The Wayback Machine -
Armistice 1918
HOW IT HAPPENED: The Terrible Pandemic of 1918 (720p)
America's Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918 (720p)
DEFEND THE FORT - Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 Gameplay
1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 3. Total War
Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (with English subtitles)
Battlefield 1918? Czego spodziewać się po Battlefieldzie 5 []
20th Century Battlefields- Episode 1- 1918 Western Front
flu pandemic 1918 Full Documentary
1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 1.  Explosion
1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 4. Slaughter
А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»

Year 1918 (MCMXVIII) was a common year starting on Tuesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar and a common year starting on Monday of the 13-day-slower Julian calendar.

Below, events of World War I have the "WWI" prefix.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.
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  • Armistice 1918

    Another great documentary by Professor David Reynolds. In this film he examines the circumstances of the 1918 Armistice from both sides, using some excellent archive footage. It will be of great value to students of this period and the event itself. Uploaded for educational purposes only. Any advertising that appears is unbidden, and all videos in this collection are unmonetised.
  • HOW IT HAPPENED: The Terrible Pandemic of 1918 (720p)

    This educational history documentary covers the 1918 flu pandemic (January 1918December 1920) which was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus. It infected 500 million people across the world, including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million (three to five percent of the world's population), making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history. Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill juvenile, elderly, or already weakened patients; in contrast, the 1918 pandemic predominantly killed previously healthy young adults. Modern research, using virus taken from the bodies of frozen victims, has concluded that the virus kills through a cytokine storm (overreactio...
  • America's Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918 (720p)

  • DEFEND THE FORT - Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 Gameplay

    FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM & TWITTER! Thank you guys for all the support, it really helps me out. I don't know how to thank you guys enough for all the views, likes and comments. I guess I'll just continue doing my best to deliver daily online entertainment for you guys! Check out my homepage and follow my Twitch and Steam Group! Twitch ► Homepage ► Steam ►
  • 1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 3. Total War

    A BBC series from 1996 in 7 parts. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material.
  • Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (with English subtitles)

    Der Film nach dem Roman, WESTFRONT 1918. VIER VON DER INFANTERIE, uraufgeführt am 23. Mai 1930 in Berlin, zählt zu den bedeutendsten deutschen Anti-Kriegsfilmen. Regie führte Georg Wilhelm Pabst (1885-1967), der in der Weimarer Republik und auch darüber hinaus zu den wichtigsten deutschen Regisseuren gehörte. G. W. Pabst nutze bei dem Film WESTFRONT 1918 konsequent die damals zur Verfügung stehenden technischen Möglichkeiten und galt gerade auch im Bereich der Tonfilmregie als führender Regisseur seiner Zeit.
  • Battlefield 1918? Czego spodziewać się po Battlefieldzie 5 []

    Co przyniesie Battlefield 5? Rozmawiają Grzegorz Bobrek i Michał Mańka - redakcyjni BF-owi wyjadacze. Więcej filmów? Subskrybuj! ► ▐ Jeszcze więcej filmów? ▐ FACEBOOK:
  • 20th Century Battlefields- Episode 1- 1918 Western Front

  • flu pandemic 1918 Full Documentary

    The 1918 flu pandemic (January 1918December 1920) was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus.[1] It infected 500 million people across the world,[2] including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million (three to five percent of the world's population[3]), making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history.[2][4][5][6] Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill juvenile, elderly, or already weakened patients; in contrast, the 1918 pandemic predominantly killed previously healthy young adults. Modern research, using virus taken from the bodies of frozen victims, has concluded that the virus kills through a cytokine storm (overreaction of the body's immune system)...
  • 1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 1. Explosion

    A BBC series from 1996 in 7 parts. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material.
  • 1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 4. Slaughter

    A BBC series from 1996 in 7 parts. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material.
  • А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»

    В среду, 25 февраля, в 19-00, в рамках кафедры истории «Новой газеты» состоялась лекция доктора исторических наук, ответственного редактора книги «История России. ХХ век», Андрея Борисовича Зубова. Тема: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году».
  • 11 novembre 1918, le dernier assaut pour l'armistice

    Lundi 11 novembre 1918, 11 heures : dans toute la France, les cloches sonnent à la volée. Au front, les clairons bondissent sur les parapets et sonnent le « Cessez-le-Feu », « Levez-vous », « Au Drapeau ». La « Marseillaise » jaillit à pleins poumons des tranchées. Même soulagement en face, dans le camp allemand. Pour la première fois depuis quatre ans, Français et Allemands peuvent se regarder sans s'entretuer. Un armistice (arrêt des combats) a été conclu le matin entre les Alliés et l'Allemagne, dernière des Puissances Centrales à rendre les armes. Il laisse derrière lui huit millions de morts et six millions de mutilés. Les survivants ont perdu la foi dans les valeurs morales et spirituelles qui ont fait la grandeur et l'unité de l'Europe. Mais ils veulent croire que cette guerre qu...
  • Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKUMENT)

    Počátkem léta roku 1914 ještě nikdo netušil, jaká tragédie se skrývá za dveřmi. Působivá výpověď prostého vojáka o válce, která měla být navždy tou poslední. První světová válka si vyžádala desítky milionů mrtvých či zmrzačených vojáků. Ti, co přežili, se již nikdy nezbavili vzpomínek na zákopy plné nemocí a špíny, zimu i všeničící jarní tání, nasazení bojových plynů a bezmocnou touhu řadových vojáků ukončit z jejich pohledu nesmyslné boje. Jak vnímali politické i válečné dění muži, kteří šli na frontu s vlasteneckým nadšením? A měla pro ně po čtyřech letech slova jako vlast, povinnost, čest, hrdinství, nenávist ještě nějakou cenu? Nebo tyto vznešené pojmy zůstaly pohřbeny v ruinách války, jež měla ukončit všechny další. Francouzský dokument nabízí strhující výpověď francouzského „neznáméh...

    La gripe española (también conocida como la gran pandemia de gripe, la epidemia de gripe de 1918 o la gran gripe) fue una pandemia de gripe de inusitada gravedad, causado por un brote de Influenza virus A del subtipo H1N1. Se cree que ha sido una de las pandemias más letales en la historia de la humanidad, a causa de la cual murieron entre 50 y 100 millones de personas en todo el mundo entre 1918 y 1920.1 2 3 4 5 Esta cifra de muertos que incluía una alta mortalidad infantil, se considera uno de los ejemplos de crisis de mortalidad.6 A diferencia de otras epidemias de gripe —que afectan básicamente a niños y ancianos—, muchas de sus víctimas fueron jóvenes y adultos saludables, y animales, entre ellos perros y gatos.7 8 La enfermedad se observó por primera vez en Fort Riley, el 28 de mayo...
  • PBS American Experience x Influenza 1918

  • 1918 Spanish Influenza Virus

    The 1918 Spanish Flu was a disaster that led to the forgotten fallen souls of millions of lives. At the time, there was no proper vaccine to deal with this virus replication. Subscribe for new videos: Watch the asbestos video here:;=27&list;=PLdSen-GVHIgh-yxysS-2bNtbvhzLxvSw9 Watch the smoking video here:;=24&list;=PLdSen-GVHIgh-yxysS-2bNtbvhzLxvSw9 What is it? According to a documentary the Spanish Flu was the world's most deadly pandemic, spreading from 1918-1919. Over the course of two years, it infected and killed over 50 million people. This disease gets its name from the Spanish media, which was the first to announce the epidemic after 8 million Spanish people died. ...
  • Po latach niewoli wstaje Polska 1914 1918

    Po latach niewoli wstaje Polska 1914-1918.
  • NOVA - THE 1918 FLU PANDEMIC - Discovery History Science (documentary)

    nova - the 1918 flu pandemic (documentary). thanks for watching. history life discovery science technology tech learning education national nature geographic earth planet channel universe disease diseases illness sickness sick plague contamination virus viral epidemic pandemic contagious outbreak control health medicine medical death influenza plague black death
  • 1918 год. Лев Троцкий "Исторические хроники" Сто полнометражных фильмов о истории России.

