The Kiel mutiny was a major revolt by sailors of the German High Seas Fleet on 3 November 1918. The revolt triggered the German revolution which was to sweep aside the monarchy within a few days. It ultimately led to the end of the First World War and to the establishment of the Weimar Republic.
By September 1918, Germany's military situation was hopeless. Kaiser Wilhelm II was advised to request the Entente Cordiale for an immediate cease fire and put the government on a democratic footing, hoping for more favorable peace terms. On 3 October, the Kaiser appointed Prince Maximilian of Baden as the new Imperial Chancellor. In his cabinet the Social Democrats (SPD) also took on responsibility. The most prominent and highest-ranking was Philipp Scheidemann as undersecretary without portfolio.
While the war-weary troops and the population disappointed by the Kaiser's government awaited the speedy end of the war, the Imperial Naval Command in Kiel under Admiral Franz von Hipper, without authorization, planned to dispatch the fleet for a last battle against the Royal Navy in the English Channel.
Tyler Nelson is a dancer best known for being star of a musical reality show called, Taking the Stage where his life as junior and senior at S.C.P.A High School, It shows how Tyler is stuck in love a lot in the show on and off with Jasmine White-Killens because of Mia C., And in the show he has a dance crew called "Black Rain", Also how he is very very close to his friend Mia C . The show was produced by Nick Lachey, a SCPA alumnnus, for the MTV network. He has gone on to appear in a number of films since the ending of the show.