September 18, 2013

Taking The Show On The Road

This weekend,  the thang that I am involved in (as host/mc) The Original LIVE BAND PUNK ROCK HEAVY METAL KARAOKE will be taking the show on the road. 

We are doing shows in Boston at TT The Bear this Saturday 6-9 and at Ri Ra in Providence, Rhode Island Sunday 2-5 pm.

These are shows benefitting NE Distance, a running based charity.

If you’re in those areas this weekend, c’mon down, indulge your inner rock star, & get on stage with a kick ass band. We’ve got everything from GG Allin to The DK’s to AC/DC to Kelly Clarkson. Because Kelly Clarkson is more punk than any of us.

You can click on the links for ticket info, directions, etc. 

I’ll be the guy in the Yankees shirt, berating and engaging the local populace.

Punk Rock!

September 15, 2013

The More Things Change

Saw DOA last nite. Joey Shithead (though now he goes by Joey Shithead Keithly- a nod to his political career) looked great, a bit greyer these days, but lookin’ healthy in his torn and patched jeans and sleeveless denim jacket (the Canadian Tuxedo). Thankfully, the band blazed (Joey even played geetar behind his back and with his teeth- holy guitar hero, Batman!). Joey was as unintelligible as ever (think of a Grizzly Bear singing) and the old and newer songs sounded great. I think I first saw them as a tyke in ’81, and it’s probably a small miracle that they are still a-showin’ and I’m still a-goin’.

And then tonite, the Angry Samoans are playin’! I would have liked to have gone to that too, but I’m lazy, it’s a Sunday nite, and besides, “Breaking Bad” is on. Yeah, white and lazy.

Speaking of which, the one show I woulda loved to have gone to was The Replacements re-union at Riot Fest a couple of weeks ago. Though, imma not big on this reunion talk, since imho the ‘Mats were done when they threw smokin’ and drinkin’ Bob Stinson out and the band became a Paul Westerburg solo project.

But, dang if I wasn’t weeping like a little girl and pogoing at 3 am, watchin’ the ‘Mats footage from the show. “Bastards Of Young”, “Left Of The Dial”, “Takin A Ride”, “Color Me Impressed”, “I’m In Trouble”... something about seeing that vidage & hearing that toonage reduced me to my 18 year old ghost.

That’s an emotional response I didn’t expect (especially as I wasn’t there in person). 

But that’s what music can do to ya. It was fun yellin’ out the songs with Joey at the DOA show, and I am sure my visceral reaction will be the same seeing the Keith/Dez/Chuck version of Black Flag this Thursday. BF & DOA were huge bands for me back in my yoot.

However, something snuck up on me watching that ‘Mats show. 

I watched the crowd singing along to every song- yeah, some people were probably really annoyed by that.

All I felt was envy. Wow, to be part of a huge crowd where everyone was feelin’ it. And yet, even as part of the teeming masses, you would still have this personal stake and response to the songs. 

What a rare privilege that would be.

September 11, 2013

Who Can Turn The World On With His Smile...

I have been missing in action for quite some time. Total avalanche and each day I wanted to get motivated to be here and I couldn't.

Between work (good and busy), education (taking some on-line courses), rock n rolling (though not nearly enough), and some familial med challenges; time just vanished.

Here it is, September. My crab grass is dead, I've put on about 20 lbs. Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.

But... enough about happy old me.

Life is good and imma gonna get back to making the world just a little brighter with this blog.

July 15, 2013

Little Douche Coupe

So… with Princess Nomad needing transportation for college (and guilting me that I owe a car because she got pretty much a free ride with scholarships), I am in the market for the first time in a while. All I want is a dependable car- no leather, sun roof or any bells and whistles (though a horn would be nice).

The usual options apply:

1) Used car- caveat of course is that the car turns to shit in a couple of years and I have to start the process again. Benefit is price, baby, price.