    ‪‪ Другие фильмы из серии "Исторические хроники" ‪ «Канал История» Приглашает ! Фильмы, Репортажи, Материалы Если понравилось - присоединяйтесь. Думаю дальше будет интересней. С уважением Виктор Тарасов
  • La Première Guerre Mondiale (1914-1918) - Documentaire histoire

    Documentaire sur la 1ère guerre mondiale (1914 - 1918), appelé aussi la grande guerre. Ce film résume les origines et le déroulement de la guerre 14 18. Ce documentaire peut être un bon complément de cours d'Histoire. Il comporte des archives certaines images en couleur. Deux coups de feu retentissent à Sarajevo en 1914, tuant l'archiduc François Ferdinand et son épouse Sophie. L'assassin est un jeune étudiant serbe, Gavrilo Prinicp. Il était membre de la main noire, groupe qui souhaitait libérer la Serbie du joug de l'empire austro-hongrois. L'attentat de Sarajevo a déclenché la première guerre mondiale. Mais l'orage grondait depuis la révolution en France. On se base sur le principe qu'une même origine ethnique partageant la même langue, et les mêmes idéaux politiques ont droit à des pay...
  • TRENCH RATS - Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 Gameplay

    FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM & TWITTER! Thank you guys for all the support, it really helps me out. I don't know how to thank you guys enough for all the views, likes and comments. I guess I'll just continue doing my best to deliver daily online entertainment for you guys! Check out my homepage and follow my Twitch and Steam Group! Twitch ► Homepage ► Steam ►
  • Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918

    Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918 Die Dokumentation zeigt den Zusammenhang zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen 1914 - 1918 und 1939 - 1945. Der Frühling begann mit einem Paukenschlag. Eingeleitet durch ein fünfstündiges Trommelfeuer aus 6600 Geschützrohren, traten am 21. März 1918 über eine Million deutsche Soldaten zu einer massierten Offensive in Frankreich an - Deckname "Michael". Die deutsche Armeeführung erhoffte sich von diesem Befreiungsschlag den Durchbruch im vierten Jahr eines Stellungskrieges, der unermessliche Todesopfer gefordert hatte, ohne Boden gutzumachen. Zusätzliche Truppen, die nach dem Friedensschluss mit Lenins neuem Sowjetregime von der Ostfront herbeordert wurden, verstärkten das deutsche Aufgebot. Die Zeit drängte, zumal immer mehr fri...
Armistice 1918

Armistice 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 88:58
  • Updated: 03 Jan 2014
  • views: 174767
Another great documentary by Professor David Reynolds. In this film he examines the circumstances of the 1918 Armistice from both sides, using some excellent archive footage. It will be of great value to students of this period and the event itself. Uploaded for educational purposes only. Any advertising that appears is unbidden, and all videos in this collection are unmonetised. 1918
HOW IT HAPPENED: The Terrible Pandemic of 1918 (720p)

HOW IT HAPPENED: The Terrible Pandemic of 1918 (720p)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 54:24
  • Updated: 06 Apr 2015
  • views: 94709
This educational history documentary covers the 1918 flu pandemic (January 1918December 1920) which was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus. It infected 500 million people across the world, including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million (three to five percent of the world's population), making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history. Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill juvenile, elderly, or already weakened patients; in contrast, the 1918 pandemic predominantly killed previously healthy young adults. Modern research, using virus taken from the bodies of frozen victims, has concluded that the virus kills through a cytokine storm (overreaction of the body's immune system). The strong immune reactions of young adults ravaged the body, whereas the weaker immune systems of children and middle-aged adults resulted in fewer deaths among those groups. To read more on this subject, goto: FOLLOW on: HOW IT HAPPENED playlist:;=PLCIsViWU6sLlYwthsyOluvcGF42y9t4cH It Happened The Terrible Pandemic Of 1918 (720P)
America's Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918 (720p)

America's Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918 (720p)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 55:36
  • Updated: 12 Apr 2014
  • views: 51906's Forgotten Pandemic The Influenza Of 1918 (720P)
DEFEND THE FORT - Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 Gameplay

DEFEND THE FORT - Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 Gameplay

  • Order:
  • Duration: 30:22
  • Updated: 14 Mar 2016
  • views: 243
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM & TWITTER! Thank you guys for all the support, it really helps me out. I don't know how to thank you guys enough for all the views, likes and comments. I guess I'll just continue doing my best to deliver daily online entertainment for you guys! Check out my homepage and follow my Twitch and Steam Group! Twitch ► Homepage ► Steam ► The Fort Battle Of Empires 1914 1918 Gameplay
1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 3. Total War

1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 3. Total War

  • Order:
  • Duration: 48:24
  • Updated: 06 Oct 2014
  • views: 13870
A BBC series from 1996 in 7 parts. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material. A BBC History Of The Great War 3. Total War
Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (with English subtitles)

Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (with English subtitles)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 88:19
  • Updated: 19 Jan 2013
  • views: 71125
Der Film nach dem Roman, WESTFRONT 1918. VIER VON DER INFANTERIE, uraufgeführt am 23. Mai 1930 in Berlin, zählt zu den bedeutendsten deutschen Anti-Kriegsfilmen. Regie führte Georg Wilhelm Pabst (1885-1967), der in der Weimarer Republik und auch darüber hinaus zu den wichtigsten deutschen Regisseuren gehörte. G. W. Pabst nutze bei dem Film WESTFRONT 1918 konsequent die damals zur Verfügung stehenden technischen Möglichkeiten und galt gerade auch im Bereich der Tonfilmregie als führender Regisseur seiner Zeit. 1918 Vier Von Der Infanterie (With English Subtitles)
Battlefield 1918? Czego spodziewać się po Battlefieldzie 5 []

Battlefield 1918? Czego spodziewać się po Battlefieldzie 5 []

  • Order:
  • Duration: 15:20
  • Updated: 03 Mar 2016
  • views: 10045
Co przyniesie Battlefield 5? Rozmawiają Grzegorz Bobrek i Michał Mańka - redakcyjni BF-owi wyjadacze. Więcej filmów? Subskrybuj! ► ▐ Jeszcze więcej filmów? ▐ FACEBOOK: 1918 Czego Spodziewać Się Po Battlefieldzie 5 Tvgry.Pl
20th Century Battlefields- Episode 1- 1918 Western Front

20th Century Battlefields- Episode 1- 1918 Western Front

  • Order:
  • Duration: 58:20
  • Updated: 07 Apr 2013
  • views: 83483 Century Battlefields Episode 1 1918 Western Front
flu pandemic 1918 Full Documentary

flu pandemic 1918 Full Documentary

  • Order:
  • Duration: 101:13
  • Updated: 19 Nov 2015
  • views: 901
The 1918 flu pandemic (January 1918December 1920) was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus.[1] It infected 500 million people across the world,[2] including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million (three to five percent of the world's population[3]), making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history.[2][4][5][6] Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill juvenile, elderly, or already weakened patients; in contrast, the 1918 pandemic predominantly killed previously healthy young adults. Modern research, using virus taken from the bodies of frozen victims, has concluded that the virus kills through a cytokine storm (overreaction of the body's immune system). The strong immune reactions of young adults ravaged the body, whereas the weaker immune systems of children and middle-aged adults resulted in fewer deaths among those groups.[7] Historical and epidemiological data are inadequate to identify the pandemic's geographic origin.[2] It was implicated in the outbreak of encephalitis lethargica in the 1920s.[8] To maintain morale, wartime censors minimized early reports of illness and mortality in Germany, Britain, France, and the United States;[9][10] but papers were free to report the epidemic's effects in neutral Spain (such as the grave illness of King Alfonso XIII),[11] creating a false impression of Spain as especially hard hit[12]—thus the pandemic's nickname Spanish flu.[13] In Spain, a different nickname was adopted, the Naples Soldier, which came from a musical operetta (zarzuela) titled La canción del olvido (The Song of Forgetting), which premiered in Madrid during the first epidemic wave. Federico Romero, one of the librettists, quipped that the play's most popular musical number, Naples Soldier, was as catchy as the flu. Pandemic 1918 Full Documentary
1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 1.  Explosion

1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 1. Explosion

  • Order:
  • Duration: 47:41
  • Updated: 05 Oct 2014
  • views: 52529
A BBC series from 1996 in 7 parts. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material. A BBC History Of The Great War 1. Explosion
1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 4. Slaughter

1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 4. Slaughter

  • Order:
  • Duration: 48:05
  • Updated: 07 Oct 2014
  • views: 17411
A BBC series from 1996 in 7 parts. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench. Uploaded from an old VHS recording. I do not claim any copyrights for any of this material. A BBC History Of The Great War 4. Slaughter
А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»

А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»

  • Order:
  • Duration: 126:34
  • Updated: 02 Mar 2015
  • views: 21690
В среду, 25 февраля, в 19-00, в рамках кафедры истории «Новой газеты» состоялась лекция доктора исторических наук, ответственного редактора книги «История России. ХХ век», Андрея Борисовича Зубова. Тема: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году».А.Б. Зубов «Борьба За Россию В 1918 Году»
11 novembre 1918, le dernier assaut pour l'armistice

11 novembre 1918, le dernier assaut pour l'armistice

  • Order:
  • Duration: 55:37
  • Updated: 10 Nov 2015
  • views: 5723
Lundi 11 novembre 1918, 11 heures : dans toute la France, les cloches sonnent à la volée. Au front, les clairons bondissent sur les parapets et sonnent le « Cessez-le-Feu », « Levez-vous », « Au Drapeau ». La « Marseillaise » jaillit à pleins poumons des tranchées. Même soulagement en face, dans le camp allemand. Pour la première fois depuis quatre ans, Français et Allemands peuvent se regarder sans s'entretuer. Un armistice (arrêt des combats) a été conclu le matin entre les Alliés et l'Allemagne, dernière des Puissances Centrales à rendre les armes. Il laisse derrière lui huit millions de morts et six millions de mutilés. Les survivants ont perdu la foi dans les valeurs morales et spirituelles qui ont fait la grandeur et l'unité de l'Europe. Mais ils veulent croire que cette guerre qui s'achève restera la dernière de l'Histoire, la « der des der »... Cliquez ici pour vous abonner à cette chaîne : Nous espérons que vous aimerez cette vidéo, si c'est le cas n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur "j'aime", à commenter et à partager. Merci. Novembre 1918, Le Dernier Assaut Pour L'Armistice
Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKUMENT)

Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKUMENT)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 99:37
  • Updated: 14 Sep 2014
  • views: 162652
Počátkem léta roku 1914 ještě nikdo netušil, jaká tragédie se skrývá za dveřmi. Působivá výpověď prostého vojáka o válce, která měla být navždy tou poslední. První světová válka si vyžádala desítky milionů mrtvých či zmrzačených vojáků. Ti, co přežili, se již nikdy nezbavili vzpomínek na zákopy plné nemocí a špíny, zimu i všeničící jarní tání, nasazení bojových plynů a bezmocnou touhu řadových vojáků ukončit z jejich pohledu nesmyslné boje. Jak vnímali politické i válečné dění muži, kteří šli na frontu s vlasteneckým nadšením? A měla pro ně po čtyřech letech slova jako vlast, povinnost, čest, hrdinství, nenávist ještě nějakou cenu? Nebo tyto vznešené pojmy zůstaly pohřbeny v ruinách války, jež měla ukončit všechny další. Francouzský dokument nabízí strhující výpověď francouzského „neznámého vojína" o všech strastech i radostech, které jej v letech 1914 až 1918 potkávaly.á Válka 1914 1918 (Cz Dokument)


  • Order:
  • Duration: 54:42
  • Updated: 06 Dec 2012
  • views: 124286
La gripe española (también conocida como la gran pandemia de gripe, la epidemia de gripe de 1918 o la gran gripe) fue una pandemia de gripe de inusitada gravedad, causado por un brote de Influenza virus A del subtipo H1N1. Se cree que ha sido una de las pandemias más letales en la historia de la humanidad, a causa de la cual murieron entre 50 y 100 millones de personas en todo el mundo entre 1918 y 1920.1 2 3 4 5 Esta cifra de muertos que incluía una alta mortalidad infantil, se considera uno de los ejemplos de crisis de mortalidad.6 A diferencia de otras epidemias de gripe —que afectan básicamente a niños y ancianos—, muchas de sus víctimas fueron jóvenes y adultos saludables, y animales, entre ellos perros y gatos.7 8 La enfermedad se observó por primera vez en Fort Riley, el 28 de mayo de 1918. Un investigador asegura que la enfermedad apareció en el Condado de Haskell, en abril de 1918. Los Aliados de la Primera Guerra Mundial la llamaron Gripe española porque la pandemia recibió una mayor atención de la prensa en España que en el resto de Europa, ya que España no se vio involucrada en la guerra y por tanto no censuró la información sobre la enfermedad. Con el fin de estudiar la gripe española, los científicos han empleado muestras de tejido de víctimas congeladas para reproducir el virus.9 Dada la extrema virulencia del brote y la posibilidad de escape accidental (o liberación intencionada) de la cuarentena, hay cierta controversia respecto a las bondades de estas investigaciones. Una de las conclusiones de la investigación fue que el virus mata a causa de una tormenta de citocinas, lo que explica su naturaleza extremadamente grave y el perfil poco común de edad de las víctimas. Se desconoce la tasa de mortalidad de la pandemia de 1918/1920, pero se estima que murieron del 10% al 20% de los infectados. Con alrededor de un tercio de la población mundial de aquel tiempo infectada, esta tasa de letalidad significa que un 3 - 6% de la población mundial murió.10 La gripe pudo haber matado a 25 millones de personas en las primeras 25 semanas. Estimaciones más antiguas indicaban que murieron entre 40 y 50 millones de personas11 , mientras que estimaciones actuales mencionan entre 50 y 100 millones.12 Se estima que en China murieron 30 millones, aproximadamente el 35% de la población de aquella época, alcanzando una mortalidad del 40% de la población en algunas zonas. En el Ejército de China, al menos el 35% de las tropas que se enfermaron murieron. En los Estados Unidos, cerca del 28% de la población padeció la enfermedad y murieron de 500.000 a 675.000 personas.13 En el Reino Unido murieron 250.000,13 en Francia 400.00013 y en Italia una cifra similar.14 En la India británica fallecieron de 1013 a 17 millones.15 Las estimaciones sobre el África subsahariana hablan de 1,5 a 2 millones de victimas.13 En Alaska (en el pueblo inuit de Fairbanks de los 80 habitantes, 78 murieron en sólo una semana) y en Sudáfrica, murieron comunidades enteras. En Australia murieron unas 80.000 personas y en las Islas Fiji murió el 30% de la población en sólo dos semanas, mientras que en Samoa Occidental el 40%. En Chile murieron 24.000 personas.16 Tras registrarse los primeros casos en Europa, al parecer en Francia, la gripe pasó a España, un país neutral en la guerra y que no censuró la publicación de los informes sobre la enfermedad y sus consecuencias, de ahí que, pese a ser un problema internacional, se le diera este nombre por parecer en las informaciones de la época que era el único país afectado. España fue uno de los países más afectados con cerca de 8 millones de personas infectadas en mayo de 1918 y alrededor de 300.000 muertes (a pesar de que las cifras oficiales redujeron las víctimas a «sólo» 147.114 personas). Aunque la Primera Guerra Mundial no causó la gripe, la cercanía de los cuarteles y los movimientos masivos de tropas ayudaron a su expansión. Los investigadores creen que los sistemas inmunológicos de los soldados se debilitaron por la tensión del combate y los ataques químicos, incrementando las probabilidades de contraer la enfermedad. Un factor en la transmisión de la enfermedad fue la cantidad de viajes de los combatientes. La modernización de los sistemas de transporte posibilitó que los navegantes propagaran más rápidamente la pandemia sobre un abanico más amplio de comunidades. Virus influenza A, que causa la gripe en aves así como también en mamíferos. Se supone que el huésped natural son las aves, pero puede infectar a varias especies de mamíferos, incluyendo a los humanos y porcinos. Todos los subtipos conocidos son endémicos en pájaros, la mayoría de los subtipos no causan endemias fuera de las aves, por lo que, básicamente, se la considera una gripe de aves Asesinos La Gripe De 1918 19
PBS American Experience x Influenza 1918

PBS American Experience x Influenza 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 54:37
  • Updated: 09 Feb 2016
  • views: 224 American Experience X Influenza 1918
1918 Spanish Influenza Virus

1918 Spanish Influenza Virus

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:31
  • Updated: 12 Oct 2015
  • views: 27848
The 1918 Spanish Flu was a disaster that led to the forgotten fallen souls of millions of lives. At the time, there was no proper vaccine to deal with this virus replication. Subscribe for new videos: Watch the asbestos video here:;=27&list;=PLdSen-GVHIgh-yxysS-2bNtbvhzLxvSw9 Watch the smoking video here:;=24&list;=PLdSen-GVHIgh-yxysS-2bNtbvhzLxvSw9 What is it? According to a documentary the Spanish Flu was the world's most deadly pandemic, spreading from 1918-1919. Over the course of two years, it infected and killed over 50 million people. This disease gets its name from the Spanish media, which was the first to announce the epidemic after 8 million Spanish people died. Where is it located? From Spain, the 1918 flu spread throughout Europe before making its way to the U.S. and Asia, eventually hitting all corners of the world. Its worldwide spread can be associated with the 96,000 Chinese workers who moved to Britain and France to work behind their lines of war while sealed in train-cars. How it will kill you? The Spanish Flu was highly contagious disaster. When an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, respiratory droplets are generated and transmitted into the air, which can then be inhaled by anyone nearby. Symptoms of this virus are similar to those of seasonal influenza, which include fatigue, muscle and joint pain, fever, and headache. Severe issues and diseases to the respiratory system are the most common causes of death as they damage to the lungs, inflame the airways, and cause bleeding, swelling, and a destruction of the lungs' surface cell layers. How to survive? During the 1918 epidemic, doctors and scientists were unaware of what caused it, let alone how to treat it. Patients were told to follow seasonal influenza protocols such as drinking water and fruit juices every half hour, using hot blankets and short, hot baths to relieve the pain and fever, and dealing with rapid heart rates through the use of ice packs and cold compresses. Nowadays, there exist several effective vaccines and antiviral drugs to deal with this sickness. Now what do you think is worse, and why? Inhaling asbestos? Or inhaling tobacco smoke? "Chinese workers WWI (14408620130)" by Chatham House, London - Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons "H1N1 navbox" by Cybercobra at en.wikipedia. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons Spanish Influenza Virus
Po latach niewoli wstaje Polska 1914 1918

Po latach niewoli wstaje Polska 1914 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 51:58
  • Updated: 10 Feb 2014
  • views: 16307
Po latach niewoli wstaje Polska 1914-1918. Latach Niewoli Wstaje Polska 1914 1918
NOVA - THE 1918 FLU PANDEMIC - Discovery History Science (documentary)

NOVA - THE 1918 FLU PANDEMIC - Discovery History Science (documentary)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:34
  • Updated: 29 May 2014
  • views: 20911
nova - the 1918 flu pandemic (documentary). thanks for watching. history life discovery science technology tech learning education national nature geographic earth planet channel universe disease diseases illness sickness sick plague contamination virus viral epidemic pandemic contagious outbreak control health medicine medical death influenza plague black death The 1918 Flu Pandemic Discovery History Science (Documentary)
1918 год. Лев Троцкий "Исторические хроники" Сто полнометражных фильмов о истории России.

