Introducing Twitter Promote Mode

Wook Chung

By Wook Chung

November 08, 2017

Today, we’re excited to launch a public beta version of Promote Mode, Twitter’s first subscription ads product.

We know that budding businesses and individuals with personal brands want to grow their presence on Twitter, but this can be hard — especially for those who are new to Twitter. Promote Mode fills a need for simplicity and continuous results that many people on Twitter have been seeking.

How it works

Promote Mode is an always-on, amplification engine. It automatically promotes your Tweets and profile, steadily attracting more followers and additional reach for a flat fee of $99 per month. There’s no ad campaign management necessary. People using Promote Mode just Tweet as they normally do — publishing updates about their business, brand, or content that will interest their target audience.

The Promote Mode dashboard

Promote Mode is mobile-first. It can be accessed on the mobile Twitter app by sliding open the menu drawer and tapping the “Promote Mode” icon. From there, you’ll see a dashboard with the metrics you care about the most: how many additional people your Tweets reached, how many followers you’ve gained, and how many people have visited your profile that month. Performance will vary based on factors including account type, your targeting selection, and the type and frequency of your Tweets.

In our three month pilot program, @RIMtailing gained over 30 new followers and reached over 30,000 additional people each month.

“My follower count has grown notably. And I don't have to worry about setting up campaigns anymore. I just focus on my Tweets.”

—Bruce D. Sanders, PhD, Consumer Psychologist , @RIMtailing

Your Promoted reach is displayed alongside your organic activity, so that you can see the difference Promote Mode’s automation is making.

“This is the solution to advertising on Twitter that we’ve been looking for. The results are worthwhile and we’ve enabled Promote Mode for all of our automotive brands.”

—Amy Hill, Digital Engagement Manager, @FowlerAuto

Small businesses and individuals using Promote Mode can expect to gain followers and reach a broader audience each month, as long as they are actively Tweeting. The most successful people will keep Promote Mode toggled on while they focus on creating their best Tweets. But if they need to take a break, they can toggle Promote Mode off and pause all promotions. This doesn’t pause their subscription or billing.


Promote Mode is available in public beta today in the United States and United Kingdom and the dashboard is accessible in the Twitter mobile app. It will also be rolled out to Japan in the near future. For people who use Twitter through social CRM tools, this functionality is available through Sprout Social, a Twitter Official Partner.

“A cornerstone of Sprout and Twitter’s partnership is our joint desire to develop social tools that help brands become better marketers and create stronger relationships with their customers. Brands worldwide will use these tools to increase their reach on Twitter, find and engage in meaningful conversations, and prove the business value of their efforts.”

—Justyn Howard, CEO and Cofounder, @SproutSocial

Promote Mode helps you reach new followers and a larger audience without the extra effort of running campaigns. You can sign up for Promote Mode here.

Have more questions? Check out our FAQ page.


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