- published: 03 Apr 2013
- views: 64424
Robert Holbrook Smith (August 8, 1879 – November 16, 1950), also known as Dr. Bob, was an American physician and surgeon who co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous with Bill Wilson, more commonly known as Bill W.
He was born in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, where he was raised, to Susan A. Holbrook and Walter Perrin Smith. His parents took him to religious services four times a week, and in response he determined he would never attend religious services when he grew up.
He began drinking at university, attending Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. Early on he noticed that he could recover from drinking bouts quicker and easier than his classmates and that he never had headaches, which caused him to believe he was an alcoholic from the time he began drinking. Smith was a member of Kappa Kappa Kappa fraternity at Dartmouth. After graduation in 1902, he worked for three years selling hardware in Boston, Chicago, and Montreal and continued drinking heavily. He then returned to school to study medicine. By this time drinking had begun to affect him to the point where he began missing classes. His drinking caused him to leave school, but he returned and passed his examinations for his sophomore year. He transferred to Rush Medical College, but his alcoholism worsened to the point that his father was summoned to try to halt his downward trajectory. But his drinking increased and after a dismal showing during final examinations, the university required that he remain for two extra quarters and remain sober during that time as a condition of graduating.
The phrase Doctor Bob can refer to a number of factual or fictional individuals:
Lee Nelson may refer to:
Apple cider vinegar, otherwise known as cider vinegar or ACV, is a type of vinegar made from cider or apple must and has a pale to medium amber color. Unpasteurized or organic ACV contains mother of vinegar, which has a cobweb-like appearance and can make the vinegar look slightly congealed.
ACV is used in salad dressings, marinades, vinaigrettes, food preservatives, and chutneys, among other things. It is made by crushing apples and squeezing out the liquid. Bacteria and yeast are added to the liquid to start the alcoholic fermentation process, and the sugars are turned into alcohol. In a second fermentation process, the alcohol is converted into vinegar by acetic acid-forming bacteria (acetobacter). Acetic acid and malic acid give vinegar its sour taste.
Vinegar (and other acidic liquids) have long been proposed as agents to enable weight loss; a proposed mechanism is that it prolongs the sensation of satiety after eating.
Apple cider vinegar contains chromium which can alter insulin levels and it is therefore recommended that people who have diabetes should talk to their doctors before using ACV. ACV is highly acidic; in one recorded instance, a woman experienced esophageal burns after an ACV pill got caught in her throat.
Lee Nelson's Well Funny People [Best of Dr. Bob]
Dr Bob Melamede
Dr Bob DeMaria Weight Loss and Detoxification
Life Begins With Dr. Bob (S02,E06)
Dr. Bob DeMaria Discusses Inflammatory Disease
Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits with Dr. Bob DeMaria "The Drugless Doctor"
Lee Nelson - Dr Bob - 1
Klay World: Dr. Bob Saves the Day
Dr. Bob (Part 1) - Smokebox | BREALTV
Dr. Bob - AA Speaker - His "last major talk" before he passed away
Uploaded using PS3(TM) - Best of Dr. Bob [Lee nelson's well funny people]
Tamworth Medicinal Cannabis Symposium - November 2014 www.uic.org.au
Dr Bob DeMaria www.druglessdoctor.com
Do you have pain? Do you know that what you eat can cause pain? Does your left neck hurt? Do you know what the night shades may be doing to you? www.druglessdoctor.com or www.northcoastchiro.net
Dr. Bob DeMaria, "The Drugless Doctor", discusses the health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. Learn 40 Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar: http://www.swansonvitamins.com/blog/jenessa/apple-cider-vinegar-uses
Created in 2004 TWITTER http://twitter.com/RobertBenfer FACE BOOK http://www.facebook.com/pages/Robert-Benfer/108302213959?v=app_314005967687&ref;=ts#!/pages/Robert-Benfer/108302213959?v=wall&ref;=ts FACEBOOK APP http://www.facebook.com/pages/Robert-Benfer/108302213959?v=app_314005967687&ref;=ts MYSPACE http://www.myspace.com/knoxskorner1
Dr. Robert Melamede (Phd), is this week's guest in the Smokebox. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1lhtiCY http://breal.tv http://facebook.com/brealtv http://instagram.com/brealtv http://twitter.com/brealtv Directed by Louis Freese Edited by Ray Salazar & Silas Rashod Music by ras dude (https://soundcloud.com/ras-dude) Audio: Aaron Diaz Executive Producer: B-Real
From the book Alcoholics Anonymous: "Most of us feel we need look no further for Utopia. We have it with us right here and now. Each day my friend's simple talk in our kitchen multiplies itself in a widening circle of peace on earth and good will to men." Addiction treatment WORKS! The Twelve Step Model has been utilized as a treatment for alcohol abuse and alcoholism since 1935. It is extremely important to know that help IS out there and addiction recovery is possible. If you are battling alcoholism, drug addiction, addiction or any other form of addictive behavior, there are people who know EXACTLY what it is like! You can find out more at: http://www.aa.org - Alcoholics Anonymous Official Site - As should be blatantly obvious, we are in no way affiliated with them or any other Twelv...
