Make it live, make it lively: How Periscope powers brands

Camilla Dudley

By Camilla Dudley

April 03, 2018

In a world bombarded with brand names, products, and advertisements, today’s customers crave authenticity. In fact, 91% of consumers want the brands they follow to be authentic in their posts. What’s more, 63% of global consumers would buy from a company they consider to be authentic.

Using Periscope, you can give your brand an authentic edge. With live videos of the people and products that build your brand, you can build real connections with customers as they view your brand as more than a transaction, but as people and values they trust.

Here are a few ideas on how your brand can use Periscope:

Take customers behind the scenes

Give live-viewers a backstage pass into your business. Give a tour of your office building with 360-degree camera angles. Offer a meet-and-greet with your chief officers that shows the human side to their business mind. Or create a Q&A session with your product specialists where customers submit questions as real-time comments. When creating these types of videos, it’s important to have a plan, but be careful not to over produce. Try to keep the content as real and raw as possible. Your interaction will be more genuine, and you’ll be able to connect with customers on a more emotional level.

Share industry news

Show customers you’re aware of the world around you. If there is something interesting happening in your industry, talk about it with your customers. Or bring in a powerful thought leader to interview them. Plus, since Periscope plays in real time, you can share industry news immediately — even before other brands have a chance to write about it.

Post tutorial videos

When you show your customers how to use the products they’ve already invested in, it shows you're still invested in them—even after they’ve purchased. With these types of videos, you’ll want to have your tutorial fairly scripted out, to guarantee your content is engaging, easy to understand, and actually addresses real questions your customers may have. Make sure to upload your video later on, so viewers can watch it again for reference.

Respond to comments

Periscope allows you to read your viewers comments in real time. To keep customers engaged, respond to their comments during the video. This will show that you care about their thoughts and feedback. It can also keep customers watching your video for longer periods of time.

Follow loyal customers and influencers

Use Periscope to expand your community of followers and influencers. As a business, you can follow, watch, and comment on others’ live videos—whether it’s customers, major influencers, or other businesses in your industry.

And because you can go live with Periscope directly from Twitter, it’s now easier than ever to make authentic, real-time connections with consumers and influencers alike. Remembers to keep your videos engaging, lively, and helpful to get the most participation from your viewers.

Looking for events people are talking about on Twitter to create content around? Download our Twitter marketing calendar.

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