
WOW. . I'm sure I'm behind, but how does my new phone know when I lightly brush up against it with a finger. My ID, my fingerprints, email etc ... this phone knows everything about me when I have always clicked NO.. by 23eulogy23 in conspiracy

[–]TheDukeofKook [score hidden]  (0 children)

You are saying no to them selling the data attached with your personal info. Google still collects all data from all sensors on your phone and stores it in their system. GPS off? Well not really, you haven't been able to turn that off since the early 2000s iirc. Microphone always on, even if you don't turn on voice assistance.

Then they use that "anonymous" data to serve you ads and suggest searches for you. A fun test is to set your phone down next to a Spanish radio or TV station for an hour or two, and then see how long it takes for the ads on your phone to stop being in Spanish.

In general though, it isn't REALLY saving your fingerprints, it's just logging specific points and the distance between these points. It wouldn't be able to give someone the info to clone your fingerprint and use on another device like a safe or something. I would be more concerned about the location, voice, and camera data that's being collected by google and government collection bots.

TLDR: you're opting out of the above board sharing of your info, not the collection.

Title 11/300 by Bannable_Lecter in PoliticalCompassMemes

[–]TheDukeofKook -6 points-5 points  (0 children)

Laugh at the joke or change your flair to lib-left. Making fun of Russia for legalizing domestic violence so their commie-block loving troll women can abuse their dick-gobbling, draft dodging men is fucking hilarious.

Forcing someone to keep living with unbearable pain that still isn't improving after 6 years of treatment is unethical by DeerInTheHerbGarden in PoliticalCompassMemes

[–]TheDukeofKook 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Oh so it wasn't a DOCTOR who helped her, it was a charity? That makes things so much better, I feel so relieved a whole organization who's goal it is to help people kill themselves was able to step in. This woman wasn't dying, she was mentally unwell. Did she have AIDS? Was she so sick from Cancer that she couldn't eat or drink? Because that's what "Dignity in death" used to mean.

Being told about that as a option would not make someone more likely to kill themselves.

Canada's 6th leading cause of death would beg to differ.

So essentially a medicated, suicidal woman who was so mentally unstable she tried killing herself multiple times was deemed of able mind to consent to letting someone do it for her? By a group who's mission is to help people achieve this goal?

If someone did this to a mentally challenged individual it would be considered murder. She was not in sound mind to make the decision herself.

Title 11/300 by Bannable_Lecter in PoliticalCompassMemes

[–]TheDukeofKook -9 points-8 points  (0 children)

The babushkas who can get away with cutting their good-for-nothing sons and husbands:

Hey Putin did something I like for once! (They are holdout commies from the before times)

Edit: Jesus Christ you'd think a meme subreddit would be able to take a joke, so much butthurt I thought I was in a monkey pox vaccination line.

I saw those concept pictures of the tesla vehicles on mars and it occured to me... by TheRealRatBastard in conspiracy

[–]TheDukeofKook 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Average Mars surface temperature: -81 degrees F (-200f low)

Average Tesla Battery: Loses 40% range in 32 Degrees F

Will need different tech that can handle the cold. Our best cold resistant rechargeable batteries only handle -70f (Sodium Ion)

Title 11/300 by Bannable_Lecter in PoliticalCompassMemes

[–]TheDukeofKook -12 points-11 points  (0 children)

Ukraine destroys bridges in war : "Yes fight harder, Daddy"

Russia destroys bridges in war : "OMG literally Hitler"

I know I'm straw manning your argument lol, but I just hate love propaganda that tells me to feel something. It's common for militaries to hide out in schools and hospitals (Civilian infrastructure) so when they get hit they can claim civilian death, those evil (insert enemy here). Classic ISIS/Taliban shit, I guess it makes sense, the US trained all these groups lol

Edit: Acting like there are sides to be picked in a Sl*v war is like wondering which pig smells the least of shit.

Forcing someone to keep living with unbearable pain that still isn't improving after 6 years of treatment is unethical by DeerInTheHerbGarden in PoliticalCompassMemes

[–]TheDukeofKook 46 points47 points  (0 children)

"Tried everything"... The psychiatrist told her they had tried everything.

Psychotropic drugs don't really work, going to a pharma shill (psychiatrists are known for being in bed with drug manufacturers) for help is only going to get you drugged up.

Someone in that mental state doesn't really have the clarity to make those kinds of decisions, and it's super easy to manipulate someone in that state to agree to suicide, people get charged with murder for encouraging such behavior if you aren't a doctor.

Edit: if a kid in school is depressed from 7th grade to 12th grade and is still depressed when they turn 18 after counseling and medication, should the doctors tell them to kill themselves? 6 years of suffering is nothing. People fight cancer for a decade, I've interviewed purple heart veterans who got half their bodies blown off and went through years of surgeries and decades of therapy and doctors visits.