We had the chance to kick back and relax with Dr. Bob Melamede this thanksgiving weekend. There is an AMAZING amount of information in this 2 hour video. Anyone interested in cannabinoids, cannabis as a food, cannabis oil, or even molecular biology and the origins of life - you should take the time to watch this video!
Patrick Husted (Dr. Bob Smith) and Robert Krakovski (Bill Wilson) talk about researching their roles.
Dr. Robert Melamede (Phd), is this week's guest in the Smokebox. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1lhtiCY http://breal.tv http://facebook.com/brealtv http://instagram.com/brealtv http://twitter.com/brealtv Directed by Louis Freese Edited by Ray Salazar & Silas Rashod Music by ras dude (https://soundcloud.com/ras-dude) Audio: Aaron Diaz Executive Producer: B-Real
http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcone Contains some strong language. Fridays at 10:35pm on BBC One, repeated late on Saturdays. Will Smith and Jonathan Ross trade comic blows as the temperature rises. Let us know what you think.
Tamworth Medicinal Cannabis Symposium - November 2014 www.uic.org.au
Today we interview Dr. Bob DeMaria (The Drugless Doctor). In this interview we talk about Dr. Bob's first college exam and some of his favorite foods. Make sure to hit that LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE for more Up Close interviews! Subscribe to Up Close Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd0Ck-dYUE5aWNszAkYe4gQ Talk to Up Close On : Twitter: @upcloseTWMS Instagram: @upclosemhm Up Close is a web exclusive segment that is apart of the "Today with Marilyn and Sarah" television program that airs on Daystar, CTN and Word Network. Music: http://www.bensound.com
In this video Nega talked about a man online calling himself Doctor Bob, the drugless doctor. Although Bob would have you believe he is a medically trained doctor he in fact got his qualifications from the National University of Health Science in Chiropractic and the second is in Natural Health from Clayton College. These are NOT medical qualifications and he is not qualified to give medical advice or prescribe drugs. Yet on his website, named Dr.Bob the Drugless Doctor (which has none of his credentials in the about section) implies that he does. Bob's links http://www.youtube.com/user/DruglessDoctor http://www.druglessdoctor.com https://www.facebook.com/drbobthedruglessdoctor Full transcript between myself and Bob http://mylespower.co.uk/full-transcript-between-myles-power-and-dr-bob/ ...
This is an example of a psychopathic power-control rapist/sex offender from a video series entitled: Truth, Lies and Sex Offenders & Sadistic vs. non-Sadistic Sex Offenders, created by Dr. Anna Salter. http://www.amazon.com/Predators-Pedophiles-Rapists-Other-Offenders/dp/0465071732/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie;=UTF8&qid;=1411974816&sr;=1-1&keywords;=Predators This segment shows a chilling example of what a criminal psychopath really is. For those that would like to think that the condition is not real. For more information on sex offenders or to purchase the DVD, here is her website. http://www.annasalter.com/annasalter/DVDS_%26_BOOKS.html * Please take the time to review some information on psychopathy before one decides to pretend to be authorities on the subject and making inaccurate stateme...
Alcoholics Anonymous - Bill Wilson and Dr Bob Smith
Brown opens up about his marriage to Whitney and having their daughter Bobbi Kristina, then losing both of them. -- SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: https://www.youtube.com/ABCNews/ Watch More on http://abcnews.go.com/ LIKE ABC News on FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/abcnews FOLLOW ABC News on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/abc GOOD MORNING AMERICA'S HOMEPAGE: https://gma.yahoo.com/
Uploaded using PS3(TM) - Best of Dr. Bob [Lee nelson's well funny people]
Tamworth Medicinal Cannabis Symposium - November 2014 www.uic.org.au
Dr Bob DeMaria www.druglessdoctor.com
Do you have pain? Do you know that what you eat can cause pain? Does your left neck hurt? Do you know what the night shades may be doing to you? www.druglessdoctor.com or www.northcoastchiro.net
Dr. Bob DeMaria, "The Drugless Doctor", discusses the health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. Learn 40 Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar: http://www.swansonvitamins.com/blog/jenessa/apple-cider-vinegar-uses
Created in 2004 TWITTER http://twitter.com/RobertBenfer FACE BOOK http://www.facebook.com/pages/Robert-Benfer/108302213959?v=app_314005967687&ref;=ts#!/pages/Robert-Benfer/108302213959?v=wall&ref;=ts FACEBOOK APP http://www.facebook.com/pages/Robert-Benfer/108302213959?v=app_314005967687&ref;=ts MYSPACE http://www.myspace.com/knoxskorner1
Dr. Robert Melamede (Phd), is this week's guest in the Smokebox. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1lhtiCY http://breal.tv http://facebook.com/brealtv http://instagram.com/brealtv http://twitter.com/brealtv Directed by Louis Freese Edited by Ray Salazar & Silas Rashod Music by ras dude (https://soundcloud.com/ras-dude) Audio: Aaron Diaz Executive Producer: B-Real
From the book Alcoholics Anonymous: "Most of us feel we need look no further for Utopia. We have it with us right here and now. Each day my friend's simple talk in our kitchen multiplies itself in a widening circle of peace on earth and good will to men." Addiction treatment WORKS! The Twelve Step Model has been utilized as a treatment for alcohol abuse and alcoholism since 1935. It is extremely important to know that help IS out there and addiction recovery is possible. If you are battling alcoholism, drug addiction, addiction or any other form of addictive behavior, there are people who know EXACTLY what it is like! You can find out more at: http://www.aa.org - Alcoholics Anonymous Official Site - As should be blatantly obvious, we are in no way affiliated with them or any other Twelv...
