
int numbers; //don't lie version 2.0 by BeingJess in ProgrammerHumor

[–]RiceSpice1 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It’s just america tbh, no where near that much in UK for the average developer, more like £40k

Twitter user 100% convinced the next Doctor Who actor will be female by mattsmithreddit in agedlikemilk

[–]RiceSpice1 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Love how the first woman they add is the single most disliked doctor in history, even more so than the movie, not saying the new doctor was my first choice but I hope he’ll do a good job

My cousin came out as non-binary because she's too "complex, intelligent, and independent to be a woman" by [deleted] in TrueOffMyChest

[–]RiceSpice1 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well on the bright side she’ll have a higher chance of being hired as he ticks two boxes, a woman and mentally retarded!

white people try not to forget indigenous people exist challenge (impossible) by tercolt in 196

[–]RiceSpice1 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What’s this have to do with Indian Pale Ale? Or am I just an alcoholic? Xx

wtf.... by doesnt_matter_1710 in NoahGetTheBoat

[–]RiceSpice1 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Basically all women are devils and have no souls and therefore should be obscured from anyone other than their husbands or family unless they wish to be stoned to death.

Anyone who doesn’t believe in Islam should be killed for their sins.

Anyone who doesn’t believe in a “normal” life of wife makes baby, man can only sleep with woman, yk the normal bs is to be killed (so gay, trans, you name it).

Says some other shit about how woman shouldn’t be allowed to read or learn unless the world will be overrun by demons and basically become hell or some shit like that.

I’m just paraphrasing but the Quran is a fucking shitshow, had to research it as part of my degree and fuck me did it make me hate the religion more, don’t get me wrong there are many nice “Muslims” in western countries, but they have long since ditched half the shit from the Quran and basically aren’t Muslims anymore. The extremists in Islam ruled countries like Pakistan are really just true believers in that religion.

O yea I forgot they also don’t deem “non-combatants” or “civilians” to be a real thing so if they go to war with you all bets are off, that’s why 9/11, 7/7 bombings, and all the shit that happened in France and Istanbul killed basically no one other than civilians. It’s fucked.

wtf.... by doesnt_matter_1710 in NoahGetTheBoat

[–]RiceSpice1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Weird how most Muslim countries still oppress women, kill gay people, and have FUCKING STONING as a punishment for a lot of “crimes”. Don’t get me wrong the Christian’s might have fucked the world back in the day but even they toned it down to just being insufferable retards instead of murderous insufferable retards

wtf.... by doesnt_matter_1710 in NoahGetTheBoat

[–]RiceSpice1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Bruh india is super fucking developed, anyone who have ever worked in IT could tell you so (and I’m not talking about those call centre dipshits who each share a singular braincell) the issue is the religion itself, it’s outdated (like all religions) and just thrives off of peoples hate for each other and fear of a “greater being” and “what comes after”. All religions are made with some sort of agenda towards a hated group of people; excluding ancient religions which were used to explained unexplainable events.

wtf.... by doesnt_matter_1710 in NoahGetTheBoat

[–]RiceSpice1 5 points6 points  (0 children)

No happened in the U.K. guess Muslims just like killing people for the big scary man in the sky.

wtf.... by doesnt_matter_1710 in NoahGetTheBoat

[–]RiceSpice1 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Bro it’s fineeeee Muslims are a peaceful and kind people… right?

In all seriousness tho I do know kind “Muslims” but these Muslims don’t hate gay or trans people, respect women, and drink alcohol, I don’t get how they can still be a part of a religion which in their “sacred texts” says they should kill or stone these people.

Tbh tho it’s the same for most religions, Christians, Jews, Sikhs, I genuinely believe the most moral religion has to be Buddhism and even that has some bad history. Surely all these people can’t be so stupid to think “ahhhh yes my way of thinking is the right way of thinking and everyone else is wrong”

toxic fatherhood by danm1980 in NoahGetTheBoat

[–]RiceSpice1 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The M67s are very clearly fake so at least there’s that. Not too sure about the Russian nades but if he has 2 fake nades fingers crossed the other 3 are fake

How to play BFA and Other Expansion Quest lines after level 50. by RiceSpice1 in wownoob

[–]RiceSpice1[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Currently stuck trying to get to the prison in BFA (by borealis) do you know how to get there?

How to play BFA and Other Expansion Quest lines after level 50. by RiceSpice1 in wownoob

[–]RiceSpice1[S] -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Yea can’t solo half the dungeons as they are impossible for you to get to anymore… guess I’ll be making a good few alts lol

An Alabama school wrote this dad’s child up for talking about LGBT people on the bus. by [deleted] in TikTokCringe

[–]RiceSpice1 -56 points-55 points  (0 children)

Naaaaa BLM was just a massive scam not terrorism, $90 million dollars raised and no idea what it has gone towards.

Should I play WoW, WoW Classic, or BCC (New Player) by RiceSpice1 in wow

[–]RiceSpice1[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thank you so so much, by the sounds of it retail will be the best place for me to start, I really appreciate it and you’ve helped me form a positive opinion about the game and it’s playerbase, In MMOs I love to play DPS or Healer so I guess any of those options would be good for me, thanks again!

Should I play WoW, WoW Classic, or BCC (New Player) by RiceSpice1 in wow

[–]RiceSpice1[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thanks man really appreciate it, I personally love playing a dps or healer, what classes and specs are best for that? I kinda wanna play a rogue as those playstyles have always appealed to me but if they aren’t the most useful in raids or anything I’ll play someone else

Should I play WoW, WoW Classic, or BCC (New Player) by RiceSpice1 in wow

[–]RiceSpice1[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

So you think it’s worth buying it out the gate or waiting to when I get ti that point? I do plan on playing everything the game has to offer but if it doesn’t affect me until then should I just wait?

Should I play WoW, WoW Classic, or BCC (New Player) by RiceSpice1 in wow

[–]RiceSpice1[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thank you for the input! I do plan on spending a long time playing WoW as the others have started to bore me after I’ve done basically everything! Looks like Retail is the one for me

Should I play WoW, WoW Classic, or BCC (New Player) by RiceSpice1 in wow

[–]RiceSpice1[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Ahhhh fair enough, would that be the only expansion I needed to buy or are there any others?

Should I play WoW, WoW Classic, or BCC (New Player) by RiceSpice1 in wow

[–]RiceSpice1[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thanks for the tip! I’ll be sure to choose that zone if I choose WoW