Showing posts with label beatles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beatles. Show all posts

August 27, 2012

Gimme Some (Bass) Head

I'M NOT A MUSICIAN. I'M A PUNK RAWKER.  And I play bass guitar. Here's some really cool isolated bass trax from some bitchin' bassists. Behold the bassage toonage.

January 9, 2012

Redd Kross Live

And here's some Redd Kross live! 

From 1982 (30 years ago?????!!!!!)

2008 (give or take a year)

Redd Kross (as Red Cross- the original spelling of the band) performing mega old school - the songs from their first album Born Innocent:

and lastly, as the second greatest power pop band ever:

August 20, 2010

Life Is..

... Very Short And There's No Tiiiiiiiiimmmmmmme, For Fussing And Fighting My Friends.

I dunno, some old band sang that a while back. Hey now, thanks for all of the advice on how to deal with Mr. Asshole former boss. And the answer was... D- I ignored the lunch request and responded to his query about football (the 'merican version). I am sure he figured the implied message.

I could not have sat across from him without strangling him, so what would be the point in that? The highest road would have been to lunch and smile, but I am not that evolved I guess. So, discretion being the better part of valour, much smarter to just let it fly by and move on.

Hey, I haven't posted any music to download lately, so here's some... komplete with komments (try to figure out that reference!)

The Jam - Dead End Street (Kinks kover) - Paul Weller & company being the ultimate mod-ficianado's and covering multiple Beatles/Who toonage, here's a nice 'un.

The Damned - Plan 9, Channel 7 - From the Radio One sessions - That's not Unlce John, right? I get all that Brit radio shaowage mixed up. Hey - Pirate Radio wasn't a bad movie at all incidentally!

Debbie Harry & Chris Stein - I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend (Ramones cover) - A sweet acoustic version recorded at the last show ever at CBGB's. I miss Joey. Alot.

The Dictators - I Just Wanna Have Something To Do (Ramones cover) - The Bronx boys do the Queens boys. And when in NYC, you MUST go to Manitoba's!

Some guys from Liverpool -We Can Work It Out (from Ultra Rare trax) - J,P, G & R on an alternate version.

February 1, 2010

Want to participate in an experiment?

When reconnecting with people from my earlier lives, they are often shocked (sometimes even visibly disappointed) that I am not pursuing writing as a career. It seemed my career track back in HS and especially College, but I never wanted to starve for my art. Too lazy I guess.
I can't count the cyber-wordsmithing I do here as real writing, or can I? It's certainly as lucrative as I feared writing would be! But it's really more like I'm a musician that never went beyond playing the local bar for a couple of beers.

However, with all this spare time I have, being a burden on the Gov't; the creative juices are trickling a bit. I have been starting on a memoir taking place in the halcyon daze of early 1980 and beyond, when punk, metal, new wave, disco and hardcore all sorta swirled in the same cesspool and how someone pretty similar to me got through those days. It'll involve what any of us of that gen were involved with; drugs, jail, car accidents, fight, girls, misunderstandings and self destruction. Lots of self destruction. It's coming from the voice of an 18 year old at the turn of the decade... creeping toward 1984.

Well, I was wondering whether anyone who reads my stuff here would like to check out the first 6 pages or so.
A critique would be appreciated... not looking for copyediting, more interested whether you find the story compelling or interesting, if you would (based on the first 6 pages) continue to read a complete book when it's written, or if it's a complete piece of shit.
I would suspect it is similar in tone to what I write on my blog, but, who knows.

Anyway, if you would be interested in helping out with this experiment let me know in the next week or so at

September 18, 2009

C is for Cookie

A friend of mine gave me a chocolate chip cookie yesterday. This was a special cookie, provided by the state of California. As such, it contained "medicine". California is (I believe) the only state in the union that allows weed to be "medicine".

"Wait until after work, Nazz", I was advised. Yeah, right. I attacked it like I was the cookie monster.
About an hour later, I felt it coming on. The high lasted about 6 hours. As my dedication to science is so great, I refrained from any other intoxicants during this time. The buzz seemed to be alot more "spacy" rather than physical. However, I did pig out a whole lot once I got home, so I guess the posit that it increases appetite was true. Maybe it's some sort of "munchie strain".

It's absolutely absurd that medical marijuana is not available for consumption by anyone who needs it. Don't even get me started on why the shit is illegal to begin with. The drug war is a complete failure. Let's use our resources on helping people, not persecuting them.

And for your Friday... here's a poem:

Tina Louise

You always seemed
like too much work
And MaryAnn was low maintainance

And when we finally met
Over drinks and madness
You were too old

And you still wouldn't fuck me


The Clash - Janie Jones (live NYC 6-4-81)

July 20, 2009

Yeah Yeah Yeah

We went to see Paul McCartney's show last Friday as he popped the concert cherry at Citifield. Paid $20 for $70 nosebleed tix, found free parking, packed a couple of 6 packs of really cheap beer ($6 for a 12 pack!)and found a tailgate party. Rock n Roll. Or something.

A little creepy to be there... so many Beatle freaks (usually in the disguise of middle aged men and women), but a demographic of 7 to 70 years old.