1918 год. Лев Троцкий "Исторические хроники" Сто полнометражных фильмов о истории России.

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  • Duration: 43:45
  • Updated: 16 Sep 2014
  • views: 9492
‪‪ Другие фильмы из серии "Исторические хроники" ‪ «Канал История» Приглашает ! Фильмы, Репортажи, Материалы Если понравилось - присоединяйтесь. Думаю дальше будет интересней. С уважением Виктор Тарасов Год. Лев Троцкий Исторические Хроники Сто Полнометражных Фильмов О Истории России.
La Première Guerre Mondiale (1914-1918) - Documentaire histoire

La Première Guerre Mondiale (1914-1918) - Documentaire histoire

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  • Duration: 56:56
  • Updated: 18 Sep 2013
  • views: 327595
Documentaire sur la 1ère guerre mondiale (1914 - 1918), appelé aussi la grande guerre. Ce film résume les origines et le déroulement de la guerre 14 18. Ce documentaire peut être un bon complément de cours d'Histoire. Il comporte des archives certaines images en couleur. Deux coups de feu retentissent à Sarajevo en 1914, tuant l'archiduc François Ferdinand et son épouse Sophie. L'assassin est un jeune étudiant serbe, Gavrilo Prinicp. Il était membre de la main noire, groupe qui souhaitait libérer la Serbie du joug de l'empire austro-hongrois. L'attentat de Sarajevo a déclenché la première guerre mondiale. Mais l'orage grondait depuis la révolution en France. On se base sur le principe qu'une même origine ethnique partageant la même langue, et les mêmes idéaux politiques ont droit à des pays indépendants. Le concept de l'auto détermination nationale est ignoré par toutes les forces dynastiques qui ont avec succès ce principe lors du congrès de Vienne de 1815. Les peuples qui ont demandé leur autonomie nationale deviennent des sujets des dynasties locales ou d'autres nations. Mais on ne freine pas les idéaux si facilement la Belgique devient indépendante de la Hollande en 1830, l'Italie obtient son unification en 1861, et l'Allemagne en 1871. Mais d'autres régions d'Europe, surtout dans les Balkans, le problème perdure dans le siècle suivant. Cette guerre fût le théâtre de massacres tel que les tranchées de Verdun. Première Guerre Mondiale (1914 1918) Documentaire Histoire
TRENCH RATS - Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 Gameplay

TRENCH RATS - Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 Gameplay

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  • Duration: 18:08
  • Updated: 17 Sep 2015
  • views: 67557
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM & TWITTER! Thank you guys for all the support, it really helps me out. I don't know how to thank you guys enough for all the views, likes and comments. I guess I'll just continue doing my best to deliver daily online entertainment for you guys! Check out my homepage and follow my Twitch and Steam Group! Twitch ► Homepage ► Steam ► Rats Battle Of Empires 1914 1918 Gameplay
Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918

Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918

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  • Duration: 42:58
  • Updated: 03 Oct 2012
  • views: 31992
Der Erste Weltkrieg - Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr 1918 Die Dokumentation zeigt den Zusammenhang zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen 1914 - 1918 und 1939 - 1945. Der Frühling begann mit einem Paukenschlag. Eingeleitet durch ein fünfstündiges Trommelfeuer aus 6600 Geschützrohren, traten am 21. März 1918 über eine Million deutsche Soldaten zu einer massierten Offensive in Frankreich an - Deckname "Michael". Die deutsche Armeeführung erhoffte sich von diesem Befreiungsschlag den Durchbruch im vierten Jahr eines Stellungskrieges, der unermessliche Todesopfer gefordert hatte, ohne Boden gutzumachen. Zusätzliche Truppen, die nach dem Friedensschluss mit Lenins neuem Sowjetregime von der Ostfront herbeordert wurden, verstärkten das deutsche Aufgebot. Die Zeit drängte, zumal immer mehr frische US-Truppen die Westalliierten verstärkten. Nach Verlusten, Auszehrung und Hunger erhöhte zudem die zunehmende Kriegsmüdigkeit in der Heimat und an der Front den Druck, nun mit allen Mitteln die Entscheidung zu suchen. Der Film erzählt den bewegten Verlauf der Völkerschlacht im letzten Kriegsjahr anhand der Erfahrungen zweier junger Offiziere, die ein Vierteljahrhundert später im Zweiten Weltkrieg zu prominenten Widersachern wurden: Hitlers Generalfeldmarschall Walter Model und US-Panzergeneral George S. Patton traten Ende 1944 während der deutschen Ardennen-Offensive erneut gegeneinander an - unter Umständen, die durchaus Parallelen mit dem Unternehmen "Michael" 1918 aufwiesen. Erste Weltkrieg Völkerschlacht Im Letzten Kriegsjahr 1918
  • What if Call of Duty:The Finnish Civil War of 1918

    What if there were a Call of Duty game set during The Finnish Civil War of 1918 play as both White and Red Finnish forces in campaign mode as they clash for . For readers of CanKiwi2's Alternative Winter War - Punainen myrsky, valkoinen kuolema (Red Storm, White Death) on . See the changing frontlines of the Finnish Civil War, every week.
  • Polish Infantry Weapons 1918 to 1945

    Polish Weapons 19201945 Polish Pistols Vis wz.1935 – Oraz PS (pistolet samoróbka) . Rare Polish weapons of WW2 including some Homemade weapons and improvised Armoured Fighting Vehicles used during the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. Rare Italian infantry Weapons You probably never heard of before today Rare armi italiane si probabilmente mai sentito parlare prima di oggi Sources - Villar .
  • The First Submachineguns:Villar Perosa M1915 and Beretta Model 1918

    Created by the italians The Villar Perosa M1915 is the first submachine gun in history but not the first hand-held SMG. The Beretta Model 1918 is the worlds first . Created by the italians The Villar Perosa M1915 is the first submachine gun in history but not the first hand-held SMG. The Beretta Model 1918 is the worlds first . Created by the italians The Villar Perosa M1915 is the first submachine gun in history but not the first hand-held SMG. The Beretta Model 1918 is the worlds first .
  • Kingdom of Bavaria (1805-1918) "Königreich Bayern"

    Bayernhymne English: 1. God be with thee, land of the Bavarians, German soil, fatherland! Over thy wide area rest His merciful hand! |: He shall protect thy meadows, shield the buildings of thy towns and preserve thee the colours of His sky, white and blue! :| 2. God be with you, people of Bavaria, that we, to our fathers’ worth, fixed in harmony and peace build our own fortunes! |: That with bonds of German brotherhood Everyone may see us united And the old splendour stands the test our Banner, white and blue! :| Deutsch: 1. Gott mit dir, du Land der Bayern, deutsche Erde, Vaterland! Über deinen weiten Gauen ruhe seine Segenshand! |: Er behüte deine Fluren, schirme deiner Städte Bau und erhalte dir die Farben seines Himmels, weiß und blau! :| 2. Gott mit uns, dem Bayernvolke, dass ...
  • Download Mark IV vs A7V: Villers-Bretonneux 1918 (Duel) PDF
  • Colonial Lessons Africans' Education in Southern Rhodesia, 1918 1940

  • Западный фронт 1918 (1930)

    Западный фронт 1918 (1930) В центре фильма судьба 4 немецких солдат: «Баварца», Карла, «Студента» и «Лейтенанта».. Зарубежные военные фильмы про Вторую Мировую. Военные фильмы снятые в 1930-1940 годы. Фильмы про войну 1941-1945 г.
  • King of Thieves 45 - 1918 #Kotdb Base #45 Layout #1918

    King of Thieves is intellectual puzzle game. You can find the best King of Thieves bases at;=1&mt;=8 - Free Alarm Clock iOS with Dream Notes ----------------------------------------­­---------------------------------------­-­--------------------- - Protect donuts from wild turkeys for Android users ----------------------------------------­­---------------------------------------­-­---------------------;=1&mt;=8 - Бесплатная СМС база iOS с напоминаниями дней рождения друзей из vk. ----------------------------------------­­---------------------------------------­-­--------...
  • JSM 12032016 1918 HSK JyS

  • Raja 1918 Full "Movie

    CLîk tō ŴâtČh MovieIn ĤĐ : L̲i̲̅k̲̅e̲̅ and subscribe: Twitter: Instagram: Find us at Like MTV: Follow MTV: ●▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬● L̲i̲̅k̲̅e̲̅ c̲̅σ̲̅ოოe̲̅и̲̅τ̲̅ ●▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬●
  • IMG 1918

