
The Penalty For Union Busting by zzill6 in WorkReform

[–]DeadLikeYou 60 points61 points  (0 children)

He only went to jail for 60 days, and this was in the most liberal state thats on the east coast.

When stealing $50k via any other type of fraud is usually a felony.

Jaws meme anyone? by TheGuy_1985 in Animemes

[–]DeadLikeYou 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I see you know how I handle my youtube recs.

I guess people actually do this by SrAlan1104 in Tinder

[–]DeadLikeYou 96 points97 points  (0 children)

Dating has now become a way for people to make social media content express their sociopathic tendencies


Men would you take a male contraceptive pill if one was readily available? Why or Why Not? by ExtremistWatch459 in AskReddit

[–]DeadLikeYou -1 points0 points  (0 children)

No, because what the current ones available wont tell you is that it significantly decreases your testosterone levels. And that can seriously fuck a guy up.

Is it really THAT much better? by waffle_memez in whenthe

[–]DeadLikeYou 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You can see the tankies crawling out of the woodworks to say "nuh uh, you are wrong!"

Is it really THAT much better? by waffle_memez in whenthe

[–]DeadLikeYou 0 points1 point  (0 children)

But there are people preaching stalinism, just less people.

Ohh ohh, I know this one. Its because they didn't do a standing ovation long enough?

Listen. I'm not a fanboy. These are just incredibly exciting times in the CPU arena. by empirebuilder1 in pcmasterrace

[–]DeadLikeYou 0 points1 point  (0 children)

For instance, we often use Python for stuff where the relatively poor performance is whatever. I use it for data science stuff, calculating stats and whatnot. It runs slower than C++ would, but I get the work done so much faster that it's not even worth considering. I wouldn't get it done in time otherwise.

There is a native compiler for python now an almost carbon copy of python that can be implemented in python for, so if speed is a factor in your system, you can compile portions of your code into a binary first, then run the python code. Its called 'Codon'.

[DISC] Inevitable change (Oneshot by @horideiyasumi) by PredatorDuck in manga

[–]DeadLikeYou 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Countdown before it gets too comments when sorted by controversial T-minus 10…9…

What does Tinder (or any dating app) look like from a male perspective ? by not-moist-man in AskMen

[–]DeadLikeYou 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I heard that it’s used for money laundering.

Makes a ton more sense now at least in part. Kinda like with matresss stores. Not all of them are money laundering, but if you are telling me none of them are, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

High Value Man™ by stopwatchaffair in Tinder

[–]DeadLikeYou 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Cost of living, jobs that pay better happen in more expensive places. Not like you can get a job as an copyright lawyer for Kellogg in nowhere, kansas.

High Value Man™ by stopwatchaffair in Tinder

[–]DeadLikeYou 15 points16 points  (0 children)

With a good college degree thats in demand, thats easily achievable at 27. And thats not even counting the stability, healthcare, and sane working hours you get as an employee. If hes a business owner and can only brag about that, hes a terrible businessman. A cocaine addict would be more stable than this guy long term

High Value Man™ by stopwatchaffair in Tinder

[–]DeadLikeYou 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If you own your own business and you are only able to pull off of that 100k a year, you are doing it wrong. Either hes running a MLM for cryptobros, or hes running such a crap shop that he only has 100k in margin to pay himself.

I say that not because its good business sense to pay yourself that much when you can reinvest into growth, but for sure that's the maximum he can pay himself before he runs out of cash. 100% hes going to run into bankruptcy within 10 years. Imagine trying to raise a kid with that hanging over everyone's head.

swipe left and get a loser

Big talk for a ticking timebomb broke boy.

What are the realities of life that people don't want to accept? by Mela_Min in AskMen

[–]DeadLikeYou 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ive done it. In high school, I was a dweeb, but this one group of friends took it too far. One girl came up to me literal days before I was about to graduate, and apologized. This was after getting the school faculty involved, and after I distanced myself from everyone there, and after all of the hardship.

I am a guy who, unless you really piss me off, tends to forget, so I didnt recognize her at first. Then I remembered halfway through her explaining how she was wrong. After the apology, I told her something to the effect of "I dont forgive you, and after I graduate, I am going to forget you".

I dont even remember what she looked like or what her hair was like.

This anonymous note that was left in my mailbox. More amusing then infuriating. by HMboss35 in mildlyinfuriating

[–]DeadLikeYou -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

Anonymously? That’s not communication, that’s just a one way complaint at best. At worst it’s a threat and intimidation.

{SM} not very political by Hummerous in CuratedTumblr

[–]DeadLikeYou -1 points0 points  (0 children)

And humans either inherently look for a leader or look to be a leader. Mix the two, and unchecked power means unchecked human misery.

{SM} not very political by Hummerous in CuratedTumblr

[–]DeadLikeYou 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Okay, but if you want to say "people who use the phrase "I dont get political" should die alone and nobody should date them", are you really sure you want to throw people just trying to keep their head above the water under that bus as well?

Vast Majority doesn't cut it when you alienate people who are actually struggling. And I swear to god if you are going to try to tell me that people who are struggling shouldnt date, or to rephrase, do not deserve to be loved...

This qualifies right? by [deleted] in suicidebywords

[–]DeadLikeYou 0 points1 point  (0 children)

7 day old account, no community to gain comment or post karma.

This qualifies right? by [deleted] in suicidebywords

[–]DeadLikeYou 0 points1 point  (0 children)

EDIT: Fresh new account too, big surprise.

5 most recent videos:

  1. DAE THINK TRADWIFES GREAT? "Does Society Hate Femininity?"

  2. slightly conservative meme about how only men cant make a welcoming home, and women dont have this problem.

  3. velma review: execute all liberals neuraburg style for culture murder. Totally a liberal

  4. filler reading memes video similar to 2, but I dont care anymore. Mostly just reacting either with "but femininity/masculinity is under attack" undertones

  5. Complaining about the lot she picked, and claiming that saying "but LGBT people arent living breathing pedos" is somehow liberal and not the bare standards of being a empathetic human. Then immediately reverts back to "but they are doing creepy stuff with kids"

This took me 10 minutes (fuck no, not watching anymore). Go back to jerking off to [insert crackpot social science professor that speaks WAY outside of his domain of expertise but agrees with me here]

This qualifies right? by [deleted] in suicidebywords

[–]DeadLikeYou 5 points6 points  (0 children)

and also focuses her content on almost exclusively liberal talking points, liberal voters/activists, and liberal politicians while conspicuously lacking critique of conservative anything. Dont forget the sprinkling of conservative talking points, dogwhistles, and memes.

Almost as if she is more useful to the conservatives than the liberals she claims to ally with.

I did it fellas by SandwichAgainstGod in Tinder

[–]DeadLikeYou 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Reddit can forget very easily. Hence the legbeards/neckbeard pencilheads in the comments acting like this guy is somehow special on how he’s been treated like garbage. “Who hurt you” is such a Reddit moment.

Straight men who don’t like performing oral- why not? by laetum-helianthus in AskReddit

[–]DeadLikeYou 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Because if I dont know you, the most I will do is wrap it with a condom and maybe use my hands. Especially if you dont smell amazing.

JPow, Nooooo!!!!!! by ChamathWarriors in wallstreetbets

[–]DeadLikeYou 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Banks need liquidity like a man in the desert needs water, but you dare want market rate for CDs? HOW COULD YOU, GET OUT OF MY SIGHT.