Showing newest posts with label cats. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label cats. Show older posts

October 10, 2010


As in kittens. Not clams.
About a year ago, we adopted two cats. This was shortly after our beloved "Kitty" went to the Rainbow Bridge. The missus and the kids conspired and the next thing I knew, we had two garbage tearing maniacs in the house.

I am not a cat person. I grok far more to canines. However, there are some battles that just cannot be won. The all black one- Jibolet (aka Gibsy or Ribsey or Riblet or Asshole #1) spends his entire existence trying to get more food. The other one, a grey tabby named Roo (short for Rucifer and aka Asshole #2) is scared of his own shadow.

The feline occupation in the Nomad household helps to explain my alcoholism.

If you haven't already dismissed this posting with a "why the Hell is old Nazz doing the crazy cat lady thang", the answer is...
I don't know.

Maybe because it's yet another example of me being dominated by the other denizens of the residence. On the other hand, it's a fair trade-off I spoze to keep the family happy. Of course, it backfires sometimes. The other nite, I had been given a free ticket for the Slayer/Megadeth show at the local arena and I gave it away to spend "quality time" with the Nomads. Who then dispersed to all corners of the house to do their own thangs.

Which resulted in me sitting on my own, staring at the screen and drinking pumpkin beers all by myself when I could have been hammered and listening to mindless death metal with a bunch of troglodytes.

Like I said.