  • 1914 1918 La Grande Guerre En Couleur 5l6 Chaos Sur Le Front Est | Documentaire 2016

  • Raja 1918 HeLa FiLMen 2007

    spela och ladda ner : ☼☼ LIKE and subscribe: ◊ Twitter: Instagram: Find us at Like MTV: Follow MTV: +++++++THANK YOU +++++++
  • Raja 1918 hela Filmen 2007

    9E-0847759 Klicka och spela ◈ Subscribe Now ◈ For More Clevver Visit: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Keep up with us on Instagram: Website: Add us to your circles on Google+: Tweet Jovenshire: 〓〓〓♀WELCOM♀〓〓〓 #Clevver
  • Residential for rent - 1918 HAZELTINE CT, Henderson, NV 89074

    Listing Site: Property Site: Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 full and 1 half bathrooms Square Feet: 2287 Price: $2,650 MLS ID: 1615564 For more information about this property, please contact Sean Evenden at 702-475-3200 or You can also text 3411543 to 67299. COMPANY SOCIAL MEDIA: ------------------------------------------ Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: REALTOR SOCIAL MEDIA: ------------------------------------------ 03/16/2016 09:15:02 am Last modified:
  • 29 01 1918

  • 1918 Koko, Elokuva, 1957

    1918 HeLa' filmen' ŤĨTÃ på FĨĽměN Nu ➟√ Twitter: Instagram: Find us at Like MTV: Follow MTV:
  • Revolutionens datter full' FiLm : Full" Movie 1918

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  • What is 1918 ÷ 1095? Do You Know?

    What is 1918 ÷ 1095? Do You Know? Psst, The Answer is ~1.75159817351598173516
  • Hitler attaque : conséquence de 1918

    En 1918 au lendemain de la 1re Guerre mondiale, le traité de Versailles entraîne de graves conséquences économique pour l'Allemagne accroissant les frustrations patriotiques ; Adolphe Hitler se distingue au cours de réunions politiques pendant lesquelles ses talents d'orateur se révèlent...
  • Download Thunder and Flames: Americans in the Crucible of Combat, 1917-1918 (Modern War Studies) PDF
  • Imperial German Colonial and Overseas Troops 1885-1918 by Alejandro de Quesada

    Read or Download :
  • LOS MENESES Trailer oficial - 1918

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What if Call of Duty:The Finnish Civil War of 1918

What if Call of Duty:The Finnish Civil War of 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:40
  • Updated: 17 Mar 2016
  • views: 0
What if there were a Call of Duty game set during The Finnish Civil War of 1918 play as both White and Red Finnish forces in campaign mode as they clash for . For readers of CanKiwi2's Alternative Winter War - Punainen myrsky, valkoinen kuolema (Red Storm, White Death) on . See the changing frontlines of the Finnish Civil War, every week. If Call Of Duty The Finnish Civil War Of 1918
Polish Infantry Weapons 1918 to 1945

Polish Infantry Weapons 1918 to 1945

  • Order:
  • Duration: 24:21
  • Updated: 17 Mar 2016
  • views: 0
Polish Weapons 19201945 Polish Pistols Vis wz.1935 – Oraz PS (pistolet samoróbka) . Rare Polish weapons of WW2 including some Homemade weapons and improvised Armoured Fighting Vehicles used during the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. Rare Italian infantry Weapons You probably never heard of before today Rare armi italiane si probabilmente mai sentito parlare prima di oggi Sources - Villar . Infantry Weapons 1918 To 1945
The First Submachineguns:Villar Perosa M1915 and Beretta Model 1918

The First Submachineguns:Villar Perosa M1915 and Beretta Model 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:08
  • Updated: 17 Mar 2016
  • views: 0
Created by the italians The Villar Perosa M1915 is the first submachine gun in history but not the first hand-held SMG. The Beretta Model 1918 is the worlds first . Created by the italians The Villar Perosa M1915 is the first submachine gun in history but not the first hand-held SMG. The Beretta Model 1918 is the worlds first . Created by the italians The Villar Perosa M1915 is the first submachine gun in history but not the first hand-held SMG. The Beretta Model 1918 is the worlds first . First Submachineguns Villar Perosa M1915 And Beretta Model 1918
Kingdom of Bavaria (1805-1918) "Königreich Bayern"

Kingdom of Bavaria (1805-1918) "Königreich Bayern"

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:14
  • Updated: 17 Mar 2016
  • views: 2
Bayernhymne English: 1. God be with thee, land of the Bavarians, German soil, fatherland! Over thy wide area rest His merciful hand! |: He shall protect thy meadows, shield the buildings of thy towns and preserve thee the colours of His sky, white and blue! :| 2. God be with you, people of Bavaria, that we, to our fathers’ worth, fixed in harmony and peace build our own fortunes! |: That with bonds of German brotherhood Everyone may see us united And the old splendour stands the test our Banner, white and blue! :| Deutsch: 1. Gott mit dir, du Land der Bayern, deutsche Erde, Vaterland! Über deinen weiten Gauen ruhe seine Segenshand! |: Er behüte deine Fluren, schirme deiner Städte Bau und erhalte dir die Farben seines Himmels, weiß und blau! :| 2. Gott mit uns, dem Bayernvolke, dass wir, unsrer Väter wert, fest in Eintracht und in Frieden bauen unsres Glückes Herd! |: Dass mit Deutschlands Bruderstämmen einig uns ein jeder schau und den alten Ruhm bewähre unser Banner, weiß und blau! :| Of Bavaria (1805 1918) Königreich Bayern
Download Mark IV vs A7V: Villers-Bretonneux 1918 (Duel) PDF

Download Mark IV vs A7V: Villers-Bretonneux 1918 (Duel) PDF

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:31
  • Updated: 17 Mar 2016
  • views: 0 Mark Iv Vs A7V Villers Bretonneux 1918 (Duel) Pdf
Colonial Lessons Africans' Education in Southern Rhodesia, 1918 1940

Colonial Lessons Africans' Education in Southern Rhodesia, 1918 1940

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:01
  • Updated: 17 Mar 2016
  • views: 0 Lessons Africans' Education In Southern Rhodesia, 1918 1940
Западный фронт 1918 (1930)

Западный фронт 1918 (1930)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 167:47
  • Updated: 17 Mar 2016
  • views: 0
Западный фронт 1918 (1930) В центре фильма судьба 4 немецких солдат: «Баварца», Карла, «Студента» и «Лейтенанта».. Зарубежные военные фильмы про Вторую Мировую. Военные фильмы снятые в 1930-1940 годы. Фильмы про войну 1941-1945 г.Западный Фронт 1918 (1930)
King of Thieves 45 - 1918 #Kotdb Base #45 Layout #1918

King of Thieves 45 - 1918 #Kotdb Base #45 Layout #1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:34
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 1
King of Thieves is intellectual puzzle game. You can find the best King of Thieves bases at;=1&mt;=8 - Free Alarm Clock iOS with Dream Notes ----------------------------------------­­---------------------------------------­-­--------------------- - Protect donuts from wild turkeys for Android users ----------------------------------------­­---------------------------------------­-­---------------------;=1&mt;=8 - Бесплатная СМС база iOS с напоминаниями дней рождения друзей из vk. ----------------------------------------­­---------------------------------------­-­--------------------- Of Thieves 45 1918 Kotdb Base 45 Layout 1918
JSM 12032016 1918 HSK JyS

JSM 12032016 1918 HSK JyS

  • Order:
  • Duration: 15:12
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 2 12032016 1918 Hsk Jys
Raja 1918 Full "Movie

Raja 1918 Full "Movie

  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:53
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 0
CLîk tō ŴâtČh MovieIn ĤĐ : L̲i̲̅k̲̅e̲̅ and subscribe: Twitter: Instagram: Find us at Like MTV: Follow MTV: ●▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬● L̲i̲̅k̲̅e̲̅ c̲̅σ̲̅ოოe̲̅и̲̅τ̲̅ ●▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬● 1918 Full Movie
IMG 1918

IMG 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:12
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 5 1918
1914 1918 La Grande Guerre En Couleur 5l6 Chaos Sur Le Front Est | Documentaire 2016

1914 1918 La Grande Guerre En Couleur 5l6 Chaos Sur Le Front Est | Documentaire 2016

  • Order:
  • Duration: 66:02
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 1 1918 La Grande Guerre En Couleur 5L6 Chaos Sur Le Front Est | Documentaire 2016
Raja 1918 HeLa FiLMen 2007

Raja 1918 HeLa FiLMen 2007

  • Order:
  • Duration: 94:01
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 0
spela och ladda ner : ☼☼ LIKE and subscribe: ◊ Twitter: Instagram: Find us at Like MTV: Follow MTV: +++++++THANK YOU +++++++ 1918 Hela Filmen 2007
Raja 1918 hela Filmen 2007

Raja 1918 hela Filmen 2007

  • Order:
  • Duration: 101:53
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 0
9E-0847759 Klicka och spela ◈ Subscribe Now ◈ For More Clevver Visit: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Keep up with us on Instagram: Website: Add us to your circles on Google+: Tweet Jovenshire: 〓〓〓♀WELCOM♀〓〓〓 #Clevver 1918 Hela Filmen 2007
Residential for rent - 1918 HAZELTINE CT, Henderson, NV 89074

