Showing posts with label the who. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the who. Show all posts

October 17, 2012

The Old Triple Play

So it was the summer between high school and college and I was a full on drug and punk freak. Or, a full on punk and drug freak.

Things were going OK- I had my college plans (far far away from home) and I had a bit of money through my gas station job. I was going to go to party in the neighborhood and meet my "girlfriend" ("girlfriend" with the quotes because I hadn't fornicated with her. I had met her at a Ramones concert and made out with her- whats better then locking lips during "She's The One").

So, young Nazz had a pocketful of white cross hits of speed and blotter acid and hurridly gobbled a bunch en route to the soiree- which was in walking distance of my folks house. I left about 3 pm or so- saying I'd be gone for a couple of hours. The party begins, the drugs kick in and I am hanging out on some swings in a playground with the girlfriend. "Nazz- I wanna break up" she utters. And in THAT MOMENT the drugs kicked in, my brained boiled over and my heart broke.

The old triple play.

She left me there on the swings, as I tried to stuff all the sense back into my mind. Didn't work. Nope not at all. So now, with the insult and surprise of getting the "Dear John" oration, I had to figure out what to do for the next 12 hours or so until the dope wore off.
Soooo, I went back to the party.

Now, the attendees of the party and I shared exactly one thing in common- we were human beings. Actually 2, if you count that we all did drugs. But that was about it- they were all college folks, mostly gay and into the theater. I was a dirty high school punk who made fun of their Jackson Browne records and drank all their liquor.

But, having little choice- I stuck around, all the while watching my mind melt from the outside and my soul melt from the inside- of course everyone knew that I was
a) just used as an emotional tampon
b) tripping balls and in an extremely sensitive state; so they did what they could.

Like: "Nazz whatever you do, don't go into the bathroom and do not look into the mirror."
Which     I    immediately    did    of    course!

After about 30 minutes someone noticed I had been gone along time and pulled me out of the mirror- where I had effectively climbed through my dilated pupils and into the psychedelic tunnel of horrors that my mind had decided to construct for me. By the time they knocked down the door, I was foaming at the mouth and screaming that I was Mr. Spock and no one would ever love me.

At this point it made the most sense to go for a walk- so me and a couple of baby sitter types (200 lb Asian chicks) allowed me to walk 4 miles barefoot and set up shop in a graveyard, overlooking the Long Island Sound (think Jimmy on the White Cliffs of Dover in Quadrophenia). So adding things up, it made perfect sense to dive from a 150 foot rocky cliff into the water. Which, I was forcibly stopped from doing, as a pair of 200 lb asian women can output a lot of torque on a 140 lb raving lunatic.

Eventually I settled down around dawn and the aforementioned Asian lifesavers got me home. Whereas my mom opened the door and threw a right hook to my jaw.

I never got those sneakers back.

August 27, 2012

Gimme Some (Bass) Head

I'M NOT A MUSICIAN. I'M A PUNK RAWKER.  And I play bass guitar. Here's some really cool isolated bass trax from some bitchin' bassists. Behold the bassage toonage.

February 9, 2012

A Quick One

WE'RE ALL FORGIVEN! And who among us can't use a little forgiveness!

(On the other hand, look what happened to Gandhi!)

January 23, 2012

A Heartwarming Story

So it was the summer between high school and college and I was a full on drug and punk freak.

Things were going OK- I had my college plans (far far far away from home) and I had a bit of money through my gas station job. I was going to go to party in the neighborhood and meet my "girlfriend" ("girlfriend" with the quotes because I hadn't fornicated with her. I had met her at a Ramones concert and made out with her- whats better then locking lips during "She's The One"!!!). I still remember the taste of Benzoil Peroxide on her zit covered cheeks and the faint smell of vinegar. To a 17 year old,,, it was a heady bouquet.

So, young Nazz had a pocketful of white cross hits of speed and blotter acid and hurriedly gobbled a bunch en route to the soiree- which was in walking distance of my folks house. I left about 3 pm or so- saying I'd be gone for a couple of hours. The party begins, the drugs kick in and I am hanging out on some swings in a playground with the girlfriend. "Nazz- I wanna break up" she utters. And in THAT MOMENT the drugs kicked in, my brain boiled over and my heart broke. The old triple play.

She left me there on the swings, as I tried to stuff all the sense back into my mind. Didn't work. Nope not at all. So now, with the insult and surprise of getting the "Dear John" oration, I had to figure out what to do for the next 12 hours or so until the dope wore off.
Soooo, I went back to the party. After all... hey had weed and booze.

