
obese is a slur and fat people are starvation victims by quirklessness in fatlogic

[–]embiors [score hidden]  (0 children)

"Body positivity has been ruined" says the people who hijacked a movement meant for amputees and burn victims. How can you say this without a hint of self awareness.

TIFU I didn’t believe in postcoital sensitivity by YourInfidelityInMe in tifu

[–]embiors 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You committed SA on this guy. He gave you a clear boundary abd you decided, against his will and knowledge, that you knew better and crossed that boundary because you thought you knew better. This is the mindset of an abuser.

You pay him back for the shit you broke and then you better be prepared that he doesn't wanna fuck you anymore.

AITA for not punishing my son after he tossed my SO’s bearded dragon? by Prudent-Tackle-7431 in TwoHotTakes

[–]embiors 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Your son is an animal abuser and you're not gonna do anything about it? Way to fail as a parent.

The most legitimate survivors of the franchise by 42CrowsInATrenchCoat in saw

[–]embiors 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I meant the woman from Saw IV, whose husband was an abusive teacher. But yeah, the lawnmower woman is also a good example.

They need to make parking spots bigger by Nawozane in ShitAmericansSay

[–]embiors 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Then park at the end of the row or wait for whoever is parked next to you to move their car. You decided to get a big stupid truck, that you probably didn't even need, so now you gotta deal with the consequences.

AITA calling brother and wife worthles by WhydoIexistlmoa in AmITheDevil

[–]embiors 4 points5 points  (0 children)

They've lived a lifestyle they couldn't sustain and now they're out of money. That wouldn't always be a problem but when they're asking for money like this you gotta know it won't be the last time they ask. In 3 months it's gonna be 50k instead because of the dumb decisions they've made.

I wouldn't give them any money if I was in OOPs shoes and I don't think he's the devil for saying no. He should've handled the situation better but that's on him. OOP was definitely hoping to see his brother fail so he could be smug about it though.

Hey mods, BG3 spoilers are still spoilers, yeah? by iGlutton in DivinityOriginalSin

[–]embiors 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Okay, fine.

Bur there is still a BG3 sub with 400k+ members so I don't see why it would get posted over here.

Hey mods, BG3 spoilers are still spoilers, yeah? by iGlutton in DivinityOriginalSin

[–]embiors 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Why is it even here though? This is the Divinity sub and not BG3.

Sinfest author Tatsuya Ishida seems to think trans people get special treatment. by Atlach_Nacha in Persecutionfetish

[–]embiors 0 points1 point  (0 children)

But... when they did an actual school shooter drill (I can't believe that has to be a real thing) the only kid left outside by the teachers was a trans student.

So as always the conservatives are lying and painting themselves as victims of the treatment they subject others to.

Who is someone who did not deserve to be tested? by FawnTi in saw

[–]embiors 21 points22 points  (0 children)

The tests with pawns always annoyed me tbh. John said "everyone deserves a chance" to Hoffman but he didn't give a chance to the majority of victims. He's no better than Amanda or Hoffman with his first trap eventhough he likes to claim he is.

The most legitimate survivors of the franchise by 42CrowsInATrenchCoat in saw

[–]embiors 9 points10 points  (0 children)

There was the abused wife in Saw IV. I think she made a cameo in Bobby Dagans support group. But other than that, you're absolutely right. I have never thought about this before, but you're completely right.

The Hoffman Paradox by GeneralP123 in saw

[–]embiors 2 points3 points  (0 children)

There was zero hesitation. He just dove for that Saw without another thought.

Was there ever any hints or producer reveals about what Jeff’s 2nd game would have been to save his daughter? by Engage_Physically in saw

[–]embiors 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think it's because they don't think about for more than a minute. The morals are presented by John, Amanda, Hoffman thoughout the series so we see it mostly from their pov.