2) Used “certified” car- caveat is that the pricing for this option is almost as high as a new car, and you don’t get the same warranty.

3) New Car – of course the price is heinous- but, as long as I don’t have any business disasters, I can do this.

The Princess would get my 2009 Honda Accord- an awesome set of wheels that I would be more than happy keeping, if I could find a dependable and decent used car. She is NOT getting a new car! Otherwise, King Nazz gets the new car and she’ll get the Accord. Missus Nomad is keeping her 06 Camry.

It’s been fun dealing with car dealers. I will not say the oft heard statement that car dealers are scum. As I am in sales, I know how tough selling is.
However, it is interesting to see how their sales styles differ.

I have been attempting to do this via the internet with a simple statement:

I am looking for (insert name of car with package and color), I would appreciate you sending me your best offer and PUT IT IN WRITING VIA THIS EMAIL. I have neither the time or inclination to speak to you in person unless you can send me this information.

I have on occasion given my cell phone number, but that always ends up with something like:

"Hi Buddy, this is so and so from douchebag auto sales. I can’t give you a number over the phone or via email, but if you come down to the lot, we’ll guarantee the lowest price."

Needless to say, those calls are hung up on or ignored very quickly.

The guy who I am going to use eventually is the guy as it turns out is in my neighborhood (providing he can match lowest price). He’s been low-key, very patient on test drives, and informative.

But… it is fun being the buyer and not the seller again!

July 1, 2013

Courtney Love- 6/29/13 - Huntington, NY

Saw Mizz Cawt-Knee Luhv Sat nite in the wasteland that is Lawn Guyland. The missus and I had a grand time (the missus more than I- not that I didn’t have a gas too). I don't know which of us wanted to bang Courtney more, actually!
The widow Cobain is Miz Nomad’s fave- and mi' wifey brought it all the way back to her old punk rawk days- tequila and beers in mas quantities (granted, the beer was Miller Lite- but the Cuervo made up for it). I stuck to IPA’s and Guinness- and something called a Dr Pepper- which was beer with a shot glass in the middle that had raspberry likker and rum. Not my fault- the friendly bartender poured it gratis for yers truly.

The goniffs inside the venue were charging $8 for a 16 ounce and $12 for a big‘un (24 ouncer) of what the kids call “craft beer”…Guess which one I kept investing in.

Well, Court-Court did not disappoint- she looked great from about 15 feet away and was pos-it-iv-lee lucid for the show. Her non-Hole sidemen were efficient; if totally devoid of stage presence... the better for Missy Lovey to radiate to her acolytes- the crowd had four distinct segments- Courtney-ettes of every female demographic, gay guys, dudes who had no clue but were escorting their dates, and me and a few other all-Merican guyz who had been thru the punk wars. I was sportin' my LAMF shirt- in honor of a certain chanteuse's track-marked past.

Caw-Caw came out in a nice black dress, took it off for a tighter outfit and later changed into an all white rig. Not as many clothes changes as Cher, but effective nonetheless. She had a Red Rickenbacker that prob cost more than my car- and she even played it a little- yeah- that barre chord where your pointer just slides uppp and dowwwnnn the neck.  I also spent a bit of the show grousing that I should be playing bass – as my old band used to kill it on “Celebrity Skin”. She played everything that you'd expect her to from the "Live Through This" and "Cel Skin" elpees, plus some of the "America's Sweetheart" stuff too. Only cover toon was the 'Stones' "Under My Thumb".

Afterwards, Ms. Nomad demanded to wait by the stage door with some other Love-ettes  for a glimpse of Ms. Doll Parts. I told her to come back with me and we’d scam to backstage. As usual, my statement was met with derision. So I went back in and got close (ie the same room) but no cigar to actual meet and great.
However, I did pluck this lovely tusk/phallic symbol from the dressing room area. It looks great in my living room.

Really a fucking fantastic show, and much better than the last show I didn’t get to see because I was in jail!