Residential for rent - 1918 HAZELTINE CT, Henderson, NV 89074

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:18
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 0
Listing Site: Property Site: Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 full and 1 half bathrooms Square Feet: 2287 Price: $2,650 MLS ID: 1615564 For more information about this property, please contact Sean Evenden at 702-475-3200 or You can also text 3411543 to 67299. COMPANY SOCIAL MEDIA: ------------------------------------------ Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: REALTOR SOCIAL MEDIA: ------------------------------------------ 03/16/2016 09:15:02 am Last modified: For Rent 1918 Hazeltine Ct, Henderson, Nv 89074
29 01 1918

29 01 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:41
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 0
Крути 01 1918
1918 Koko, Elokuva, 1957

1918 Koko, Elokuva, 1957

  • Order:
  • Duration: 73:09
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 0
1918 HeLa' filmen' ŤĨTÃ på FĨĽměN Nu ➟√ Twitter: Instagram: Find us at Like MTV: Follow MTV: Koko, Elokuva, 1957
Revolutionens datter full' FiLm : Full" Movie 1918

Revolutionens datter full' FiLm : Full" Movie 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 73:09
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 0
Klik på linket◕_◕ √ Twitter: Instagram: Find us at Like MTV: Follow MTV: ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ENJOY COY∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ Datter Full' Film Full Movie 1918
What is 1918 ÷ 1095? Do You Know?

What is 1918 ÷ 1095? Do You Know?

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  • Duration: 0:21
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 0
What is 1918 ÷ 1095? Do You Know? Psst, The Answer is ~1.75159817351598173516 Is 1918 ÷ 1095 Do You Know
Hitler attaque : conséquence de 1918

Hitler attaque : conséquence de 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 54:28
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 7
En 1918 au lendemain de la 1re Guerre mondiale, le traité de Versailles entraîne de graves conséquences économique pour l'Allemagne accroissant les frustrations patriotiques ; Adolphe Hitler se distingue au cours de réunions politiques pendant lesquelles ses talents d'orateur se révèlent... Attaque Conséquence De 1918
Download Thunder and Flames: Americans in the Crucible of Combat, 1917-1918 (Modern War Studies) PDF

Download Thunder and Flames: Americans in the Crucible of Combat, 1917-1918 (Modern War Studies) PDF

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  • Duration: 0:31
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 0 Thunder And Flames Americans In The Crucible Of Combat, 1917 1918 (Modern War Studies) Pdf
Imperial German Colonial and Overseas Troops 1885-1918 by Alejandro de Quesada

Imperial German Colonial and Overseas Troops 1885-1918 by Alejandro de Quesada

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  • Duration: 0:28
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 0
Read or Download : German Colonial And Overseas Troops 1885 1918 By Alejandro De Quesada
LOS MENESES Trailer  oficial - 1918

LOS MENESES Trailer oficial - 1918

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  • Duration: 1:09
  • Updated: 16 Mar 2016
  • views: 61
rap hard core Meneses Trailer Oficial 1918
  • Tukang Bubur Naik Haji Episode 1918

  • 列寧在1918(上譯)

  • Primera Guerra Mundial 1914-1918: El Infierno

    En este Documental el protagonista un Soldado Francés de 24 años;relatara la tragedia,sufrimiento y el horror de la Primera Guerra Mundial a través de películas,canciones,reconstrucciones y archivos fílmicos originales restaurados y coloreados. Director: Jean-Francois Delassus 2008
  • LANDWEHR - Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 Gameplay

    FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM & TWITTER! Thank you guys for all the support, it really helps me out. I don't know how to thank you guys enough for all the views, likes and comments. I guess I'll just continue doing my best to deliver daily online entertainment for you guys! Check out my homepage and follow my Twitch and Steam Group! Twitch ► Homepage ► Steam ►
  • Revolution - Räte-Republik 1918/1919 in Deutschland www-youtube-com-user-ThiefTimeless2 3sat, November 2008 Kulturzeit extra: Die Räterepublik 1918/1919 Film von Henning Burk Der Streit im linken Parteienspektrum hat in Deutschland eine lange Tradition. Vor 90 Jahren, als der Sozialdemokrat Philipp Scheidemann von einem Balkon des Reichstags und der Spartakist Karl Liebknecht zwei Kilometer östlich vom Berliner Schloss aus die deutsche Republik ausriefen, war die Linke tief zerstritten darüber, wie mit dem politischen Erbe des Kaiserreichs und den Herrschaftsverhältnissen in Deutschland umzugehen sei. Die einen blickten bewundernd auf die Vorgänge in Russland und sahen in der jungen Sowjetrepublik ein Vorbild. Die anderen distanzierten sich energisch davon. Un...
  • 郭德纲 于谦 列宁在1918

  • ЛЕГІОН - ХРОНІКА УГА 1918-1919. 4K UHD

    Режисер: Тарас Химич Автор сценарію: Олександр Пагіря Композитор: Любомир Соломченко Звук: Роман Микульський Постановка військових сцен: Володимир Правосудов Військова реконструкція: В.І.К. «Повстанець» (Київ) Оповідачі: Віктор Власенко, Януш Юхницький, Влодко Лучишин, Бернард Уліат Фільм створено в рамках проекту "Документалістика"
Tukang Bubur Naik Haji Episode 1918

Tukang Bubur Naik Haji Episode 1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 48:30
  • Updated: 28 Feb 2016
  • views: 8947 Bubur Naik Haji Episode 1918


  • Order:
  • Duration: 124:23
  • Updated: 17 Apr 2015
  • views: 17693列寧在1918(上譯)
Primera Guerra Mundial 1914-1918: El Infierno

Primera Guerra Mundial 1914-1918: El Infierno

  • Order:
  • Duration: 100:08
  • Updated: 19 Sep 2014
  • views: 1286946
En este Documental el protagonista un Soldado Francés de 24 años;relatara la tragedia,sufrimiento y el horror de la Primera Guerra Mundial a través de películas,canciones,reconstrucciones y archivos fílmicos originales restaurados y coloreados. Director: Jean-Francois Delassus 2008 Guerra Mundial 1914 1918 El Infierno
LANDWEHR - Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 Gameplay

LANDWEHR - Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 Gameplay

  • Order:
  • Duration: 23:29
  • Updated: 22 Dec 2015
  • views: 53639
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM & TWITTER! Thank you guys for all the support, it really helps me out. I don't know how to thank you guys enough for all the views, likes and comments. I guess I'll just continue doing my best to deliver daily online entertainment for you guys! Check out my homepage and follow my Twitch and Steam Group! Twitch ► Homepage ► Steam ► Battle Of Empires 1914 1918 Gameplay
Revolution - Räte-Republik 1918/1919 in Deutschland

Revolution - Räte-Republik 1918/1919 in Deutschland

  • Order:
  • Duration: 45:05
  • Updated: 08 May 2013
  • views: 36548 www-youtube-com-user-ThiefTimeless2 3sat, November 2008 Kulturzeit extra: Die Räterepublik 1918/1919 Film von Henning Burk Der Streit im linken Parteienspektrum hat in Deutschland eine lange Tradition. Vor 90 Jahren, als der Sozialdemokrat Philipp Scheidemann von einem Balkon des Reichstags und der Spartakist Karl Liebknecht zwei Kilometer östlich vom Berliner Schloss aus die deutsche Republik ausriefen, war die Linke tief zerstritten darüber, wie mit dem politischen Erbe des Kaiserreichs und den Herrschaftsverhältnissen in Deutschland umzugehen sei. Die einen blickten bewundernd auf die Vorgänge in Russland und sahen in der jungen Sowjetrepublik ein Vorbild. Die anderen distanzierten sich energisch davon. Und so führten Räterepublik und Revolution im Deutschland der Jahreswende 1918/1919 zu einer seltsamen Wahrnehmung, der auch Alfred Döblin noch 20 Jahre später in der Romantetralogie "November 1918" eine literarische Form gab. Henning Burk zeichnet in "Kulturzeit extra: Die Räterepublik 1918/1919" die Vorgänge dieses revolutionären Winters nach. . Räte Republik 1918 1919 In Deutschland
郭德纲 于谦 列宁在1918

郭德纲 于谦 列宁在1918

  • Order:
  • Duration: 36:12
  • Updated: 28 Aug 2011
  • views: 191817郭德纲 于谦 列宁在1918


  • Order:
  • Duration: 49:31
  • Updated: 08 Dec 2015
  • views: 81709
Режисер: Тарас Химич Автор сценарію: Олександр Пагіря Композитор: Любомир Соломченко Звук: Роман Микульський Постановка військових сцен: Володимир Правосудов Військова реконструкція: В.І.К. «Повстанець» (Київ) Оповідачі: Віктор Власенко, Януш Юхницький, Влодко Лучишин, Бернард Уліат Фільм створено в рамках проекту "Документалістика"Легіон Хроніка Уга 1918 1919. 4K Uhd
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    Armistice 1918

