Showing posts with label elp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elp. Show all posts

October 22, 2007

Bands My Wife Hates

In the wonderful give and take of marriage; one learns that there are certain "tastes" that are not shared by both spouses. Rarely is this more apparent than in what each participant considers acceptable music. Luckily, one of the things the missus and I have in common is an approximately 80% "hit rate" when it comes to our toonage. Over the years, together, we have enjoyed everything from the Ramones to The Circle Jerks to The Grateful Dead to Aerosmith to Tom Jones. Plus, she still loves Punk Rock (except whiny emo pussy bands, but I can't blame her for that).

Hell, she has even liked some of MY band's music! Now that's true love.

However, there are those certain bands that we don't see eye to eye on. She has veered over to alot of more popular bands over the years (probably as a result of being held captive by my teenage daughter's radio pre-sets). I can't even mention some of the bands she can tolerate (well- how about Evanescence and Lincoln Park for starters).

On the other hand, she makes me change the channel or skip the song whenever George Thorogood or Bob Dylan or (especially) Weezer come on.

Thank the lord that we both agree that Phish, Billy Joel and Phil Collins should all be burned at the stake.

So viva la difference (or somethin' like that).

Here's some stuff that I like but my better half considers aural torture.
