- published: 19 Dec 2016
- views: 152215
Bukovina (Romanian: Bucovina; Ukrainian: Буковина Bukovyna; Hungarian: Bukovina; German and Polish: Bukowina; see also other languages) is a historical region in Central Europe, divided between Romania and Ukraine, located on the northern slopes of the central Eastern Carpathians and the adjoining plains.
Historically part of Moldavia, the territory of what became known as Bukovina was, from 1774 to 1918, an administrative division of the Habsburg Monarchy, the Austrian Empire, and Austria-Hungary. After World War I, Romania established control over Bukovina. In 1940, the northern half of Bukovina was annexed by the Soviet Union, and nowadays is part of Ukraine.
The name Bukovina came into official use in 1775 with the region's annexation from the Principality of Moldavia to the possessions of the Habsburg Monarchy, which became the Austrian Empire in 1804, and Austria-Hungary in 1867.
The official German name of the province under Austrian rule (1775–1918), die Bukowina, was derived from the Polish form Bukowina, which in turn was derived from the common Slavic form of buk, meaning beech tree (бук [buk] as, for example, in Ukrainian or, even, Buche in German). Another German name for the region, das Buchenland, is mostly used in poetry, and means "beech land", or "the land of beech trees". In Romanian, in literary or poetic contexts, the name Țara Fagilor ("the land of beech trees") is sometimes used.
Ian Oliver, QPM, is a former police officer, author, speaker and international consultant for the United Nations. He served as Chief Constable of Scotland's Central and Grampian Police. Since leaving the police force, he has worked as a consultant and speaker on the issues of drugs, terrorism and trafficking. He is a published author, a board member of the International Scientific & Medical Advisory Forum on Drug Abuse, an appointed life member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and an elected Member of the Institute of Global Drug Policy. Oliver is the father of Craig Oliver, the current special adviser to David Cameron's government.
After training as a company secretary, Oliver served as an officer with the Royal Air Force between 1959 and 1961. After leaving the Air Force he joined London's Metropolitan Police Service as a constable, working his way up to the rank of Superintendent. He moved to Northumbria Police as a Chief Superintendent in 1977, then later became the force's Assistant Chief Constable. In 1979 he was appointed as Chief Constable of Central Scotland Police, a job he held for eleven years until moving to the neighbouring Grampian force. Part of his remit at Central covered the Grangemouth Oil Refinery. He was Chief Constable of Grampian Police from 1990 to 1998. During his time in Scotland he was twice elected as President of the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland, as well as International Vice President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. He was also awarded the Queen’s Police Medal for Distinguished Police Service.
Bucovina - Asteapta-ma Dincolo de Moarte (official video)
Bucovina - Spune tu, Vant (official video)
Bucovina - Straja
Shantel - Bucovina
Bucovina - Mestecanis
Ian Oliver Feat. Shantel - Bucovina (Official Video HQ)
Natură și aventură - Urcarea oilor la munte, în Bucovina
Bucovina - Ultima Iarna
Ian Oliver feat. Shantel - Bucovina (Radio Mix)
VERONA ADAMS - Canta cucu-n Bucovina
Bucovina - Hyperlapse - AlexUrsake.ro
Bucovina & Moldova - Romania
Bucovina la Inaltime - Monumente UNESCO
This song was written as a token of gratitude for being lucky enough to get to know our departed friend Adrian Rugina. He lost his life while saving other metalheads from the blaze at the Colectiv club in Bucharest, Romania, 30 October 2015. He was a true friend and, ultimately, proved to be a modern day hero, too. With Asteapta-ma Dincolo (de Moarte) we know, once more, as if needed, that his loved memory and professional legacy will never be forgotten. The song was written and recorded during the Fall of 2016 in Tara de Sus studio by Bucovina, mixed and mastered at Gernhart Studio by Martin Buchwalter in December 2016. The video was conceptualized and shot in December 2016 by Razvan M. Lupascu and Addarta. All rights belong to Bucovina/Tara de Sus. The song is available on all digita...
Official video for Spune tu, Vant, the opening track on Bucovina's third album, Sub Stele. Music composed and performed by Bucovina. Lyrics by Bucovina. Mixed and mastered by Dan Swanö. Video by Costin Chioreanu (Twilight13Media). Band photos by Tudor Raiciu and Cristi Tibu. Additional graphic design by Alexandru Moga (Kogaion Art). Published by Tara de Sus. All rights reserved. Copyrigth holder: Tara de Sus. Monetizing this video is prohibited. Free for non-commercial use. Sub Stele is available on all major digital music services including: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ro/album/sub-stele/id744998562 AmazonMP3: http://www.amazon.com/Sub-Stele-Bucovina/dp/B00GNCM0KM Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/user/113327266/playlist/7fOLEcOrzXxaav8rRlKMIB and more. Follow Bucovina at www.f...
The third Track from the Bucovina EP - Duh All credit to Bucovina Canta cucu bata-l vina De rasuna Bucovina Canta cucu bata-l vina De rasuna Bucovina Canta cucu-ntr-un bradut De rasuna-n Cernauti Bucovina,plai cu flori Unde-ti sunt ai tai feciori? Bucovina,plai cu flori Unde-ti sunt ai tai feciori? Au fosti dusi in alta tara Dar se-ntorc la primavara Au fosti dusi in alta tara Dar se-ntorc la primavara Au fosti dusi in alta tara Dar se-ntorc la primavara Inapoi cand or veni Tot pe tine te-or iubi Muntilor cu creasta rara Nu lasati straja sa piara Muntilor cu creasta rara Nu lasati straja sa piara Daca piere straja noastra A pierit si tara noastra Daca piere straja noastra A pierit sï tara noastra
Artist:BUCOVINA http://www.myspace.com/bucovina - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bucovina-Band/153947144648188 Buy album: http://www.realm-of-bucovina.com/merch_EN.html Album:Duh[Ep] Genre:Folk /Pagan Metal Country:Romania Year:2010 This is for promotional purposes only. DISCLAIMER: All music and images belong to the their rightful owners. The credit is theirs alone. I do not own any of the music.Absolutely no copyright infringement intended.
