
They confirmed it isn’t satire, guys what the hell? by nope-not-today- in Cringetopia

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I also have Amblyopia. It is not a disability outside of struggling with depth perception. Chill out.

This Propeller Driven Shower Head by [deleted] in woahdude

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Until they sell 100k of these then it's a pile of plastic in a landfil that won't ever go away

Nvidia Shield TV Owners Are Pissed About the Banner Ads in Android TV - The continued expansion of ads in smart devices is really starting to get on people's nerves. by speckz in gadgets

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw -1 points0 points  (0 children)

This seems like an ad or something for this shitty software. All it is, is a download manager. It can't magically let you download faster than your internet bandwidth.

Regardless, who is going to be offering to stream pirated content to you for free at 100mb/s+?

Also, if you are about quality, torrents are not the way to go at all. I don't think I've ever seen any 4k HDR remux torrents.

Nvidia Shield TV Owners Are Pissed About the Banner Ads in Android TV - The continued expansion of ads in smart devices is really starting to get on people's nerves. by speckz in gadgets

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Sure, Plex/Kodi/Jellyfin or just a NAS with a HTPC is a waste of time if you don't mind watching 240p streams of cinema cams of movies.

But if you would like 4k HDR Atmos bluray rips then it's the only choice.

Not only because there's no streaming services that offer it, but because you will need >100mbs internet for a lot of the content which many people don't have.

Pegasus Project: Apple iPhones compromised by NSO spyware by n1ght_w1ng08 in technology

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 5 points6 points  (0 children)

That wasn't the point I was making.

My point was that WhatsApp is so entrenched that it's hard to swap to something else, regardless of what that "something else" is.

Pegasus Project: Apple iPhones compromised by NSO spyware by n1ght_w1ng08 in technology

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 20 points21 points  (0 children)

The problem is Whatsapp is so widely used in Europe that not having it excludes you from a lot of group conversations etc.

I use Telegram with my friends, but need to keep WhatsApp for family group chats

Reddit Orders ‘SaveVideo’ Bot to Shut Down or Face Lawsuit by CrazyK9 in technology

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Here's a Powershell script I made for downloading and using ffmpeg to put the audio and video back together:

$url = Read-Host "Paste URL: "

.\youtube-dl.exe $url --ffmpeg-location .\ffmpeg\bin

Just have this in a folder next to youtube-dl.exe and then have the ffmpeg folder form the zip in there, too.

I've also got this set up as part of a Telegram bot that'll take the link you send it and reply with the video in-line in the chat for easy sharing in group chats etc.

Wine 6.12 Released by owenthetechie in linux

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 4 points5 points  (0 children)

You could ask that about any data collection, though. Why bother about trackers, 3rd party cookies, DNS monitoring from your ISP, etc., etc., etc., none of that could be used in a negative way, unless you're up to stuff your government doesn't like, I suppose.

It's more about the principle for a lot of people, I think.

Wine 6.12 Released by owenthetechie in linux

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 12 points13 points  (0 children)

How many anonymous data points are needed to narrow down to a specific person/computer, though? How many people in a rough geographical area have the same hardware with the same software installed and use it at the same time?

Each data point by itself is anonymous, but when you collect enough of them it's easy to narrow it down. Especially if you're the one collecting all the data points.

Stay under me, peasants. by Details2000 in pcmasterrace

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Out of support for free, yes. But enterprise customers can pay per year for extended updates for it. This is year 2 of those updates, and at the end of year 3 it'll be dropped completely afaik.

Brisk walking for two-and-a-half hours a week could prevent early death caused by lack of sleep - study by [deleted] in science

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Do you really find it hard to believe someone wouldn't have 2 hours to themselves a day? 1/12th of the day? 1/8th of the waking day? Really?

Brisk walking for two-and-a-half hours a week could prevent early death caused by lack of sleep - study by [deleted] in science

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Folks working non-office jobs, i.e. restocking a store or working construction, probably already walk for more than 2 hours a day, or do even more strenuous activity, during their shift so they wouldn't need to do it again once they got home.

Does anyone know how to watch back a full race (eg French) in the UK? I'll pay and everything! by duckerby-6 in formula1

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is what I do. VPN to USA on my Android to set up the payments via the F1TV app, then USA VPN on my desktop to actually watch the events.

Super offended. by Adelu1219 in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

Ah, my mistake. You guys have guns instead of those things. Can't have both, of course!

Super offended. by Adelu1219 in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Good thing these mass shooters make sure to stay within the law then, eh?

Super offended. by Adelu1219 in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

Why shouldn't someone be happy about not needing to know gun terminology because their country is civilised?

There are 2 types or servers by LegendaryKraken in Battlefield

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 8 points9 points  (0 children)

What you want to play on those community servers is also vastly different to Battlefield.

Saying CS isn't aim heavy implies you haven't played it before. Maybe try branching out a bit, rather than shitting on people for wanting to play a game the way the devs intended.

There are 2 types or servers by LegendaryKraken in Battlefield

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 13 points14 points  (0 children)

If you prefer aim-heavy games without explosives you should have a look at CSGO or Valorant. Explosives are at the core of Battlefield's gameplay.

There are 2 types or servers by LegendaryKraken in Battlefield

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Get good kids, but only using these list of 3 guns which I say you're allowed to use. Also no high refresh monitors or mice. You have to play with a hotas.

High-pitched noise in Strive by PotatoKing_88 in Guiltygear

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Don't have a solution to this, unfortunately, but just wanted to add that I'm also having this issue so it's not just you.

700,000 GPUs Shipped to Miners in the First Quarter of 2021 by AidThisFellowUser in hardware

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 0 points1 point  (0 children)

GPUs are primarily used to mine ETH right now, and there are ASICs which mine ETH. The Antminer E9, for example, is supposedly capable of mining ETH at 3GH/s, which is roughly 30 3080s. It is also touted to use about 3KW of power so is roughly the same as 10 3080s that are set up for mining.

European Parliament overwhelmingly backs ban on caged animal farming by expeditedcube in worldnews

[–]53uhwGe6JGCw 7 points8 points  (0 children)

That infographic is horrible. The UK could be at 1.00 and the US at 1.50, or the UK could be at 1.49 and the US at 1.50, or UK at 1.00 and the US at 10.00.