Suicide is only the option if you come up with it yourself. Being told "suicide is an option, and you don't even need the responsibility of doing it yourself, we do it for you" is coercion of a vulnerable individual. There are other options.

spunchboob by Tospsy in PoliticalCompassMemes

[–]TheDukeofKook 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Idk if you've ever heard of the show "Caillou" but there were a bunch of groups doing research on the negative effect of that show on the development of toddlers. Exposure to certain media at young ages does have an effect on how kids act and develop, the books you read them, the stories you tell them, the TV they watch all has an effect on their development.

When my sister started watching the show she started literally parroting lines from the show as part of her identity (5 or 6 at the time. iirc). You can't say she would have developed this way if she wasn't exposed to it. Not even saying it was that bad just something I observed.

spunchboob by Tospsy in PoliticalCompassMemes

[–]TheDukeofKook -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

Nah she wasn't actually ADHD but she acted like SpongeBob and this was when they started over medicating kids.

True or nah? by The-LSD-Sheet-Guy in NonPoliticalTwitter

[–]TheDukeofKook 11 points12 points  (0 children)

It's a blessing and a curse. If you're pretty you end up having a harder time making real friends, and those who are jealous will let you know. You can find real friends but most people are tagalongs for looks and clout.

At a certain point it's almost impossible to have regular opposite sex friends or acquaintances who aren't interested in sex. Hell, it's hard to have same sex friends for the same reason. It makes you question the motives of everyone interacting with you, and you can feel very isolated and objectified. It's more prevalent for women obviously but it totally affects men.

The big issue is that usually pretty people are looked at as pretty and that's where it stops. Hobbies? Interests? None of that matters if you're smoking hot. "Depressed? You're too pretty for that, you get so many compliments! If I got that many blah blah blah"

It's like getting special treatment because you're disabled, it doesn't actually make you feel better because people don't care about you, they care about features out of your control.

Scource: my wife

spunchboob by Tospsy in PoliticalCompassMemes

[–]TheDukeofKook 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Fuck Nickelodeon for pissing on Stephen Hillenburg's grave by going against his wishes and creating spinoff shows.

But also Spongebob shouldn't be shown to kids anyway, I saw the direct effects it had on my young sibling after we got cable as kids, and it essentially made the school think she was ADHD and they started medicating her. (Under 10)

News Flash: Biden announces cannabis reform plan by therustycarr in MDEnts

[–]TheDukeofKook 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Are they going to roll this out before or after they repay the student loans?

Pardon my skepticism, but promises made by a politician in October during an election year hold as much water as colander.

Exclusive: Boston Dynamics pledges not to weaponize its robots by Gari_305 in Futurology

[–]TheDukeofKook 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I also remember when they were trying to tell us that terrorists were buying PS2s and using them for missile guidance systems.

Read the whole thing by AusDerInsel in PoliticalCompassMemes

[–]TheDukeofKook -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

I think about all the religious nutjobs there were 20 years ago and realize they are still around, they just switched from being crazy about the bible to being crazy about government funded propaganda.

There are so many people that need to be told what to do to function in general, if they don't find the church they will find someone else to tell them how to act.

Monke by Sweaty_Lake7128 in PoliticalCompassMemes

[–]TheDukeofKook 14 points15 points  (0 children)

If it helped us 10k years ago, it can help us today lol

Also Ron DeSantis looked really cute in his uniform. by [deleted] in PoliticalCompassMemes

[–]TheDukeofKook 32 points33 points  (0 children)

"I don't come to your job and knock the sailors cocks out of your mouth!"

The classic response to anyone telling you how to do your job.

love my new piece! have no idea how to clean it. (feat. ted and schlatt) by highestofcharities in trees

[–]TheDukeofKook 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I would put the piece in a zip lock bag and soak it/shake it in Isopropyl until clean.

Looks pretty neat and I dig the unobtrusive shape.

Public Transport Benefits by Flashycope in pics

[–]TheDukeofKook 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Neighborhood on top of one mountain. School at the top of the other mountain. You have to go up hill regardless of which place you're going.

he is a human by Hi_I_Love_Memes in memes

[–]TheDukeofKook 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Looks like a generic steamer...

Place your bets on how long before he has blue hair like the other streamers lol

Nuts and bolts... by MemberShadow in Unexpected

[–]TheDukeofKook 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That's honestly still pretty confusing when you know about those two shows but not that they do crossovers lol

Public Transport Benefits by Flashycope in pics

[–]TheDukeofKook 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yeah, highway and 100+ year old car-only bridge between me and the school. Basically illegal to walk. There was about a mile of steep up hill coming and going so if bikes weren't banned on the road (2 lane, high speed, not safe for bikes) it would still be pretty impossible for all but the most fit hobbyists (Who you do see a few times a year)