6 best practices for In-Stream Video Ads on Twitter

Liz Alton

By Liz Alton

June 20, 2018

In today’s media landscape, consumers are in the driver’s seat as they consume content when and where they want. As a marketer, you need to find new ways to capture people’s attention. Now, with In-Stream Video Ads, every brand can connect with a receptive audience while they watch videos from top publishers. In-Stream Video Ads help your brand stand out, effectively convey messages, and bring your stories and campaigns to Twitter in a whole new way.

Time and again, In-Stream Video Ad campaigns drive positive shifts in key brand metrics for advertisers. Based on U.S. Nielsen Brand Effect data, people who saw In-Stream Video Ads on Twitter were 70% more likely to recall the brand’s ad, 28% more likely to be aware of the advertiser’s brand, and had a 6% higher purchase intent (versus those not exposed to video ads).

Here are six best practices to help your brand get the most of In-Stream Video Ads on Twitter.

Less is more

Shorter videos perform better on Twitter. In research conducted with Kantar Millward Brown, we found that 88%  of consumers expect In-Stream Video Ads to be less than 15 seconds. Six seconds was the sweet spot, leading to the highest brand affinity for advertisers.

Laser focus your message

To make a big impact in six seconds, you have to get right to the point. Laser focus on one core message for each video. Users view In-Stream Video Ads in quick bursts. Spotlight your message by choosing one big takeaway. From introducing a new feature to making a funny joke your audience will love, a strong direction pays off. Brands that convey a simple message in the first three seconds of an ad achieve 13% higher message breakthrough.

Target the right content category

Target the content category that aligns with your brand. For example, when an ad about fashion appears before a fashion show highlight clip, it performed better across brand metrics. Choose a content category that fits your brand, and focus on creating targeted, highly relevant ads. Twitter research shows brands that create endemic ads see a 40% higher brand favorability and 30% higher purchase intent. 

Go big on branding

With In-Stream Video Ads, viewers see your video ad before they watch a video from a publisher. Branding helps orient them and get them focused on your message. Include your logo in the ad’s first few frames and continue to showcase it throughout the video. Ad recall is 60% higher for brands with consistent logo placement throughout their videos — such as in the upper or lower corner of the screen, according to Twitter internal research.

Go visual — without sound

Many mobile users view ads without the sound on. For advertisers, there are several ways to convey your message without sound:

  • Include clear, visual branding
  • Focus on clear, sharp visuals in your video
  • Emphasize motion and movement
  • Get creative with captions to inspire curiosity

Don’t be afraid to run multiple video ads

For marketers wondering how this new video ad product will work in tandem with their existing Twitter video ad campaigns, we have you covered. We partnered with Dentsu Aegis (@DentsuAegis) and Kantar Millward Brown (@K_MillwardBrown) and found that increased frequency of exposure to multiple video ad formats (e.g. In-Stream Video Ads + Promoted Video) increases brand health metrics across the funnel. In the U.S., exposure to two video ad formats versus one video ad format improves ad recall by 19 percentage points (pp), brand awareness by 4.7pp, and purchase intent by 3.1pp.

Internal Twitter research shows that following best practices can boost both message association and brand recall. Ready to start leveraging In-Stream Video Ads for your brand? Launch a campaign today.

Additional reading:

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