
Economically illiterate screeching intensifies. by [deleted] in Anarcho_Capitalism

[–]LibRightEcon 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Unsound money is the problem and for that we should have hanged Nixon

Nixon? Late in the game. You have to go back to Abraham Lincoln for inventing the greenback, and Woodrow Wilson for giving the power over the greenback to a shady bunch of european bankers.

The "Biden policy" causing the inflation is a Trump policy.

The joke OP is making is a good counter to the "corporate greed" NPC talking point.

It doesnt attempt to provide an answer or to exonerate trump, but it sure does trigger leftis.

Economically illiterate screeching intensifies. by [deleted] in Anarcho_Capitalism

[–]LibRightEcon 15 points16 points  (0 children)

You know they keep printing because they destroy old bills right?

You realize printing has nothing to do with paper right? Hasnt had much to do with paper bills since mainframes and computers took over banking in the 70's.

Zoomer Compass by MyoesiMcuks in PoliticalCompassMemes

[–]LibRightEcon 27 points28 points  (0 children)

This really just has 2 greta endings.

His ar-15, now rusted

lack of basic gun knowledge

he recounts the mass amount of pollution and extinction unfettered capitalism has brought to the planet

pretending global warming is real or capitalism is bad.

If you want to make a kyle ending, you've got to know you audience.

Russian plane is bombing Zhytomyr city. by valeron_b in CombatFootage

[–]LibRightEcon 9 points10 points  (0 children)

That plane was high and fast, i dont think he could have gotten it with a man portable missile. Stingers are good vs planes trying to land or flying low for close air support. Against bombing runs, they cant help.

Defusing an unexploded Russian FAB-500 unguided bomb. by Aceeed in CombatFootage

[–]LibRightEcon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Right? I'd just get far away and plink at it with a rifle till it cooked off. No way I'd even stand near it.

The US is socialist. by RandomPlayerCSGO in Anarcho_Capitalism

[–]LibRightEcon -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

I wouldn't call it fascism because I think that refers to a system with one leader. Democracy isn't that different from fascism tho.

I find it funny that people consider those different.

Fascism is communism is socialism. Its all the same.

Drone footage of a Russian AFV getting hit by an Ukrainian anti-tank missile (reportedly a Javelin). by Aceeed in CombatFootage

[–]LibRightEcon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If the pointman gets shot in the neck and falls, the second guy shoves him out the doorway and steps on/over him so that he can engage and get out of the doorway for the third man to enter.

I was thinking of things like ieds on a tripwire, claymores on a IR detector, etc. I suppose hostage takers are seldom that prepared. Just thinking of doing a room clear gives me shivers.

I think the problem drones face is that signal to the drones can be jammed or stopped. We have to wait until AI is developed that can make decisions while completely cut off from communications.

We are there. First, even jamming drone comms is hard. with DSSS you can make probability of detection very very low in the first place, and jamming nearly impossible. And thats not even considering direct line of sight laser links and other backup comms that can get through EMP level jamming with ease. Simple civlian drones and the turkish stuff should be easier... I have no idea why russia isnt shutting them down with jamming already.

Second, its pretty easy to fly a drone mission with no remote control now. so long as you are confident in your IFF or else you tell the drone that everything in a given area is fair game... and it can fly a sortie and blow something up without remote control at all. Things that are active on radio are very easy to find. I dont know if the TB'2s can realistically pick out a passive tank on the ground with nothing but onboard optics and ML, but its definitely within reach of american tech. The drone is going to make mistakes and sometimes blow up the wrong thing, but it doesnt fundamentally change the battle unless you start droning friendlies too often.

Drone footage of a Russian AFV getting hit by an Ukrainian anti-tank missile (reportedly a Javelin). by Aceeed in CombatFootage

[–]LibRightEcon 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The first video is degraded into a music video... too bad there was no clear footage there. The second one is better, but it reveals some major flaws in their drills. The HRT team would be extremely vulnerable from many angles, and manually or automatically activated IEDs/mines would extract a horrible toll on those stacks. CQB is a thankless task. But thanks for the links, good stuff.

on like the capabilities of the F22.

I'm convinced it is obsolete based on price alone, especially you count the pilot cost.

The expensive emphasis on survivability and stealth all goes away if you ditch the pilot.

