3 ways to tap into trending topics on Twitter

Marissa Window

By Marissa Window

October 23, 2016

Twitter is where people connect with their passions, share their opinions, and find out what is happening in the world right now. These moments can vary from major global events such as#RoadtoRio, to smaller weekly celebrations such as #TacoTuesday or #WednesdayWisdom.

These moments are a great way to join in on popular conversations and increase Tweet engagements. But for some small and medium-sized businesses, it can feel like a daunting opportunity. How can you join these conversations in a way that feels authentic to your business?

Today we’re sharing three ways to tap into trending topics on Twitter, illustrated with examples from businesses around the world. By following and experimenting with these approaches, you won’t just be inserting yourself into discussions for the sake of it; you’ll add value and share your business’s personality in a genuine way.

Tailor the message to your audience

It’s important to consider who your followers are. Rather than Tweeting a generic greeting or jumping in on a timely hashtag, try to craft the message in a way that will resonate with that target audience.

The record subscription company @getvnyl knows that music is what gives their audience that #FridayFeeling. 

Yoga studio @CorePowerYoga realizes that both donuts and yoga are important to their audience. They added some emoji flare to their Tweet to help increase engagement.

Relate the moment to your product

Instead of crafting Tweets that respond to every trending topic to gain visibility, think about a more focused approach. Your Tweets can be the bridge between what the world is talking about and the products or services your business has to offer.

A juice company tied their new jalapeño juice in with the popular moment of #TacoTuesday.

Eye glass company @WarbyParker jumped in on the #pokemongo craze by sharing a photo of the characters in their store.

Reflect your values

There may be times when a conversation on Twitter feels relevant to the core values of your business. Don’t shy away from taking part when this happens. It makes your brand feel relatable and helps people understand what you stand for and support. Often a simple, heartfelt approach is best.

Tuxedo rental company @GenerationTux shows their support during pride month by sharing a heartfelt customer photo.

Vegetarian restaurant @eatsa highlights their values of plant-based eating.


  • Search.twitter.com can help you understand how people are talking about certain topics on Twitter. Use the “Advanced search” function to narrow your search to Tweets in specific geographies, during certain dates or even Tweets with a specific sentiment. Learn more about how you can use Twitter’s Advanced search filtering options that can help you find very specific content.
  • Has someone else taken the words right out of your mouth? You can use the “Quote Tweet” function to share a relevant Tweet from another user with your followers.

Now you’re ready to start tapping into the cultural moments that make Twitter an exciting place to communicate. By integrating popular, relevant touch points in a thoughtful way, you’ll create a steady stream of relevant content for your followers to interact with and enjoy as they get to know your business better.

Have more questions? Follow @TwitterBusiness for more tips, or check out the basics on how to create a campaign.

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