    Another great documentary by Professor David Reynolds. In this film he examines the circumstances of the 1918 Armistice from both sides, using some excellent archive footage. It will be of great value to students of this period and the event itself. Uploaded for educational purposes only. Any advertising that appears is unbidden, and all videos in this collection are unmonetised.
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      Armistice 1918
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      HOW IT HAPPENED: The Terrible Pandemic of 1918 (720p)
    • America's Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918 (720p)
      America's Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918 (720p)
    • DEFEND THE FORT - Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 Gameplay
      DEFEND THE FORT - Battle of Empires: 1914-1918 Gameplay
    • 1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 3. Total War
      1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 3. Total War
    • Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (with English subtitles)
      Westfront 1918: Vier von der Infanterie (with English subtitles)
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    • 20th Century Battlefields- Episode 1- 1918 Western Front
      20th Century Battlefields- Episode 1- 1918 Western Front
    • flu pandemic 1918 Full Documentary
      flu pandemic 1918 Full Documentary
    • 1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 1.  Explosion
      1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 1. Explosion
    • 1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 4. Slaughter
      1914~1918. A BBC History of the Great War: 4. Slaughter
    • А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»
      А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»
    • 11 novembre 1918, le dernier assaut pour l'armistice
      11 novembre 1918, le dernier assaut pour l'armistice
    • Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKUMENT)
      Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKUMENT)

    Armistice 1918
    An­oth­er great doc­u­men­tary by Pro­fes­sor David Reynolds. In this film he ex­am­ines the circu...
    pub­lished: 03 Jan 2014
    Play in Full Screen
    HOW IT HAP­PENED: The Ter­ri­ble Pan­dem­ic of 1918 (720p)
    This ed­u­ca­tion­al his­to­ry doc­u­men­tary cov­ers the 1918 flu pan­dem­ic (Jan­uary 1918 – De­cem­ber...
    pub­lished: 06 Apr 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    Amer­i­ca's For­got­ten Pan­dem­ic: The In­fluen­za of 1918 (720p)
    pub­lished: 12 Apr 2014
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    DE­FEND THE FORT - Bat­tle of Em­pires: 1914-1918 Game­play
    FOL­LOW ME ON IN­STA­GRAM & TWIT­TER! https://​www.​instagram.​com/​diplexheated https://twit­ter.c...
    pub­lished: 14 Mar 2016
    Play in Full Screen
    1914~1918. A BBC His­to­ry of the Great War: 3. Total War
    A BBC se­ries from 1996 in 7 parts. Nar­rat­ed by Dame Judi Dench. Up­load­ed from an old VHS r...
    pub­lished: 06 Oct 2014
    Play in Full Screen
    West­front 1918: Vier von der In­fan­terie (with En­glish sub­ti­tles)
    Der Film nach dem Roman, WEST­FRONT 1918. VIER VON DER IN­FAN­TERIE, uraufgeführt am 23. Mai ...
    pub­lished: 19 Jan 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    Bat­tle­field 1918? Czego spodziewać się po Bat­tle­field­zie 5 [tvgry.​pl]
    Co przyniesie Bat­tle­field 5? Roz­maw­iają Grze­gorz Bo­brek i Michał Mańka - redak­cyjni BF-owi...
    pub­lished: 03 Mar 2016
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    20th Cen­tu­ry Bat­tle­fields- Episode 1- 1918 West­ern Front
    pub­lished: 07 Apr 2013
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    flu pan­dem­ic 1918 Full Doc­u­men­tary
    The 1918 flu pan­dem­ic (Jan­uary 1918 – De­cem­ber 1920) was an un­usu­al­ly dead­ly in­fluen­za pan...
    pub­lished: 19 Nov 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    1914~1918. A BBC His­to­ry of the Great War: 1. Ex­plo­sion
    A BBC se­ries from 1996 in 7 parts. Nar­rat­ed by Dame Judi Dench. Up­load­ed from an old VHS r...
    pub­lished: 05 Oct 2014
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    1914~1918. A BBC His­to­ry of the Great War: 4. Slaugh­ter
    A BBC se­ries from 1996 in 7 parts. Nar­rat­ed by Dame Judi Dench. Up­load­ed from an old VHS r...
    pub­lished: 07 Oct 2014
    Play in Full Screen
    А.Б. Зубов: «Борьба за Россию в 1918 году»
    В среду, 25 февраля, в 19-00, в рамках кафедры истории «Новой газеты» состоялась лекция до...
    pub­lished: 02 Mar 2015
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    11 novem­bre 1918, le dernier as­saut pour l'armistice
    Lundi 11 novem­bre 1918, 11 heures : dans toute la France, les cloches son­nent à la volée. ...
    pub­lished: 10 Nov 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    Velká válka: 1914-1918 (CZ DOKU­MENT)
    Počátkem léta roku 1914 ještě nikdo netušil, jaká tragédie se skrývá za dveřmi. Působivá v...
    pub­lished: 14 Sep 2014
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    fullscreen slideshow

    What if Call of Duty:The Finnish Civil War of 1918

    What if there were a Call of Duty game set during The Finnish Civil War of 1918 play as both White and Red Finnish forces in campaign mode as they clash for . For readers of CanKiwi2's Alternative Winter War - Punainen myrsky, valkoinen kuolema (Red Storm, White Death) on . See the changing frontlines of the Finnish Civil War, every week.
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    What if Call of Duty:The Finnish Civil War of 1918
    What if there were a Call of Duty game set dur­ing The Finnish Civil War of 1918 play as bo...
    pub­lished: 17 Mar 2016
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    Pol­ish In­fantry Weapons 1918 to 1945
    Pol­ish Weapons 1920 – 1945 Pol­ish Pis­tols Vis wz.1935 – Oraz PS (pis­to­let samoróbka) . ...
    pub­lished: 17 Mar 2016
    Play in Full Screen
    The First Sub­ma­chine­guns:Vil­lar Per­osa M1915 and Beretta Model 1918
    Cre­at­ed by the ital­ians The Vil­lar Per­osa M1915 is the first sub­ma­chine gun in his­to­ry but...
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    Play in Full Screen
    King­dom of Bavaria (1805-1918) "Köni­gre­ich Bay­ern"
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    Down­load Mark IV vs A7V: Villers-Bre­ton­neux 1918 (Duel) PDF
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    Colo­nial Lessons Africans' Ed­u­ca­tion in South­ern Rhode­sia, 1918 1940
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    Западный фронт 1918 (1930)
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    King of Thieves 45 - 1918 #Kotdb Base #45 Lay­out #1918
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    JSM 12032016 1918 HSK JyS
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    Raja 1918 Full "Movie
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    IMG 1918
    pub­lished: 16 Mar 2016
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    1914 1918 La Grande Guerre En Couleur 5l6 Chaos Sur Le Front Est | Doc­u­men­taire 2016
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    Raja 1918 HeLa FiL­Men 2007
    spela och ladda ner : http://​bit.​ly/​1VzArRy ☼☼ LIKE and sub­scribe: http://​bit.​ly/​1VzArRy ...
    pub­lished: 16 Mar 2016
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    Raja 1918 hela Fil­men 2007
    9E-0847759 Klic­ka och spela http://​bit.​ly/​1ThWugB ◈ Sub­scribe Now http://​bit.​ly/​1ThWugB ◈ ...
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    Tukang Bubur Naik Haji Episode 1918

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    Tukang Bubur Naik Haji Episode 1918
    pub­lished: 28 Feb 2016
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    pub­lished: 17 Apr 2015
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    Primera Guer­ra Mundi­al 1914-1918: El In­fier­no
    En este Doc­u­men­tal el pro­tag­o­nista un Sol­da­do Francés de 24 años;re­latara la trage­dia,sufr...
    pub­lished: 19 Sep 2014
    Play in Full Screen
    LANDWEHR - Bat­tle of Em­pires: 1914-1918 Game­play
    FOL­LOW ME ON IN­STA­GRAM & TWIT­TER! https://​www.​instagram.​com/​diplexheated https://twit­ter.c...
    pub­lished: 22 Dec 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    Rev­o­lu­tion - Räte-Re­pub­lik 1918/1919 in Deutsch­land
    http://​www.​youtube.​com/​user/​ThiefTimeless2 www-youtube-com-us­er-Thief­Time­less2 http://www....
    pub­lished: 08 May 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    郭德纲 于谦 列宁在1918
    pub­lished: 28 Aug 2011
    Play in Full Screen
    ЛЕГІОН - ХРОНІКА УГА 1918-1919. 4K UHD
    Режисер: Тарас Химич Автор сценарію: Олександр Пагіря Композитор: Любомир Соломченко Звук:...
    pub­lished: 08 Dec 2015
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    photo: AP / Jens Meyer
    Migrating cranes fly in front of the sun during sunset near Straussfurt, central Germany, Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014.

    Was Million-Mile-Wide Anomaly Across Sun's Face A UFO Or Open Hatch To Alien World?

