differential (vpd) once in a while to make sure you're in the right ballpark. Get a humidifier, dehumidifier, heater, cooler, if you need it.

It seems complicated but once you understand what to do it is pretty easy to keep an eye on it.

She wouldn't feed her own baby, but the multiple cats she had were well-fed. by s_y_s_t_e_m_i_c_ in iamatotalpieceofshit

[–]omfghi2u 8 points9 points  (0 children)

No, the same thing doesn't happen with normal depression. That's why it's a separate condition. Read a book instead of talking out your ass.