So what if the tailgaters thought I was a homeless guy (I had my punk rock threads on).

The first third of the show featured alot of new stuff (he opened with the crappy Beatles tune (and advert) "Drive My Car") and the only other Beatles song he played towards the beginning was "Got To Get You Into My Life (the video screen showed the images from the soon to come "Rock Band video game" - way to milk that money Paulie!). He played "Jet" from his Wings era- cool.

There was a lame tribute song to John, and played a nice version of "Something" on ukelele to George (no tribute to Ringo... unless of course he played "Drive My Car" for him!).

Paulie told some stories (that way he could catch his breath too)!.

And considerately, he backed the schmaltzy "Long and Winding Road" with "My Love", which provided a perfect time to hit the bathroom and the beer lines!

There were a couple of nice chestnuts: "I Got A Feeling", "Let Me Roll It", "I'm Down".

The "money shots" came later: "Hey Jude", "Let It Be", "Helter Skelter", "Live And Let Die" (with fireworks).

And the encores were perfect: "Day Tripper", "Yesterday", "Helter Skelter" etc.

A couple of notes...

1) Hey he's Paul McCartney... he can play anything he wants; but the first 1/2 of the show bogged down somewhat.

2) Sometimes it's better to get cheap seats... it rained for a long while, but because we were so high up, we were under the roof and stayed dry! Ha ha on tthe wet, weaalthy folks!

3) Why doesn't Paul have grey hair? I want the name of his hair colorist!

4) Paul did NOT play alot of bass... seemed that he played much more guitar (both acoustic and electric).

5) The last tune: "The End" was worth the price of admission alone!
6) Every song was a big sing -a-long.
7) They had bases marked off where the orginal Shea Stadium basefield field was. It was on concrete, so of course I had to slide into home!!!!!

He's Safe!

The setlist:

“Drive My Car”
“Only Mama Knows”
“Flaming Pie”
“Got To Get You Into My Life”
“Let Me Roll It”
“The Long and Winding Road”
“My Love”
“Here Today”
“Dance Tonight”
“Calico Skies”
“Mrs. Vanderbilt”
“Eleanor Rigby”
“Sing the Changes ”
“Band on the Run”
“Back in the U.S.S.R.”
“I’m Down”
“I’ve Got a Feeling”
“Paperback Writer”
“A Day in the Life”/”Give Peace a Chance”
“Let It Be”
“Live and Let Die"
“Hey Jude”

“Day Tripper”
“Lady Madonna”
“I Saw Her Standing There (with Billy Joel)
“Helter Skelter”
“Get Back”
“Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)”/”The End"

July 13, 2009

Money (That's What I Want)

Imma kinda ruminatin' on whether I should attend one of the Paul McCartney shows at Citifield this week.

It would be the first concerts at the New York Mets new home.

On the one hand, it could be pretty cool to be at a quasi-historical event. And it could be cool to see Beatle Paul.

On the other, weightier hand; I saw "Sir Paul" back in the early 90's from great seats in an arena. Do I really need to sit in a giant stadium and watch a video screen? Additionally, the nosebleed tix are about $60 and appreciate steeply the closer one gets to ground level.
I'm gonna keep perusing the broker sites and ebay; if I can score a couple of tix for $20 each, I'll grab em. We'll plant ourselves up high, get hammered and have a good old time, if the price is right. The next day, we're going to the Warped Tour, where for $30 or so we'll be able to see 60 bands (and, I like NOFX a helluva lot more than the Beatles!).
I guess the "see him before he's dead" concept will lure many folks to the show, as well as the "first show ever" pitch. It'll be an event for sure, but I sorta hate events.
We'll see........

Besides, didn't Paul die back in 1966?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, here's some stuff from a long time ago...

January 20, 2009

Thank you, President Bush

Whatever your many and countless faults, failings and mistakes, we have not been attacked since 9-11-01. As a New Yorker, whatever steps you have taken to keep my family and myself safe over the past 8 years are greatly appreciated. And Good Riddance!

Godspeed to President Obama to do the same (and fix our economy, restore our world standing, end the war, etc).


August 5, 2008

All Things Must Pass

Sunrise doesn't last all morning
A cloudburst doesn't last all day
Seems my love is up and has left you with no warning
It's not always going to be this grey

All things must pass
All things must pass away

Sunset doesn't last all evening
A mind can blow those clouds away
After all this, my love is up and must be leaving
It's not always going to be this grey

All things must pass
All things must pass away

All things must pass
None of life's strings can last
So, I must be on my way
And face another day

Now the darkness only stays the night-time
In the morning it will fade away
Daylight is good at arriving at the right time
It's not always going to be this grey

All things must pass
All things must pass away
All things must pass
All things must pass away

George Harrison - All Things Must Pass
The Beatles - All Things Must Pass (River Rhine Tapes)
Paul McCartney - All Things Must Pass

Now playing: Redd Kross - Get Out Of Myself
via FoxyTunes

May 16, 2008

Milk, Milk, Lemonade

This one comes by way of a cyber-sation I had with Sugar Mag. It started out with my aversion to cheeses that are not of cow origin. I do not want ANYTHING to do with goat cheese (or milk) or sheep cheese. That stuff is just too funky for the Nomad clan. Feta cheese is pretty popular, but keep it away from me. And, although I am a former vegeterian, I never got off on that soy cheese stuff either. I want my MOO milk products. I still won't eat a cow, but I got no problem imbibing their lactate! And you know, Keef Richards doesn't eat cheese at all! And if that dude puts everything else in his body, and won't eat cheese, maybe he's on to something!