    Edit 17 Mar 2016
    An image of the sun captured by NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) on Monday has UFO conspiracy theorists and bloggers up in arms about extraterrestrials and conspiracy theories, the Inquistr reported Thursday. In the image, a massive anomaly supposedly extends millions of miles across the face of the sun, the report said ... “This photo, as rare as it is, confirms that theory.” ... –, Jack Durschlag....
    photo: AP / Haraz N. Ghanbari
    President Bush, left, puts his arm around Karl Rove as they appear before reporters during a news conference on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Monday, Aug. 13, 2007, announcing Rove's resignation.

    Silicon Valley And “Bush’s Brain” Join Forces To Stop Trump

    Edit 17 Mar 2016
    Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. In a republic ruled by Tech Giants and a Two-Party Political System, it is not necessarily the best candidate or independent voter that counts but rather the smartest manipulator of electronic social devices ... Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan were also in attendance. Distrusting the Electorate While Being Concerned About Trump ... (Note....
    photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore
    Speaker of the House John Boehner speaking at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC.

    Former House Speaker Boehner Calls Cruz 'Lucifer,' Throws Support Behind Paul Ryan

    Edit 17 Mar 2016
    Former House Speaker John Boehner lashed out at Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, calling the Texas senator “Lucifer” after giving a speech at the Futures Industry Association conference in Boca Raton, Fla., Breitbart reported ... Boehner said “anyone can be nominated.” ... They all had a chance to win. None of them won....
    photo: AP / Richard Shiro
    In this Dec. 12, 2015, photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a town hall meeting in the Convocation Center on the University of South Carolina Aiken campus in Aiken, S.C.

    Trump presidency rated among top 10 global risks: EIU

    Edit BBC News 17 Mar 2016
    Donald Trump winning the US presidency is considered one of the top 10 risks facing the world, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit. The research firm warns he could disrupt the global economy and heighten political and security risks in the US. However, it does not expect Mr Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton who it sees as "his most likely Democratic contender" ... Critics of Mr Trump have raised similar concerns ... ....
    photo: Creative Commons / Darkoneko

    Queen Nefertiti: Hiding in plain sight?

    Edit CNN 17 Mar 2016
    (CNN)It's a mystery that has evaded the best minds in archeology for decades. the unknown fate of a beautiful queen that ruled over ancient Egypt at the height of its power. But Nefertiti may be hiding in plain sight. At least, that's according to one recent theory that's set the Egyptology world buzzing ... Read More ... King Tut's 'virtual autopsy' reveals surprises. Who was Nefertiti? ... 7 photos. The search for Nefertiti. 7 photos ... Hide Caption ... ....

    "Fox, Frances

    Edit The Morning Call 17 Mar 2016
    Frances J. Fox, 97, of Upper Saucon Twp. died Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at VNA Hospice House of St. Luke's, Lower Saucon Twp ... on June 20, 1918 to late Wallace A ... Survivors ... ....

    Fox, Frances J.

    Edit The Morning Call 17 Mar 2016
    Frances J. Fox, 97, of Upper Saucon Twp. died Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at VNA Hospice House of St. Luke's, Lower Saucon Twp ... on June 20, 1918 to late Wallace A ... Survivors ... ....

    With a rebel yell – Recording Leisure Lives on the bad boys and girls (University of Bolton)

    Edit Public Technologies 17 Mar 2016
    (Source. University of Bolton). Posted on Thursday 17th March 2016. Sex, drugs and rock and roll are just a taster of the rebel past times to come under the spotlight in the eighth Recording Leisure Lives conference on Tuesday 22 March 2016 ... Keynote speakers include Andrew Davies, (University of Liverpool) author of City of Gangs ... Charities and the Working Classes in London 1918-1979 ... Said Dr Bob Snape ... The conference sub-themes are ... (noodl....

    Anzac Centenary Print Portfolio goes on display at Parliament House (Australian War Memorial)

    Edit Public Technologies 17 Mar 2016
    (Source. Australian War Memorial). Published. Thu 17 Mar 2016. One of the Australian War Memorial's flagship centenary projects, the Anzac Centenary Print Portfolio, has today been presented to Parliament House ... Director Dr Brendan Nelson called the portfolio one of the most ambitious art commissioning projects undertaken in the Memorial's history ... The commissioned artists are ...

    Suffragette City – Manchester’s Central Library hosts exhibition celebrating the life of Annot Robinson (Manchester City Council)

    Edit Public Technologies 17 Mar 2016
    (Source. Manchester City Council). Central Library is hosting an exhibition to celebrate the remarkable life of suffragette Annot Robinson. The free exhibition - Annot Robinson ... Annot campaigned for equal pay for women working in munitions factories in World War I, organised Women's Peace Crusades across the country from 1917-1918 and worked tirelessly for the Women's International League, in Ireland and USA ... Original Document ... (noodl....

    Virginia Prisoners To Be Eligible For College Credit Classes (The Office of the Governor of the State of Virginia)

    Edit Public Technologies 17 Mar 2016
    (Source. The Office of the Governor of the State of Virginia) For Immediate Release. March 17, 2016. Contacts.Office of the Governor. Brian Coy, (804) 225-4260, ... Founded in 1918, ACE is the major coordinating body for all the nation's higher education institutions, representing more than 1,600 college and university presidents and more than 200 related associations nationwide ... Original Document ... (noodl....

    St. Patrick's Day Reflections (Rutgers University, Newark)

    Edit Public Technologies 17 Mar 2016
    (Source. Rutgers University, Newark). Law School's John Farmer Leads Newark's St. Patricks Day Parade. Former Rutgers Law School Dean John J. Farmer Jr. credited the sacrifices of his grandparents and parents for paving the way to his success in his remarks as the Grand Marshall of the 81st St ... Farmer also pointed out that his grandparents survived the flu pandemic of 1918, the Great Depression, and World War II ... Barbara A ... Original Document....

    William Paterson University Signs On to Commitment to Advance Women Leaders in Higher Education (William Paterson University)

    Edit Public Technologies 17 Mar 2016
    (Source. William Paterson University). William Paterson University has signed on to the Moving the Needle ... It is critical that those of us in leadership positions work to advocate for more women to join us.' ... About ACE. Founded in 1918, ACE is the major coordinating body for all the nation's higher education institutions, representing more than 1,600 college and university presidents and related associations ... Original Document ... (noodl....

    BEA Offers Fixed Rate Residential Mortgage Plan Customers can enjoy a fixed rate of 1.8% per annum for the first year (BEA - The Bank of East Asia Limited)

    Edit Public Technologies 17 Mar 2016
    (Source. BEA - The Bank of East Asia Limited) BEA Offers Fixed Rate Residential Mortgage Plan. For Immediate Release. BEA Offers Fixed Rate Residential Mortgage Plan. Customers can enjoy a fixed rate of 1.8% per annum for the first year ... Commenting on the Plan, Mr ... Incorporated in 1918, BEA is Hong Kong's largest independent local bank, with total consolidated assets of HK$781.4 billion (US$100.8 billion) as of 31st December, 2015 ... - End -....

    CITIZEN Flagship Model for 2016 CITIZEN Eco-Drive One The world's thinnest(*1) light-powered watch with a 1.00mm movement

    Edit PR Newswire 17 Mar 2016
    NEW YORK, March 17, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- It has been 40 years since CITIZEN invented the world's first analog quartz watch that uses light as a power source ... Materials that are both thin and strong ... Eco-Drive One ... Ref ... Since its founding in 1918, CITIZEN have held the belief of "Better Starts Now" — that is, no matter who you are and what you do, it is always possible to make something better, and now is the time to start doing it....

    We shall not allow others to tell us whom we can let into our home and country (Prime Minister of Hungary)

    Edit Public Technologies 17 Mar 2016
    (Source. Prime Minister of Hungary) ... He said that 'The time has come to ring the warning bell. The time has come for opposition and resistance. The time has come to gather allies to us ... Mr ... Together we are strength, disunited we are weakness ... Mr ... Mr ... He said that the record of the 1918-19 revolution can be found 'in the volume devoted to Bolshevik anti-Hungarian subversions launched in the service of foreign interests and foreign ambitions'....

    We shall not allow others to tell us whom we can let into our home and country (Government of the Republic of Hungary)

    Edit Public Technologies 17 Mar 2016
    (Source. Government of the Republic of Hungary) ... He said that 'The time has come to ring the warning bell. The time has come for opposition and resistance. The time has come to gather allies to us ... Mr ... Mr ... Mr ... Mr ... He described the process as follows ... He said that the record of the 1918-19 revolution can be found 'in the volume devoted to Bolshevik anti-Hungarian subversions launched in the service of foreign interests and foreign ambitions'....

    Scientists Generate a New Type of Human Stem Cell That Has Half a Genome (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

    Edit Public Technologies 17 Mar 2016
    (Source. Hebrew University of Jerusalem). The haploid stem cells may yield new genetic screening tools and therapies. VIDEO. https.// ... The scientists reported their findings today in the journal Nature ... WATCH VIDEO ... ### ... Founded in 1918 by visionaries including Albert Einstein, the Hebrew University is a pluralistic institution where science and knowledge are advanced for the benefit of humankind ... Original Document ... (noodl....