Boost your website traffic with these 3 social media tips

Darnelle O'Brien

By Darnelle O'Brien

January 05, 2018

If you're looking to increase your website traffic follow these three tips from @thekissagency

With recent studies suggesting consumers are more likely to take action or buy online if they are encouraged by people they trust, brands are turning to social media to drive website traffic.

The amount and value of traffic you drive from social media back to your website depends greatly on the quality of your content.

Three ways to boost your website traffic with social media:

Get visual

It comes as no surprise that visual content receives more engagement than text posts. Posts containing videos, static images, infographics, GIFs, 360-degree photos and other forms of visual content, receive significantly higher engagement than those without.

The more engaging a post is, the more likely a viewer will engage with your brand and the call-to-action.

Tip: Create visually appealing content with a strong call-to-action. For example; if you’re online shoe store displaying four different styles of shoes, create a carousel of images with each image linking directly to each style on your site. Think of the image as the bait to get people interested enough to click through.

Create contagious content

Creating content that people want to share, gives businesses an opportunity to increase their brand awareness to a wider audience.

Understanding your customers is the first step to creating shareable content. Once you understand your customers thought process, you can create content your audience will want to share.

Tip: Competitions are a great way to gain exposure and encourage sharing. Make sure you create a unique hashtag so you can track the engagement and fuel the social conversation.

Paid campaigns

Paid social media ads allow you to create highly targeted and refined campaigns that deliver customized communications to your customer segments. The types of platforms you run your ads across will vary depending on the nature of your business and objectives.

Tip: the structure of a good social media ad:

  • Call-to-action: “Learn More” is less invasive than “Buy Now”
  • Headline: Give away something for free/think of a hook
  • Text: Showing why the reader should care/click/take action
  • Link description: Give the call-to-action for them to get benefit

Additional reading:

This article was written by Darnelle O'Brien from Business2Community and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to


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