Get it on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/de/album/bucovina-ep/id269347307?ign-mpt=uo%3D4 ► Follow Kontor Records Facebook: http://facebook.com/kontorrecords Twitter: http://twitter.com/kontorrecords Google+: http://kontorrecords.de/google Spotify: http://www.kontor.fm Kontor.TV: http://youtube.com/kontor
În această ediție însoțim turmele de oi din Bucovina- Brosteni, care urcă la munte peste vara. Vrem să vedem cum se întâlnesc ciobanii, cum se pregătesc, ce tradiții au, în acest moment din an, important pentru ei. #natura #aventura #pavaloiu #TVR #video #Green #oierit #Bucovina #TVRCluj #Romania #traditii #traditions #TVR2 #sheep Facebook Dan Păvăloiu : https://www.facebook.com/danmihaipavaloiu Natură şi aventură : https://www.facebook.com/Natura-si-Aventura-1499241420337454/ http://www.DanPavaloiu.ro https://twitter.com/dan_pavaloiu https://www.instagram.com/danpavaloiu/ https://plus.google.com/u/0/+DanpavaloiuRomania https://www.youtube.com/c/DanpavaloiuRomania
Band: Bucovina Album: Nestramutat Year: 2015 Country: Romania Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialbucovina Bandcamp: https://bucovina.bandcamp.com I don't own any copyright of this song, I uploaded it as a tribute to my favourite metal band from Romania. Enjoy:)
Ian Oliver feat. Shantel - Bucovina (Radio Mix)
VERONA ADAMS - Canta cucu-n Bucovina Artist independent, solista nunti, botezuri, evenimente, petreceri private Contact: 0758.973.827 http://facebook.com/veronaadamsmusic https://www.instagram.com/verona.adams/ Video by http://www.pictureperfect.ro http://facebook.com/PicturePerfect.ro
Bucovina - Hyperlapse - http://alexursake.ro Bazilica Adormirea Maicii Domnului din Cacica, Catedrala Nasterii Maicii Domnului din Gura Humorului, Manastirea Sucevita, Manastirea Putna, Muzeul Etnografic din Vatra Dornei, Manastirea Moldovita, Biserica Sfantul Mare Mucenic Gheorghe din Iacobeni, Cetatea de Scaun a Sucevei, Catedrala Pogorarea Sfantului Duh din Radauti, casa traditionala langa Manastirea Voronet, Biserica Sfantul Mare Mucenic Gheorghe din Sadova, Templul Mare din Radauti, Crasma Saru Dornei din Muzeul Satului Bucovinean Suceava Informatii Copyright: Nu copiati acest videoclip. Orice repostare (reuploadare) va fi raportata prin DMCA si stearsa ulterior. In schimb, puteti folosi functiile SHARE si EMBED. Copyright Information: Do not copy this video. Any reupload will be ...
Bucovina, regiunea istorica de mare valoare a tarii, este cunoscută pentru mănăstirile construite de foști domnitori și boieri moldoveni (Mușatinii, Alexandru cel Bun, Ștefan cel Mare, Petru Rareș, Ștefan Tomșa, Alexandru Lăpușneanu, Familia Movileștilor ș.a.), fiecare cu culoarea sa specifică: Voroneț (albastru), Humor (roșu), Sucevița (verde), Moldovița (galben) și Arbore (combinație de culori). Bucovina (în germană Buchenland = Țara fagilor), devenită Ducatul Bucovinei în Imperiul Austriac, este o regiune istorică cuprinzând un teritoriu de 10.441 km² care acoperă zona adiacentă orașelor Rădăuți, Suceava, Gura Humorului, Fălticeni, Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Vatra Dornei, Siret și Vicovu de Sus din România, precum și Cernăuți, Cozmeni, Zastavna, Vășcăuți pe Ceremuș, Vijnița, Sadagura și St...
Documentary about Bucovina [assignment for school] Producer & director: Ioana Ducra Cameraman & editor: Emilian Popa Editor & layout design: Alex Todirica Interviews Cornelia Dumitrescu - chef Iosif Victor - teacher Gheorghe Botezat - butcher Thanks to: Georgeta Ducra Mihai Traista Cristian Souca Amalia Lupastean
Moldovita si Sucevita - filmare aeriana Mai multe Info: http://www.ghidvideoturistic.ro/ghid-turistic/Atractii-Turistice-Manastirea-Moldovita-UNESCO-jud-Suceava-203-p.html http://www.ghidvideoturistic.ro/ghid-turistic/Atractii-Turistice-M%C4%83n%C4%83stirea-Sucevita-UNESCO-jud-Suceava-206-p.html Imagine si montaj: Cosmin Giurgiu Coloana sonora: Audio Network
Photos of some of the moansteries in Moldavia and Bucovina. Some of them are in the UNESCO World Heritage programme and have wonderful outside paintings. Music: P. Constantinescu - Privegheati si va rugati