
kazaa girl on/off by gifthrower in ClassicInternetPorn

[–]textposts_only 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Sorry what?? What tf are you talking about?

Someone is getting a promotion today by waldovdvreeden2194 in trashyboners

[–]textposts_only -1 points0 points  (0 children)

What? No. Unless it's coercion it's not sexual assault.

Wtf i though south park was joking??? Have you all gone mad?

Teen Playboy Bunny who aborted Hugh Hefner's 'devil' child at 19 says she was glad to see him die by Pure_Candidate_3831 in entertainment

[–]textposts_only -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

I read the article. Famous rich guy gave 2 women who went to the playboy mansion drugs and alcohol. He did not force them to take the drugs, he did not force them to drink.

Those two girls went to the playboy mansion. Everyone knows what happens at the playboy mansion. I'm not saying that you lose your right to consent but at that point it's like going to a sex worker, paying her, and then later saying that you were raped.

And it says he took the drugs himself... Where was that rape

Teen Playboy Bunny who aborted Hugh Hefner's 'devil' child at 19 says she was glad to see him die by Pure_Candidate_3831 in entertainment

[–]textposts_only -9 points-8 points  (0 children)

Im sorry but can we give the women any agency at all??

These women rightfully used one of their assets, their very good looks, and used it to gain fame and wealth. This was not coerced.

Add in that people with same traumas and parents might not have made it very far without that thanks to socioeconomic realities which heavily disfavor the disenfranchised and the poor and you wouldn't get many other better opportunities.

I'm having fun by johnlen1n in memes

[–]textposts_only 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The first one? No they sucked. The very first ones were okay. After you leave the first region? They all sucked.

They were weird story wise - you come to a new city, don't know anyone and nobody should know you

"Oh you have a reputation for being trustworthy"

What? No.

Generic quests, story wise they didn't make any sense.... Complete opposite to the world building, the little nuggets of information they sprinkled and the awesome main quest.

Even the side quest with the hunting lodge was stupid. The npc wasn't even involved in killing the Trex...

I'm having fun by johnlen1n in memes

[–]textposts_only -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

Same as horizon new dawn's side quests. So fucking bad it's hilarious.

Instead of recasting, they should just refocus the show on its true star by Evolved_Star_Dust in rickandmorty

[–]textposts_only -6 points-5 points  (0 children)

Honestly Idc roiland could be Fuckraping puppies... I just want Rick and Morty canon episodes

I think you guys already know by funny_lego_man in agedlikemilk

[–]textposts_only -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

nah in the latest podcast with Danny DeVito someone gabe it to him mand his daughter loved it.

The first season only had around 70 viewers or so?

Sold / Gehaltserhöhung? by textposts_only in lehrerzimmer

[–]textposts_only[S] -1 points0 points  (0 children)

50 Euro netto sind ein Witz... Bei der Inflation. Ei kufe sind gefühlt 20-25% teurer

I think you guys already know by funny_lego_man in agedlikemilk

[–]textposts_only 9 points10 points  (0 children)

No they didn't they only allowed them to have a second season because they didn't cost a lot and they had very good viewer retention of the very few viewers they had in season 1.

And then they had the right connections to get Danny DeVito and his family to watch the first season and they loved it.

My Triss cosplay Sophie_Katssby by Sophie_Katssby in gaming

[–]textposts_only 3 points4 points  (0 children)

They had to meet a certain quota and redheads in Hollywood are the first to go

Don’t DM kids if you don’t want to be regarded as trash by [deleted] in trashy

[–]textposts_only -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Good, idc about what he does behind the scenes tbh.

Don’t DM kids if you don’t want to be regarded as trash by [deleted] in trashy

[–]textposts_only 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Damn this gonna be the end of Rick and.morty

China's government is buying Alibaba and Tencent shares that give the Communist Party special rights over certain business decisions, report says by [deleted] in technology

[–]textposts_only -11 points-10 points  (0 children)

As a consumer i don't really care about how the employees are treated who make my games.

I just couldn't reconcile my beliefs about ethics in other exploitative situations that i enjoy (chocolate, coffee, electronics) but don't boycott but then turn around and weep for the white collar workers who work in a field of their (and mine) passion.

So i just do what I do with all my other morally corrupt consumption choices and I ignore those workers as well.

Ukraine-Krieg: Wladimir Putin ordnet Feuerpause ab Freitag an by Toastbrot4Ever in de

[–]textposts_only 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Ich schwöre dir jedes Mal wenn ich den namen lese hat der eine andere Schreibart

/tv/ looks forward to Netflix Narnia by trex7609 in 4chan

[–]textposts_only 17 points18 points  (0 children)

No way in hell are actual critics saying that.