How to align Twitter content to your marketing objectives

Liz Alton

By Liz Alton

September 13, 2017

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Twitter content that aligns with your marketing goals helps you connect with the right audience at the right time. It starts with having a Twitter content strategy in place that breaks down your content by business objectives. Where are your buyers in the funnel — and what information are they looking for?

Whether you’re helping customers discover your brand or consider who to buy from, driving a purchase or nurturing a relationship, Twitter can deliver the insights needed at any stage of the buyer’s journey. Here’s a closer look at how to create Twitter content that resonates with buyers from the first moment they encounter your brand until they’re long-term fans and customers.

Build brand or product awareness

Twitter can help you raise awareness of your brand, product, or service. From tapping into the buzz around an event to creating content that speaks to your target segments when they’re searching for their interests, here are some ideas for early-stage Tweets.

Identify your customer segments. The right Tweets can help you connect with any audience, from dads to fitness buffs, to animal lovers to Marvel comic book fans.

@speckproducts speaks directly to Samsung phone users in this targeted Tweet

Connect to events. From national holidays to #NationalPuppyDay, events provide a great hook for content. Just be sure that it resonates with your audience and feels organic.

Jewelry brand @alexandani puts the focus on Labor Day in this Tweet that’s both timely and educational

Choose a level. Create content that focuses on the brand level, as well as additional content that highlights specific products and services. When buyers are searching early on for information, being specific helps you reach them.

Help buyers consider their options

This content targets individuals who are considering their options around a specific product or service. How can your content show your unique selling proposition (USP)?

Highlight features that make you different. Show why you’re a better choice than the competition.

@simple shows how users who lose cards can temporarily lock them with their apps until they get them back

@speckproducts underscores the importance of a scratch-free case

Share a surprising fact at the right time. Like a credit card company offering no-interest cards for new college students during Back-to-School.

Highlight a feeling that your customers can relate to. Let your unique brand personality shine through in Tweets that connect with how your customers might be feeling.

@tacojohns uses a hashtag for a weekend-welcoming Tweet

Drive a purchase

The right Tweets can help you drive a conversion, whether you’re encouraging people to buy products, pre-order a product, or attend an event.

Offer deals. Whether you’re having a sale or running a special promotion, don’t forget to develop Tweets to support your offers.

@alexandani helped drive interest in specific products while reminding their customers about a free shipping promotion

Calls-to-action and reminders. Reminders can be a great call-to-action that drives a purchase. Let people know early and often when you're attending an upcoming event, launching a new product, or hosting a can’t-miss webinar.

@SimonBooks highlights a forthcoming blockbuster book while reminding fans to pre-order

Share inspiring content. Tweets with interesting data or thought leadership are great for inspiring action from your followers.

Build loyalty with existing customers

How can Twitter keep your customers coming back for more? Here are a few ideas that can help you craft loyalty-building Tweets.

Engage with your mentions. These can often lead to fun interactions, and give you a chance to show your brand's human side.

@tacojohns Retweets a customer and adds a sassy comment

Highlight super fans. Retweet comments that mention your brand or photos of customers with your products.

@alexandani profiles College Brand Ambassadors

Let followers know about benefits. Tweet information about your customer loyalty programs, email subscriptions, and mobile apps.

Share content that addresses customer issues. Posting topics that your customers wrestle with shows that you understand their perspective.

@simple shares strategies to manage your money as a couple

Build a community. Whether through the smart use of branded hashtags or Twitter chats, you can help connect customers to you and to each other. 

When your content is tied to your business objectives, Twitter gives you a voice — no matter what stage of the funnel you’re speaking to. Are you ready to explore how Tweets can help you connect with buyers at every stage of the journey? Launch your next campaign today.

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