
my dealer did the weirdest shit by -CosmicCreeper- in Drugs

[–]nightimelurker 2 points3 points  (0 children)

"Also, your dealers aren't your friends."

Very true. Once got robbed by trusted dealer.

Esmu karavīrs AMA by [deleted] in latvia

[–]nightimelurker 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Tikko atceros par ko man stāstīja pavāre, kas strādā NBS.

Stāstīja to, ka paliekot pāri ļoti daudz pilnīgi normāls, svaigs ēdiens kuru esot jāmet ārā. Tas ka nenormāli daudz tiek izniekota pārtika. Tiešām ļoti lielos daudzumos.

Esmu karavīrs AMA by [deleted] in latvia

[–]nightimelurker 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Cik gados iestājies? Tagad domāju ka man būtu bijis diezgan jautri, ja būtu iestājies jaunībā.

Jaunībā tāda veida disciplīna diezgan svarīga. Kad cilvēks paliek vecāks tad ir daudz reiz grūtāk sevi disciplinēt. Kā tas teiciens par suni un trikiem.

Bots are back in ranked... by Dee_Coult in RocketLeague

[–]nightimelurker 0 points1 point  (0 children)

OMG! This sucks badly! Judging from my gaming experience. I encounter these bots on regular basis. Bots 4-6 of 10 games.

I don't care you you cheat, what did you learn? by [deleted] in ChatGPT

[–]nightimelurker 0 points1 point  (0 children)

We are in ''Not fair you are cheating'' phase.

Worst thing about Cigarettes by Enraged__ in technicallythetruth

[–]nightimelurker 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This is the way.

I almost quit the same way. Planning to do it. But can't because of work. - Must be functional at work.

Worst thing about Cigarettes by Enraged__ in technicallythetruth

[–]nightimelurker 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What he meant is that. As a smoker you don't feel around you that much. But when you a smoker smell your fingers it actually smells nasty.

New discoveries by insolent_swine in trippinthroughtime

[–]nightimelurker 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Because it needs to slide, avoiding friction.

8 guys against 4 billion people by No-Cucumber6053 in WorkReform

[–]nightimelurker 0 points1 point  (0 children)

And best of all. People can't and won't unite for anything in America. Unless it's some kind of popular thing to do. Or some popular person to support. Witch means some kind of celebrity person could join politics and majority of American people would vote for them.