How to use Twitter analytics to plan more impactful Tweets

Marissa Window

By Marissa Window

June 02, 2017

Planning an impactful Tweet strategy can be a difficult task. How do you know what type of content will resonate with your audience? How can you amplify your efforts to reach new followers?

Today we’re sharing four ways to leverage Twitter analytics when planning your campaigns. By experimenting with these approaches, you can better understand your audience while creating content that adds value and expresses your personality in a genuine way.

Understand your followers' interests

Tweeting content that appeals to your audience’s interests can increase engagement and create a loyal following. If you're Tweeting about basketball but the majority of your followers aren't passionate about sports the content won't resonate. But how do you know what your followers will want to see?

Rather than making assumptions, use the audience insights dashboard to uncover their topics of interest. The audience insights dashboard provides insight on what topics your followers want to see and takes the guesswork out of understanding your audience.

Pro tip: Ever hit writer's block and aren't sure what to Tweet? Look at your audience insights dashboardfor topic inspiration. 

Tweet when your audience is online

Tweeting when your target audience is online increases your likelihood of Retweets and engagements. Use the demographics tab to see a breakdown of your audience's location by country and region. Use this information to help inform when to Tweet bigger pieces of content like announcements and marketing campaigns.

For example, if the majority of your followers are based in the United States it would be most impactful to Tweet at times that are convenient for those time zones.

Recreate your top performing Tweets

Use the Tweet activity dashboard to track your top performing Tweets and see what content people are engaging with. Once you understand what resonates with your audience, you can start Tweeting similar content. For example, if you find that your top three top performing Tweets of the month all include video try incorporating different types of video content into your Tweet strategy. 

Plan campaigns around relevant events

Twitter is where people connect with their passions, share their opinions, and find out what is happening in the world right now. These moments can vary from major holidays and events to smaller celebrations such as #TacoTuesday or #WednesdayWisdom

Use the events dashboard to uncover Twitter data on upcoming events and recurring trends. Use this information to plan your Tweets and create Tweets that connect to what's happening.

Want to amplify your reach with a Twitter Ads campaign? Audiences spend 42% more time looking at Twitter Ads relevant to surrounding content.* Use the events dashboard to identify relevant events to align your campaigns and ad creative with.

Try out these tips by creating Twitter Ads of your own. Create a campaign today.

* EyeSee "Content Impact Study", July 2016

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