5 articles to help your brand craft a 2018 marketing strategy

Marissa Window

By Marissa Window

December 14, 2017

Planning ahead is key to creating a successful digital marketing strategy for your brand. To help you organize your 2018 plan and get ahead of the competition, we've rounded up five of our best articles on emerging marketing trends and tips.

Marketing predictions from the C-Suite

CEOs, CMOs, authors, executive recruiters, and other experts from a variety of industries and backgrounds to weigh in on what will be hot for marketers in the upcoming year. From cybersecurity to AI to social media to impact in the boardroom, this year’s predictions do not disappoint.

6 tips for a successful 2018 content strategy

Here are some turnkey, high-impact ways to plan and strategize for 2018, without taking too much time and attention away from your urgent tasks.

The most important media and PR trends for 2018

From Artificial Intelligence to content marketing, here’s what the futurists predict for the communications industry.

3 things to consider when planning your ad budget

Getting your content into the streams of those who matter to your business is difficult. One way to reach your audience is with paid media. According to Forrester, the total US digital marketing spend will be near $120 billion by 2021. And while investments of paid media are on the rise and continue to grow, there are additional considerations that should be top of mind as you plan your 2018 marketing strategy.

How to determine your paid social media budget for 2018

Marketing budgets are completely subjective and vary widely from company to company and within various verticals. Luckily, however, there are some solid tips you can follow when determining how much you need to be spending on marketing material and paid social media. This article covers three ways to think about budgeting for your paid media spend this year. 

Now you're ready to plan a marketing strategy that works for your brand. Have questions? As always, Tweet us @TwitterBusiness with your questions, or check out the basics on how to create a campaign.

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