5 things to Tweet this Easter

Marissa Window

By Marissa Window

April 04, 2017

It's time to bring out the Easter baskets and chocolate bunnies. More than 8 in 10 Americans plan to celebrate Easter this year. And with an average expected spend per person this Easter at $146 and total expected spending totaling $17.3 billion, these celebrations present a big opportunity for brands.

With a little planning, you can use the occasion to connect with a wider audience before, during, and after April 16th. By following and experimenting with these approaches, you won’t just be inserting yourself into the conversation for the sake of it — you’ll add value to your followers and express your personality in a genuine way.

Share user generated content

Showcase your brand in action by Tweeting images from your customers. Don't forget to include your customer's handle in the Tweet to give them credit for the photo.

@HappySofficial shares a pretty pastel photo one of their customers captured.

Tweet your holiday hours

Is your business open during Easter, or will you have different hours? Be sure to let your followers know when to stop by.

Chicago restaurant @HoneyButterChi keeps their customers updated on their holiday hours.

@DoylestownBooks let's their customers know they will be closed for Easter.

Put your products in the spotlight with GIFs

GIFs are more than funny images you send to friends — they can be used to create powerful marketing content. These animated images can add a touch of personality to your Tweets, and also lead to higher Tweet engagement rates.

Jewelry company @Isharya created a festive GIF to celebrate the holiday.

Tweet your best deals

Holidays are the perfect time to promote your deals and discounts. Tweet bold images to put your products in the spotlight. 

E-commerce company @yesahdotcom Tweets a percentage discount and product photos to highlight their best deals.

Share tips and tricks

People are looking for helpful content that will help make their lives a little bit easier. Highlight your expertise by Tweeting seasonal tips, DIY ideas, and tricks.

Stationery company @OldEnglishCo shares a DIY idea with their followers. They included #Easter event hashtags to reach a wider audience.

Have more questions? Follow @TwitterBusiness for more tips on seasonal marketing, or check out the basics on how to create a campaign.

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