How to plan your holiday Tweet schedule

Camilla Dudley

By Camilla Dudley

October 26, 2018
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It’s the most wonderful time of the year — at least, it can be. For many brands, the holiday season is stressful. Keeping track of seasonal campaigns, remembering the right product deals, and creating last-minute content can be overwhelming. But with the right planning, your brand can overcome the holiday headache and make the most of the season.

Take a look at this timeline, so you know when — and how — to best talk to your customers this holiday season.


More than just the calm before the holiday storm, November is a great time to set the stage for your customers. As the holiday season nears, shoppers are getting excited. They’re researching the best gifts and the best deals.

For you, this is a great opportunity to educate your audience on your products, your values, and even your store hours. Advertise your return policy, your customer reviews, and your holiday deals. Don’t forget about Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the day that many shoppers depend on completing much of their holiday shopping. In fact, 40% of consumers begin their holiday shopping in November.

More than just preparing for the holidays, November is often seen as a month of gratitude, especially in the United States, with Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. This is a great opportunity to show what your brand values — the environment, your customers, or whatever it might be.

Here’s a non-exclusive list of November holidays to help you with your planning:

  • November 11: American Veterans Day
  • November 22: American Thanksgiving
  • November 23: Black Friday
  • November 24: Small Business Saturday
  • November 26: Cyber Monday


When it snows, it blizzards. December is packed full of reasons to celebrate. Students celebrate finishing their final exams, families and friends gather together, and companies throw end-of-year parties. And of course, along the way, individuals are buying and giving gifts. So, your audience is excited and taking action — they’re shopping for loved ones, decorating their homes, and enjoying the season. But with all of the activity, consumers are likely stressed and need help to get everything done while staying in their holiday spirit.

For you, this is a perfect time to show your customers how you can help. Do you have the perfect last-minute gift for their co-worker? Does your Tweet have a cheery message to keep your audience in a joyful mood? Do you offer free delivery? If so, this is time to tell your customers.

Here’s a non-exclusive list of December holidays that may help with your planning:

  • December 2: First Day of Chanuka
  • December 10: Last Day of Chanuka
  • December 21: Winter Solstice
  • December 24: Christmas Eve
  • December 25: Christmas
  • December 26: Boxing Day
  • December 26: Kwanzaa Begins
  • December 31: New Years Eve

With this timeline in mind, start preparing now for the holidays. Plan your campaigns and create content ahead of time so the holidays don’t pass you by. Ready to get started? Create your own campaign.

Additional reading:

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