So, then it got to talking about Human milk. Is there anything wrong with adults drinking human milk (or making ice cream or cheese from it)? After all, it's really healthy and the preferred beverage of choice for infants. So, what's the taboo on grown ups taking a swig?
I look at it as sort of cannibalism. I never had to nerve to partake when I had the opportunity in the past. Which is sort of ironic, when you think about all of the other bodily fluids that are generally exchanged between folks. And yet, here you have something that's good for you and people stay away!


January 14, 2008

Cry Baby Cry

What a beautiful football game Sunday night. The Giants kicked the crap out of the Cowgirl's and now it's on to the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field. The Cowboys went down quicker than Jessica Simpson does on her loser QB boyfriend.
At this point, it's all gravy for the G-Men.

Aside from being the reason that President Kennedy's dead and the main city of the state our Prez is from; Dallas will now be known as the place where grown men cry like little pussy's.

Seeing Terrell Owens weep like a little bitch in the post game interview was the cherry on the sundae. I eagerly await his next "overdose" of painkillers.


August 20, 2007

A Baseball Odyssey

The last couple of weeks have taken me on a journey of several Baseball stadiums. I offer these quick impressions of the parks...

NY Mets (Shea Stadium) - Aaah, my home stadium. Parking now officially sucks, as they are building the new stadium in the Centerfield parking lots. Shea is a not the most modern of stadiums (in fact at this point, at 44 years old, I think it's the third oldest in the Ntl League. However, the site lines are pretty good, the atmosphere is fun (Mr. Met shoots t-shirts into the stands, lots of music between batters and innings), there's a great food court and security is lax. No hassles bringing in food or drinks. My daughter and I were easily able to move from the upper deck into the lower mezzanine box seats with no trouble at all.

NY Yankees (Yankee Stadium) - Yeah, tradition is wonderful, The monuments are swell. It's living breathing history. The view from most seats is great (although the bleachers suck... and ya can't get booze out there anymore). However, the entire vibe of Yankee Stadium is awful. It's in a crappy neighborhood; it's a bitch to get there (the subways are packed and take forever); and the ushers are complete assholes. They practically give you a freakin cavity search to enter the stadium and check under your baseball cap and even check your cell phone. Forget about ordering food or beer there... it's hideously overpriced and you'd better count your change...many of the vendors will cheat you.
Plus A-Rod plays for the Yankees and he's a giant Pussy. Which matches perfectly with the "YMCA" sing-along that the Ground crew performs.

Philadelphia Phillies (Citizen Bank Park) - Beautiful new stadium. Plenty of parking all around. Great sightlines, although many seats are in the outfield.
However, no tail-gating. They have big fat pseudo redneck cops roaming the parking lots all too willing to slap you with a $300 ticket. The Phillie Phanatic does a fun between inning's show. Lots of diversions for kids. Tasty food. Former Phillie Greg Luzinski has a bar-b-cue pit in right field (excellent BBQ Turkey sandwiches). Micro-Brew beer only $6 for a big cup. Phillie fans did not appreciate my rendition of New York New York during the 7th inning stretch however.

Chicago Cubs (Wrigley Field) - Baseball Nirvana. It's Woodstock and Octoberfest all rolled into one. The area around Wrigley is loaded with bars. Everyone is drunk. The almost 100 year old Wrigley Field has been called the world's largest beer garden. It's just one giant party for nine innings, even if the Cubs lose. And then the party continues afterwards. I was there for a Cubs/Cardinals game and even though they are big rivals, all taunting was done with extreme good nature. Extra points for serving shitty Old Style beer right out of the can. Speaking of cans, the bathrooms feature huge piss troughs and you can wave across to the guy pissing opposite you. The Ivy lining the brick outfield walls is beautiful. Plus, we had a bonus. There was an air show in Chicago the day I was there and Bombers and Thunderbirds were flying overhead. Cool stuff.
Wrigley is my favorite stadium in Baseball. In fact, the Cubs have become one of my favorite teams largely because I always have such a good time at Wrigley.

Beatles - Ticket To Ride (live Shea Stadium)
Sex Pistols - New York (demo)
Shadows Of Knight - New York Bullseye
Butterfield Blues Band - Born In Chicago
Replacements - Can't Hardly Wait (last show ever- Chicago)
William Penn V - Swami

June 18, 2007

When he's (more than) 64 - Happy B-day to Beatle Paul

Today is Paul McCartney's 65th birthday. Happy b-day to Beatle Paul and hopefully half his presents won't have to be sent to his ex-wife! He's got a new album out called Memory Almost Full, but you knew that already.
Featured today are some alternate takes and demo's of some Beatles and Wings tunes.