Was there ever any hints or producer reveals about what Jeff’s 2nd game would have been to save his daughter? by Engage_Physically in saw

[–]embiors 0 points1 point  (0 children)

So if the lover had forgiven Jeff Corbett wouldn't have been let go? That seems fucked but I imagine John would have other tests for them that depended on coorporation to find her. Harming children would go against his code.

A One Piece fan that also enjoyed Naruto checked out Boruto and enjoyed it. What did some of fellow fans have to say to her after doing this? Oh nothing but threats, normal behavior. by throwawaytempest25 in justneckbeardthings

[–]embiors 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It's because they have no life outside of this show. I've known someone who ended up similar to this. He never did anything but watch and draw anime. He had no real personality.

Who was the biggest idiot? by nina12224 in saw

[–]embiors 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The Fatal Five is one of my favorite traps. It's insane to think about how none of them thought of it but that just proves that John was right in picking them.

The timer for the room didn't even start before they closed the door so they could've talked about the room, rather than one another, before the game even started.

“This is a death sentence for me” sobs, Republican woman who voted for DeSantis stripping away her permanent alimony by thisoneismineallmine in LeopardsAteMyFace

[–]embiors 97 points98 points  (0 children)

That's insane that she could live off of your dad for 20+ years after they divorced. It's downright pathetic of her and the legal system.

If you can prove you need it, and your ex can afford it, I'd be okay with having a grace period of about 2 years at most but after that you gotta do your own thing imo.

Puts cramps in quotes 😡 by kindlefan12 in AmITheDevil

[–]embiors 3 points4 points  (0 children)

"A docto who's a friend of mine"

And will relay all the information my daughter gives him back to me. Let's not forget that part. It's just control and it's gross.

Would John have saved Adam, if Adam told him quickly that he couldn’t find the key in the tub in the last scene of Saw? by Melodic-Property4655 in saw

[–]embiors -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

No? Where the fuck do I say that?

I'm saying Gordon didn't open the door but that doesn't mean it was locked and impossible to open from the inside.

I'm also saying Adam's test was to leave the room and he failed at it. He didn't pass his test. Where's this idea that Adam just had to live until 6 PM coming from because that's what other people are saying. Adam had to escape but he didn't.

Would John have saved Adam, if Adam told him quickly that he couldn’t find the key in the tub in the last scene of Saw? by Melodic-Property4655 in saw

[–]embiors 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm not saying John is right about anything. I'm saying Adam was supposed to free himself and leave. He didn't do that. Adam didn't even have a timelimit stated to him. He didn't pass his test. Amanda spoiled it for him, sure, but he had other ways of escape and he threw them away.

Would John have saved Adam, if Adam told him quickly that he couldn’t find the key in the tub in the last scene of Saw? by Melodic-Property4655 in saw

[–]embiors -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

He tried to slide the door the wrong way? He was pushing it when he should've been pulling. Either way, Adam didn't escape, so he didn't pass. He lost and just sat there, waiting for a rescue that wouldnt come, until Amanda came and killed him.

Would John have saved Adam, if Adam told him quickly that he couldn’t find the key in the tub in the last scene of Saw? by Melodic-Property4655 in saw

[–]embiors 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I think it was unlocked. Everyone who we've seen enter that room has simply gone inside. The only reason Gordon couldn't open it from where he was chained was because he was sliding it the wrong way.

I don't get why people are so fixated on Adam. He had a relatively easy trap compared to others and he did nothing right. He had the tape, he had the saw, he had the key and he threw EVERYTHING away or wasted it. He didn't fight for his life the way Kohn wanted him to and just stayed in the bathroom waiting for Gordon, who was bleeding out, to come back with someone. He didn't have the survival instinct that John wanted to see.

Would John have saved Adam, if Adam told him quickly that he couldn’t find the key in the tub in the last scene of Saw? by Melodic-Property4655 in saw

[–]embiors 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Adam was told to make it out of the room. In the grand scheme of things Adam had the easiest game in the series. He simply had to get out and he had no real time limit. The door was never locked and if he had gotten out of his chain he could've left.