5 ways to deepen audience engagement during events

Liz Alton

By Liz Alton

September 24, 2018
Concert in front of stage

Event coverage is more than just sharing content, moments, and logistical information. Focusing on interactivity, building connections, and adding a splash of fun helps deepen audience engagement during events.

So how can your brand take its Twitter audience engagement to the next level? To spark some ideas, we’ve rounded up standout examples of brands having fun and engaging with their audiences.

Use interactive discussions to create messaging

Help get your audience excited by pulling them into the creative process. Whether it’s deciding themes for the event, slogans, or even choosing content, Twitter can be a great format to ask questions and share progress towards the big day.

@Hyundai_Global ran a full-scale initiative to generate and choose fan-generated slogans for each team playing in the FIFA World Cup.

Share fun content that’s got a timely hook

It’s important to share high-value content, but embracing humor and a splash of timely fun goes a long way toward appealing to audiences. Look for moments that intrigue, delight, or make your audience laugh to turn up the engagement factor.

The @goop social team for its annual #ingoophealth event took note when a psychic predicted who would win the upcoming Super Bowl — and turned out to be on point.

Invite audiences to select panels or choose event content

Another way to increase engagement is to go in the co-creation direction. Few events are as splashy as the annual South by Southwest (SXSW) tech festival held each year. One way they get audiences excited is using a PanelPicker to let attendees choose which sessions they’re most excited about. There are numerous ways smaller events can do this, including running Twitter Polls.

@SXSW gets people excited about co-creating their next event with a clear call-to-action.

Highlight visuals that bring your event’s energy to life

When the @skywordCM team set out to sponsor a series of events for creatives in and around Boston, they began documenting the effort on Twitter. In a series of Tweets, they showcased photos of their attendees and in-house team networking and enjoying simple event touches like photo booths. Ask attendees to share their favorite moments and photos.

@skywordCM makes the most of candid content to bring the energy of their events to life.

Invite attendees to share their best moments

Adobe runs multiple events every year — including MAX, which targets its community of creatives and designers. The @adobemax account is dedicated to sharing content about that event, from logistics information to outtakes. Building a sense of community and inviting your audience to connect with each other is a great way to build momentum.

@adobemax asks followers to fuel the mission of bringing creatives together by sharing their best tips.

Want to learn more about building a marketing strategy that makes the most of movements, moments, and major live events? Download our workbook for live Tweeting.

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