Tamworth Medicinal Cannabis Symposium - November 2014 www.uic.org.au
Dr Bob DeMaria www.druglessdoctor.com
Do you have pain? Do you know that what you eat can cause pain? Does your left neck hurt? Do you know what the night shades may be doing to you? www.druglessdoctor.com or www.northcoastchiro.net
From the book Alcoholics Anonymous: "Most of us feel we need look no further for Utopia. We have it with us right here and now. Each day my friend's simple talk in our kitchen multiplies itself in a widening circle of peace on earth and good will to men." Addiction treatment WORKS! The Twelve Step Model has been utilized as a treatment for alcohol abuse and alcoholism since 1935. It is extremely important to know that help IS out there and addiction recovery is possible. If you are battling alcoholism, drug addiction, addiction or any other form of addictive behavior, there are people who know EXACTLY what it is like! You can find out more at: http://www.aa.org - Alcoholics Anonymous Official Site - As should be blatantly obvious, we are in no way affiliated with them or any other Twelv...
Nací en una pequeña municipalidad de Nueva Inglaterra que contaba alrededor de setenta mil almas. Recuerdo que el nivel moral en ese lugar era muy superior a la media. No se vendían ni cerveza ni licores en sus alrededores, salvo en la tienda del Estado, donde era posible comprarlos siempre y cuando se pudiera comprobar que había una verdadera necesidad. Si el cliente no podía comprobar tal necesidad, debía regresarse con las manos vacías, privado de aquello que, más tarde en mi vida, llegué a considerar como la gran panacea para todos los males humanos. Aquéllos que recibían el embarque de licor desde Boston o desde Nueva York eran mal vistos por la mayor parte de los buenos ciudadanos del lugar. En nuestra ciudad, las iglesias y las escuelas eran muy numerosas. Fue ahí donde comencé mi f...
Dr. Bob Rakowski holds multiple post-doctorate certifications, clinic director of the Natural Medicine Center in Houston Texas, where he treats elite professional athletes to critically ill patients with a variety of cancers and autoimmune diseases. He’s has lectured internationally for over 20 years on various topics in Natural and Lifestyle Medicine.
... Robert Holbrook Smith, M.D. Cofounder of Alcoholics Anonymous "The Prince of All Twelfth Steppers" Robert Holbrook Smith (August 8, 1879 -- November 16, 1950), also known as Dr. Bob, was an American physician and surgeon who co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous with Bill Wilson, more commonly known as Bill W. http://www.drbob.info/ http://www.drbobshome.com/ ...
Dr. Robert Rakowski - Acid-alkaline balance, cancer prevention and the magnificent 7 - Podcast # 129 Get Show Updates Here: http://www.beyondwellnessradio.com/newsletter You-tube Podcast Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=justinhealth Show Transcription: See https://justinhealth.com/dr-robert-rakowski-acid-alkaline-balance-cancer-prevention-and-the-magnificent-7-podcast-129/ Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Dr. Robert Rakowski talk about what is new in the Functional Medicine Nutrition as they focus on addressing the root cause of a health problem. Listen to them as Dr. Bob Rakowski shares his experience and expertise in addressing conditions he encounters in his practice including diabetes and cancer. Learn some knowledge bombs about conventional drugs and vacci...
Ephesians 6:10-20 sermon by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics (Bible interpretation). Delivered at First Baptist Church, West Monroe, Louisiana.
One, two three, four
Door peep shall not enter
This a holy land
Where wise and true man stand
Sipping from the cup of peace
You chant down babylon
Chant down babylon
Chant down babylon
Chant down babylon
Give thanks and praise
Give thanks and praise
Give thanks and praise
You give thanks and praise
To the Holy One of creation
You chant down babylon
Chant down babylon
Chant down babylon
Chant down babylon
Give thanks and praise
Give thanks and praise
Give thanks and praise
You give thanks and praise
To the Holy One of creation
Door peep shall not enter, this a holy land
Where wise and true man stand
Sipping from the cup of peace
You chant down babylon
Chant down babylon
Chant down babylon
Chant down babylon
Chant down babylon