
Wristband Buy/Sell/exchange Thread by zss3zss3zss3 in bostoncalling

[–]Aksama 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Welp - my buyer fell through.

3-Day GA wristband available, I'm in Medford for pickup all day. Happy to meet you somewhere nearish, I'm remote.

how would something like this age by theblondestemo in TattooDesigns

[–]Aksama 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That’s wild. Every single one of those looks better than I would have expected.

Recommend a rug for this pet and kid free space by Both_Panda_6382 in malelivingspace

[–]Aksama 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I feel like a little splash of color could go a long way towards really making the room cozier. It’s your style, but I feel like nude-jute is too much understatement.

Let’s Stay In - A troubling trend of social isolation is afflicting young adults globally by DejenmeEntrar in TrueReddit

[–]Aksama 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Do Leftists want to kill spoke and strip folks of rights? I must’ve missed that.

Usually they (we) are just a little too cringe, or want to foist free healthcare and a higher minimum wage upon you. UwU sowwy mister “just asking questions”, “please engage intellectually with the alt-right fucks”.

Let’s Stay In - A troubling trend of social isolation is afflicting young adults globally by DejenmeEntrar in TrueReddit

[–]Aksama 6 points7 points  (0 children)

But what if, and stick with me here, I am utterly disinterested in intellectually engaging with alt-right Nazi fucks?

They don’t have a place in my market place of ideas. Their value is zero.

See, it’s so easy! (Lol inb4 “just convince them they’re wrong, you’re just as bad as Nazis who want a white ethnostate, et al”)

Meirl by JTEE_AT_YA in meirl

[–]Aksama 17 points18 points  (0 children)

As if the fixer-upper hasn't already seen an all-cash buyer to be flipped with minimal investment and then rented out...

Let’s Stay In - A troubling trend of social isolation is afflicting young adults globally by DejenmeEntrar in TrueReddit

[–]Aksama 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Men both benefit and are victimized from patriarchal expectations. It is a double-edged sword.

But this Benzo-Peterson kinda article is nonsense.

Would you rather lose your luggage or have an 8-hour delay? by J_o_J_o_B in recruitinghell

[–]Aksama 7 points8 points  (0 children)


Would you rather lose your luggage or have an 8-hour delay? by J_o_J_o_B in recruitinghell

[–]Aksama 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Fun fact, EF denied my (rightfully submitted) unemployment and their HR rep showed up so woefully uninformed that the judge ruled that I got UI before the end of the day. (They usually take a few days minimum)

Would you rather lose your luggage or have an 8-hour delay? by J_o_J_o_B in recruitinghell

[–]Aksama 9 points10 points  (0 children)

We are definitely talking about the later. EF: Education First is a for-profit travel business.

This is my first time ever, and I’m just really proud to say that I made this. Anyone have any critiques from what they can see? by EatMyCurls in Sourdough

[–]Aksama 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I do 500 for 20 minutes in a pre-heated Dutch oven. Follow by 450-460 for 20 minutes for the golden-brown.

CMV: People Hate Billionaires, but They Themselves Want to be Billionaires and Would Keep the Money if They Got It by LordofDarkness51 in changemyview

[–]Aksama 3 points4 points  (0 children)

One could easily argue those people, as they are even more removed from engagement with the actual labor producing a good. (Instead dealing almost exclusively with their derivatives) are even more exploitative.

Those folks don’t even brush the actual things being made they interact purely with their theoretical existence through futures/derivatives.

CMV: People Hate Billionaires, but They Themselves Want to be Billionaires and Would Keep the Money if They Got It by LordofDarkness51 in changemyview

[–]Aksama 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I would immediately accept and then get to work on not being a billionaire anymore.

Money past a certain point becomes meaningless in its impact on quality of life.

Being a billionaire is an embarassment it is evidence of a psychopathic addiction to selfishly “number go up”. At that point I would be driven to making that number go down by doing attempting to do good things.

Would you rather lose your luggage or have an 8-hour delay? by J_o_J_o_B in recruitinghell

[–]Aksama 271 points272 points  (0 children)

Bro, don't work at EF. It's fucking awful.

I assume this is for sales, right? I was there for a few years, happy to talk about it if you want to know more.

Fuck off Hults, you're in the Panama Papers.

Wristband Buy/Sell/exchange Thread by zss3zss3zss3 in bostoncalling

[–]Aksama 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hi folks, selling a 3-day GA wristband.

Let me know if you're interested.

21, and 10,000 in credit card debt by officialgothgirl in personalfinance

[–]Aksama 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Yes. Many are over 10k. Just the same as many are 8k… friend, what is the point here?

If you’re living frugal (and I’ve been there) that’s the car you shop for.

21, and 10,000 in credit card debt by officialgothgirl in personalfinance

[–]Aksama 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I totally agree. Folks go so hard on vehicles and there are tons of make/models which absolutely crank to 200-250k.

21, and 10,000 in credit card debt by officialgothgirl in personalfinance

[–]Aksama 45 points46 points  (0 children)

70-90k Honda Civics from the mid-teens go for 9-13k. These vehicles are also excellent to upkeep and have cheap parts.

And that’s literally within 100 miles of my zip code.

PSA to anyone (men in particular) who invites people over: a little trash can in the bathroom with a proper trash bag is a necessity. by phantomofthedennys in Adulting

[–]Aksama 16 points17 points  (0 children)

I… guess so. But how is it at all weird? I’m a CIS-het dude and… isn’t having tampons/pads just… the same caliber as bandaids.

Have em for the medical occurrence which comes to pass is strictly better than not having them. What’s the source of feeling weird about having those products in one’s house?

PSA to anyone (men in particular) who invites people over: a little trash can in the bathroom with a proper trash bag is a necessity. by phantomofthedennys in Adulting

[–]Aksama 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Seriously, not being petty here…

Don’t you have female friends? Literally anyone in your life who made need one? I mean… most people will occasionally have someone who ovulates in their home.

PSA to anyone (men in particular) who invites people over: a little trash can in the bathroom with a proper trash bag is a necessity. by phantomofthedennys in Adulting

[–]Aksama 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Also, if you're a dude, keep period-products on hand too.

Sooner or later it could be a huge help to a friend or loved one!