What to Tweet this Valentine's Day

Marissa Window

By Marissa Window

February 07, 2018

People on Twitter are quite a romantic bunch. During the month of February people will be busy Tweeting about love, crushes, and candy hearts. In fact, in  2017 we saw 41M Tweets related to #ValentinesDay.*

With a little planning, you can use the occasion to connect with a wider audience before, during, and after Feb. 14th. By following and experimenting with these approaches, you won’t just be inserting yourself into the conversation for the sake of it; you’ll add value to your followers and express your personality in a genuine way.

Talk about love throughout February 

Conversations around #ValentinesDay ramps up in the days before Feb. 14th and continues afterward. Plan ahead to take advantage of this extended conversation by preparing plenty of related Tweets and think about how you might tweak your message over the month.

Jewelry company @alexandani celebrated love leading up to the holiday by creating a marketing campaign around #ThisIsLove.

Run a contest 

Increase Tweet engagements and attract new customers by running a seasonal contest. For example, spin studio @Flywheel entered customers into a Valentine's Day week raffle when they brought someone they love to class.

Share your sense of humor

All Valentine's Day Tweets don't need to be overly lovey dovey or formal. Get creative and Tweet something that's relatable to your followers chuckle and will make them chuckle. 

Lifestyle brand @stayhomeclub showcased their sense of humor by Tweeting what they were really up to on Valentine's Day.

Coffee shop @DollopCoffeeCo knows that some T.Swift and a strong cup of coffee is the best way to celebrate the holiday.

Countdown to the big day

Tweet your best seasonal deals and add a sense of urgency in your Tweet copy.

Flower delivery company @BloomThat reminds their customers time is running out to make someone's (Valentine's) Day.

Have questions? Follow @TwitterBusiness for more tips on seasonal marketing, or check out the basics on how to create a Twitter Ads campaign.

*2017 Twitter internal data

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