6 ways brands use Twitter on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Liz Alton

By Liz Alton

November 14, 2018

Best Black Friday predicts that online sales for 2018 will increase 15.31% to over $5.8 billion. And then, in a second bid for winning customers’ attention, brands will showcase their best deals again on Cyber Monday. The National Retail Federation predicts holiday spending could reach $720.89 billion this year — and online shopping during these two crucial days is big business. Your Black Friday and Cyber Monday social media strategy can turn browsers into buyers. Here’s a closer look at how some brands are tapping into the holiday shopping fervor.

Create offers that customers can’t refuse

People shopping for gifts are looking for both great ideas and great deals. Join @SpaceCampUSA — one of the coolest gifts we can imagine — in providing exclusive discounts to get buyers excited. Don’t forget to add hashtags like #BlackFriday,  #BlackFriday2018, and #CyberMonday for maximum exposure. What’s the one discount or promotion that your customers simply can’t refuse? 

Showcase exclusive products and promotions

Superstar musicians @QueenWillRock were ready to rock fans with a promotion for exclusive content. You may not be ready to drop a custom record for the big day, but think about in-demand promotions or limited run products that you can offer fans. Exclusivity — and the urgency added by limited distribution — can help get buyers excited.

Embrace the power of data to engage curiosity

Black Friday and Cyber Monday aren’t just shopping events. They also have the feel of cultural phenomena. @Shopify connects with its audience of entrepreneurs by letting them watch Black Friday sales and orders from around the globe as they pour in. Do you have any original data, big insights, or unique takes that could add unexpected depth to your holiday content strategy?

Remind people how they can make a difference on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

For many brands, holiday content focuses on getting people to buy — and with good reason. Yet brands can stand out when they connect with customers about how to make a difference during big spending days. UK retailer @jlandpartners highlights specific products where profits go toward supporting 24 different charities. Shine a spotlight on efforts you’re making, such as donating a percentage of sales to charity or finding other ways to share your success.

Stand out with animated gifs and videos

Content in motion grabs people’s attention, and @ctilburymakeup deepens engagement by offering a short, sparkly video featuring the latest holiday-themed makeup offerings. Animated gifts, videos, and other visual pieces are a great way to showcase what you’re offering for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Stand out and make sure customers see your best deals!

Don’t overlook at little Black Friday humor

Some customers live for the thrill of the bargain hunt, and others will face down their holiday shopping to grab a sale with grim determination. Don’t forget that Black Friday and Cyber Monday provide the opportunity for humor. This clever take from @PopTartsUS was timely, as new chip readers added another layer of complexity to a busy retail day.

Gearing up for the Black Friday and Cyber Monday rush? Launch your Twitter Ads campaign today.

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