A drone using the same weapons and engine, minus all the life support and control surfaces, and minus anything expensive like stealth coating means you could flood the sky with 30-40 equivalent drone fighters just as deadly - more than the f22 could shoot down even if they let it. A forgone conclusion in air superiority. Heck, you could flood the sky with even cheaper AA missile drones with long loitering capability. There is no way to game it so the f22 is viable.

and we arent even talking about advanced options for drone: like using a gun to shoot down incoming missiles. Not an option for conventional jets, but a basic software upgrades for drones could have them shredding incoming missiles.

The reason for keeping f22 data close is to hide the fact that it is a boondoggle.

I believe that with APS, the MBT will still be an effective force multiplier for the US on the modern battlefield.

What about the economics? Basic solid shell artillery with quadcopter spotters would mince right through MBTs in a way that makes trophy pointless. Same thing with CAS drones. One could drop a napalm bomb on a tank from a drone which bypasses aps - and even if it doesnt kill it, it will cook the APS sensors and blind it for follow up. You could have UAV's doing jamming or HPEM to cover a javelin strike.

All of these attacks are pennies on the dollar vs the cost of the tank.

Drone footage of a Russian AFV getting hit by an Ukrainian anti-tank missile (reportedly a Javelin). by Aceeed in CombatFootage

[–]LibRightEcon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hopefully US mil has a better plan than Russia.

The best tool to fight enemy drones is your drone.

I sometimes wonder why we dont hear more about air superiority drones... i guess 2nd and 3rd world militaries havent yet realized that their conventional land forces are nothing but drone food, so we are still in the early days where unsupported CAS drones can rule the skies.

It almost makes you think a flock of ww1 biplanes would do russia better than all their BUK's and Pantsir's. I suppose they would except for the cost of dead pilots...

Drone footage of a Russian AFV getting hit by an Ukrainian anti-tank missile (reportedly a Javelin). by Aceeed in CombatFootage

[–]LibRightEcon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

At least with Russia, they will not be able to control the airspace and drones will have a very limited effectiveness.

It seems like the ukrainian tb2 drones are able to operate with near impunity despite russia's air superiority. They are even hunting BUK's, which are supposed to be anti-air.

As far as I know, only the pantsir has been able to hit back, but it seems like a fair fight at best.

It looks like the basic technique exploited by the TB2 is maneuver: they stay outside the maximum range of pantsirs and buks until those units shut down their radar to move, they they sidle right in and strike them. The long loiter time of 27 hours, and the easy ability to choose the fight makes it rather one sided.

Unless the russians come up with an improved pantsir that can move while being active, or start to field their own drones, or take more complete air superiority, it seems like they have no way to deal with the cheap turkish drones.

Drone footage of a Russian AFV getting hit by an Ukrainian anti-tank missile (reportedly a Javelin). by Aceeed in CombatFootage

[–]LibRightEcon 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You want a video of the trophy system stopping a top attack munition? Do you also want a video on how USSF conducts sensitive site exploitation and how SF triangulates cell signals and videos of the latest and greatest free flow CQB techniques from SFAUC (Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat course) along with that?

Yes please. I already know how to triangulate a cell signal. I'm not a huge fan of CQB though, but fun to watch it anyway. anti-drone tech is more interesting - lots of tech moving around like FEM's doing HPEM, infrared lasers, ECM, gps spoofing etc. Its really hard to find up to date information on that.

They claim they can do it. That’s all you’re getting most likely. It’s one of the most advanced pieces of military tech so I’m sure they’re hesitant to release video of it doing so.

Sure, but until we see some evidence, i prefer to take all such claims with a grain of salt.

Stopping a fast diving missile require a defense to work at an amazing level of perfection. I certainly hope it works as well as this guy claims... certainly does not seem to be doing so for putin's tanks. But even if it does, I would not want to be in a tank.

Trying to reduce that effectiveness is important because APS systems are improving leaps and bounds and developing new capabilities every few years.

Sure... but drones are kindof unfair in this matchup. The tank cant do anything to them at all, while they dont even have a person in jeopardy. They can play games trying to directly attack the tank, or as ukrainians have show us, by blowing up its supply chain.

Its to the point where one would question the utility of main battle tanks. Once upon a time the great naval dreadnoughts were the kings of the sea... right until they werent. A main battle tank is very much like a land dreadnought. And if history can teach us anything, their heyday is likely gone.

Ukranian T-64BV that was previously captured and used by DPR separatist forces and now re-captured by Ukranian forces by Lt_Kolobanov in CombatFootage

[–]LibRightEcon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I would be nervous to stand in front of a fall of high explosives like that.

One thing about reactive armor is that it sucks for supporting infantry.

