#TweetHour recap: How to leverage influencer marketing trends

Sandra Vega

By Sandra Vega

March 15, 2017

In order to cut through the noise and reach a wider audience, brands are turning to influencers to help amplify their efforts. How far is this trend expected to grow in 2017? In our latest TweetHour we chatted with @eMarketer to get data-driven insights on influencer marketing and learn the challenges brands are facing. 

Check out the conversation: 

We're hearing a lot about influencer marketing this year. What kind of increase is expected?

What's the biggest challenge marketers are running into?

What types of brands are embarking on influencer marketing?

What's the top method marketers are using to vet influencers?

What's the #1 benchmark marketers are looking at for evaluating success?

What are resources that can help marketers learn more about influencer marketing?


Have more questions? Follow @TwitterBusiness for more marketing tips, or check out the basics on how to create a campaign.

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