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skippiGoat commented on
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1 point · 5 days ago


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Posted by12 days ago
  • r/ErgoMechKeyboards - Just got it today from controller-work. Crkbd, love it!
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Just got it today from controller-work. Crkbd, love it!
5 points · 11 days ago

What case is that?

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Op2 points · 11 days ago

The case is from controller-works. So I'm not sure if you can buy it elsewhere

skippiGoat commented on
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5 points · 22 days ago

Yeah for real! I had the same experience. Did absolutely abysmal on the first exam, ran out of time and didn't even get %50. I managed to end up with an A though. There was a curve as well.

I just kept chugging along with the assignments and did a lot of the practice exam problems. Then the exams either for got easier or I got better. By the last exam I finished about an hour early and got all the extra credit.

1 point · 21 days ago

there’s a curve on the final grades or the exams?

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1 point · 15 days ago

Honestly I can't remember, I think it was the final grade

skippiGoat commented on
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1 point · 16 days ago


skippiGoat commented on
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10 points · 17 days ago

Not in cyber, but software engineer gone data scientist, reporting in. I've been hating all IT more and more I've been in it for 10 years..

I've been considering just quiting altogether and working at a bicycle shop as a mechanic... Used to do it in college. It was really fun...

skippiGoat commented on
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1 point · 18 days ago

Hey hey hey, who the heck ordered the blood shake!

skippiGoat commented on
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271 points · 2 months ago

Ban it or have a dedicated day that allows Ai art. Ethics aside, allowing it when ever will fill the sub with low effort spam quick. Also if allowed it should be required to mention in the tittle, so you can see its Ai on the front page too.

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1 point · 1 month ago

Yes and or a dedicated required flair

skippiGoat commented on
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Op40 points · 1 month ago

We’re near Seattle, WA. Let me know if you have any truffle hunting questions!

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4 points · 1 month ago

I never new you could go truffle hunting in Washington! How would you recommend getting into it for someone that has never done it.

Op2 points · 1 month ago

There's a company based out of Seattle that specializes in truffle dog training. I would highly recommend that if you want the quickest path to truffles. They're incredibly good and highly knowledgeable about dogs and truffles. (Not sure on the sub rules so I don't want to give out their name directly- but they're usually the top search result when you look for truffle dog training in the US)

However if you're looking for a cheaper alternative, first step is to get your hands on one of these truffles. Store it in your freezer and just use a little sliver at a time when training your dog. At the start, I just shove the scent infront of the dogs nose and say "Truffle" and then reward it. After that 5-10 times, move the scent a foot away, say "truffle" and reward the dog when they touch their nose to the scent. From there, just continue building up the distance from the dogs nose when you say "Truffle".

Both of my dogs, I trained them in my own house (hiding under carpets or difficult to reach places). Once they could go find 3 or 4 scents that I'd hidden in places around my house, then I took them out to the woods in areas that I thought looked promising for truffles. Think "Overgrown Christmas Tree Farm" but more specifically, Douglas Firs 10-30 years old (about 8-15 inches in diameter) and without too much understory growth.

Truffles leave behind a darkened patch of soil as they decay organic matter. The french call this "Brule Terra" meaning Burnt Earth, because it looks like someone took a torch around the base of a tree. It takes a little bit getting used to, but once you see it, you see it all over the place in Seattle. Especially if there's little craters around the base of that same tree, those craters are from squirrels and voles that have been digging up these truffles and eating them.

I've also heard that owls like to eat these squirrels and voles, so areas around an Owls nest, if you find one, are also highly likely for truffles to be present.

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2 points · 1 month ago

This is fascinating! Thanks for all the info, I'll have to start getting into one day. I have a Labrador and have plans to be back in that region soon enough.

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