See successful followers campaigns

Joe Wadlington

By Joe Wadlington

February 07, 2017

See how these businesses ran successful Twitter Ads campaigns to build their follower base and foster loyal customers.

Onnit got more Twitter followers and discovered brand ambassadors

@Onnit is a fitness products company specializing in supplements, food, and sports equipment. Onnit wanted to advertise their sales to a larger audience and create loyal customer relationships. They ran a followers campaign targeting health-conscious 18 to 34-year-olds in numerous international markets. During the campaign, Onnit’s cost-per-acquisition was 40% lower than expected.

Matias Tombolini established himself as an influencer on Twitter

@matiastombolini is an economist, professor, and author based in Argentina. He wanted to establish himself as an influencer on politics and economic topics in Latin America. He targeted Latin Americans who were interested in economic, social, and political issues with a followers campaign. Matias follow rate became 7x higher than the industry average.

Teman Nabati promoted their product to a new target demographic

@TemanNabati is an Indonesian company famous for its popular children’s snacks. They wanted to expand their brand to welcome young working professionals. To attract this audience, Teman Nabati ran a followers campaign targeting Indonesian professionals ages 25-35. The campaign beat their goal by attracting 42% more followers than planned.

“Twitter Ads has helped us gain 10,000+ engaged followers that are interested in our products. Through optimizing our campaigns, we managed to drive down costs while creating a community of brand advocates.”

— Cindy Irene, Community Manager, Klix Digital

Key to success: Clear reasons to follow

@Onnit@matias, and @TemanNabati Tweeted short updates, announcing exactly what people would get from following him. By including the word “follow” and not avoiding links or hashtags, the message was direct and effective.

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