Beyond vanity metrics: 4 ways to track how your Tweets are performing

Liz Alton

By Liz Alton

January 22, 2018

Twitter analytics should play an important role in your social media strategy. Here’s a closer look at how to dig deeper and go beyond vanity metrics to really understand how your Tweets are performing. Follow these strategies and incorporate them into the way you create, track, and plan your Tweets.

Audience alignment

How well do you know your audience? With Twitter analytics, explore how closely your content aligns with your audience profile. “Audience” analytics can help you take a closer look at your followers’:

  • Demographics
  • Interests
  • Mobile footprint
  • Buying habits

For example, insights into your followers’ favorite TV shows could help you find quirky references that resonate.


Engagement quickly tells you whether you’re Tweeting into the void or if your content is landing. Signs of engagement include comments, Retweets, likes, and mentions. Get more out of your engagement metrics by:

  • Finding examples of content that garner a mix of engagement.
  • Looking for trends in engagement. What causes your audience to react?
  • Evaluating your engagement rate, including trends over time. What’s your rate of Retweets, divided by impressions?

Explore your visibility and account reach

Larger follower numbers aren’t necessarily better. However, looking at the growth in reach and visibility for your account can help you understand whether your audience is growing. Within Analytics, look for trends related to factors such as:

  • Tweets
  • Impressions
  • Profile visits
  • Organic mentions
  • Follower growth

When these are trending up or holding steady, your current strategy is paying off. If they’re falling, it’s time to look at your content and audience alignment.

Conversion tracking

A challenging aspect of social media marketing is tracking results off-platform. Tracking conversions can help you understand whether your content is driving actions. Using website tags, it’s possible to track events such as click-throughs, associated on-page behavior, and learn more about the behavior of specific audiences. With content and sites that are optimized for conversions, you’ll be able to determine if your calls-to-action are working and whether they’re playing a role in sales, profits, and other business milestones.

Ready to dig into your analytics to see how your Tweets are performing? Check out Twitter analytics today.

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