Drone footage of a Russian AFV getting hit by an Ukrainian anti-tank missile (reportedly a Javelin). by Aceeed in CombatFootage

[–]LibRightEcon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don’t think it’s entirely realistic to think people are going to be constantly trying to shoot out the electronic components. That’s just speculation on my part though.

if there was a second superpower, i would expect they would be using CAS drones instead of infantry to harass an abrams.

Drone footage of a Russian AFV getting hit by an Ukrainian anti-tank missile (reportedly a Javelin). by Aceeed in CombatFootage

[–]LibRightEcon 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Important to remember that APS are the single piece of technology that is evolving the most in tanks. Every year, new capabilities are being invented.

He claims Trophy, Arena, and GL5 are able to stop top-attack munitions, but as far as I know there is no demonstrable evidence of that. If you have a link or video showing that happening i would be interested. I would expect that if Arena was able to stop top attack, some T-80s should be stomping around ukraine with impunity right about now. It seems russia has either extremely limited number of the system, or is refusing to deploy them.

Your link also gives copious examples of how to overwhelm or bypass Trophy and other APS as well. I dont think the big picture is going to be changed by APS.

Drone footage of a Russian AFV getting hit by an Ukrainian anti-tank missile (reportedly a Javelin). by Aceeed in CombatFootage

[–]LibRightEcon 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Active protection systems like the trophy system will bring tanks back into the meta.

While they have had some success vs direct fire atgm's, they dont have much proven success vs top attack missiles like javelin, despite claims that it can do it. Relatively simple decoys and flares make trophy obsolete, even if it ever became common, which it is not.

Nothing is going to make an expensive main battle tank viable again. Their original role of being mobile light artillery which was immune to machine gun fire is pretty much obsoleted by drones and anti-tank missiles, and of course they cannot stand up to CAS.

'This Is Evil': McConnell Blocking Extension of Free School Lunch Waivers by shelltops in politics

[–]LibRightEcon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

then who will be footing the bill for education?

The same people who are footing in now, but at about 1/3rd the cost and with well over double the quality: parents.

You dont think the government "pays" for anything, like in reality do you? All the government does is take money from the poor and give it to the rich.

I think schools and education at least should be exempted from the system of privilege and theft. We cant afford to have such perversions in something as important as school.

'This Is Evil': McConnell Blocking Extension of Free School Lunch Waivers by shelltops in politics

[–]LibRightEcon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Why would you close the schools that work in favor of the ones that produce corruption, graft, and damage student outcomes?

thats communist thinking.

'This Is Evil': McConnell Blocking Extension of Free School Lunch Waivers by shelltops in politics

[–]LibRightEcon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What... What do you think a public school is, if not exactly this?

Government run indoctrination camps. They should be abolished, and return schooling the the public market with no government involvement.

'This Is Evil': McConnell Blocking Extension of Free School Lunch Waivers by shelltops in politics

[–]LibRightEcon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well to start, private schools on average have higher performing students and cost about 1/3rd of public school. So they are objectively better.

Without other government interference in the market for education, they would probably get even better.

A Russian tank and BTR hit by Ukrainian 'Stugna-P' ATGM. by Aceeed in CombatFootage

[–]LibRightEcon -9 points-8 points  (0 children)

Tanks are obsolete, sorry if that causes you butthurt. They simply dont have a place on the modern battlefield.

Trophy systems and other APS are easily defeated, and not going to secure the value of million dollar battle tanks. You can easily combine spotter drones with primitive artillery or bombs to outmatch tanks.

video game language and terminology

Ironically, its video game technology that is what made tanks obsolete. Maybe you should learn it.

A Russian tank and BTR hit by Ukrainian 'Stugna-P' ATGM. by Aceeed in CombatFootage

[–]LibRightEcon -6 points-5 points  (0 children)

Reactive armor is in fact an APS. Trophy systems are also an APS, and they generally have trouble with top attack profiles like javelin, and may also be defeated by a tandem warhead depending on the encounter range. Tandem warheads were created to deal with reactive armor in specific, but I would not want to be in a tank with a trophy system being shot at with javelins.

A Russian tank and BTR hit by Ukrainian 'Stugna-P' ATGM. by Aceeed in CombatFootage

[–]LibRightEcon -12 points-11 points  (0 children)

Active wouldnt help, all the warhead fires are tandem, meaning they explode twice - the first charge is to push away any active armor, the second to kill the tank.

The truth seems to be that armor is for the most part obsolete, and that drones, sentry guns, and missiles are the new meta.