6 ways marketers can use Twitter Polls

 Lilach Bullock

By Lilach Bullock

February 07, 2018

Twitter Polls are native polls designed to collect feedback and give people the chance to weigh in on questions. With one click people are able to provide an answer and see the results instantly. 

Here are six ways your brand can incorporate Twitter Polls into your social strategy:

Guide your content decisions

Sometimes the best way to guide the creation of your content is simply to ask your followers.

@TheMuse took to Twitter Polls to ask their audience what would improve their work day. Not only was the poll engaging, the results could then be used to inform future content.

Establish thought leadership

In every industry, there are daily conversations surrounding trending topics. Creating a poll about leading industry topics can help establish your brand as a thought leader.

Pro Tip: When someone votes in a poll, their participation isn't shown to others — neither the poll creator nor other participants can see who has voted or how they voted. 

When Google rolled out an algorithm update, @randfish, founder of @Moz, took the opportunity to ask his followers if they had noticed any impact on their site rankings.

Involve your followers in brand decisions

Nothing builds brand loyalty like listening to your audience’s opinions. In fact, 65% of people say they feel a stronger brand connection when companies show they care about them.  

So, when it comes to brand decisions like a logo change, or what product updates they'd like to see, why not involve your followers and ask for their opinion?

Promote products or services

Ultimately, the main objective of brands engaging in social media is to promote their products or services. Twitter Polls can do just that in an engaging and interactive way.

@DennysDiner uses this humorous poll to subtly promote their chicken strips and simultaneously give readers a good laugh.

Include hashtags  

Expand your reach and discoverability by including either branded hashtags or relevant trending hashtags.

@evernote created this poll geared towards their loyal customers by using the hashtag #EvernoteCommunity

Set the appropriate end date

You can set your Twitter Poll to end between five minutes and seven days after it has been posted, depending on how long you would like it to run for.  Make sure your end date matches the content of the poll. For example, if you’re creating a poll about a recent event, make sure the end date isn’t after the topic has stopped being relevant.  

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