#TweetHour recap: How to incorporate video on Twitter

Sandra Vega

By Sandra Vega

June 15, 2017

Video content was predicted to grow this year and it sure has. In fact, video views on Twitter have grown 220 times what they were just 12 months ago.* That's why we assembled a panel of businesses that are using video in interesting ways to share their video tips. 

We had the pleasure of featuring @HelloFresh@stickermule, and @shedd_aquarium in our most recent #TweetHour. 

Check out highlights from the conversation:

How does video fit into your content strategy? 

How do you decide what to create? 

What equipment is a must have? 

What is the key to creating an engaging video? 

What impact does video have on your followers compared to other content? 

Creating video content can be challenging. What is your best tip for getting started?


Got video tips of your own? Share them with us at @TwitterBusiness.

Learn more about video and check out our latest research on Twitter Video. 

*Twitter internal data

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