Now, the attendees of the party and I shared exactly one thing in common- we were human beings. Actually 2, if you count that we all did drugs. But that was about it- they were all college folks, mostly gay and into the theater. I was a dirty high school punk who made fun of their Jackson Browne records and drank all their liquor.

But, having little choice- I stuck around, all the while watching my mind melt from the outside and my soul melt from the inside- of course everyone knew that I was a: just used as an emotional tampon and b: tripping balls and in an extremely sensitive state; so they did what they could.
Like: "Nazz whatever you do, if you go into the bathroom do not look into the mirror."
Which ...    I ...    immediately ...    did ...   of  ...  course!

After about 30 minutes someone noticed I had been gone a long time and pulled me out of the mirror- where I had effectively climbed through my dilated pupils and into the psychedelic tunnel of horrors that my mind had decided to construct for me. By the time they knocked down the door, I was foaming at the mouth and screaming that I was like Mr. Spock and no one would ever love me.

At this point it made the most sense to get me to go for a walk- so a couple of baby sitter types (300 lb asian chicks) allowed me to walk 4 miles barefoot and set up shop in a graveyard, overlooking the Long Island Sound (think Jimmy on the White Cliffs of Dover in Quadrophenia). So adding things up, it made perfect sense to in my twisted mind to try to dive from a 150 foot rocky cliff into the water. Which, I was forcibly stopped from doing, as a pair of 300 lb asian women can output a lot of torque on a 140 lb raving lunatic.

Eventually I settled down around dawn shirtless and shoeless, and the aforementioned Asian lifesavers got me home. Whereas my mom opened the door and threw a right hook to my jaw.

I never got those sneakers back.

November 19, 2010

There's A Part That's Not Screwed On

Do those pills make you hallucinate that your wife is in front of you?

 Does this syringe make me look thin?


Don't Go Looking For It, It's Not There Anymore

 This Was All A Dream

September 6, 2010

I'm One

Every year is the same
And I feel it again,
I'm a loser - no chance to win.
Leaves start falling,
Come down is calling,
Loneliness starts sinking in

But I'm one.
I am one.
And I can see
That this is me,
And I will be,
You'll all see
I'm the one.

Where do you get
Those blue blue jeans
Faded patched secret so tight.
Where do you get
That walk oh so lean
Your shoes and your shirts
All just right.
But I'm One 
I am one.
And I can see
That this is me,
And I will be,
You'll all see
I'm the one.

I got a Gibson
Without a case

But I can't get that even tanned look on my face.
Ill fitting clothes
I blend in the crowd,
Fingers so clumsy
Voice too loud.

But I'm one.

March 29, 2010

Who Am I?

I am about to commence activities on another project. This is for an entertainment website which is starting up in May. I will be the NY music dude (dude? what is this 1970?). No pay, but this is (supposedly) a somewhat high profile gig (or so the rose colored glasses they made me wear make it seem).

My dilemma is this: I have to be somewhat "nice" on this new site. As it is targeted to be a money making proposition, with actual funding and an "llc" in it's moniker, I cannot be the snarky, hostile, nasty little monkey I am on this here personal site. I can be a bit mean, but the site is trying to get advertising, etc.

Hey, I don't mind writing that way. After all, I have this creative outlet to spew my venom, no need to distribute the wealth. And if I can get some free shwag and get into some shows (and get Princess Nomad into some stuff as well), then whutdafuk.

Of course, if you've been playing at home, you should have figgered out long ago that Nazz Nomad is not the name on my income tax returns. It's a cyber-name. Yeah, I know. No shit, Sherlock.

But I can't really use Nazz Nomad, since it's linked with this site. I have my rock n roll name, which is not used here (I actually first starting using it 20 years ago, when I was in the porn industry). Ironically, many of my friends know me by that name and use it as my nickname for the most part. I certainly am not going to use my real name, since my actual birth given name is as pure as the driven snow as far as the 'net.

So, I guess I will use my rock n roll name.

You folks, just keep calling me Nazz. And step away from my beer.

February 6, 2010

My Super Bowl Pick

Fuck the Super Bowl. Those fat-cat scumbag owners can blow me. What a tremendous corporate jizz splatter.

Besides, the Giants tanked.

PS- It ain't The Who anymore... it's two old bastards that shoulda gave it up long ago. Talk about greed, the band shoulda rolled up the carpet when The Ox croaked.

PSS- Upon seeing The Who... respectable... but Roger can't sing, Pete looks like Elvis Costello's father and Ringo jr was a total embarrassment and was unable to do anything that Moon the Loon used to do on those songs. But the lights were pretty. And it was nice to see N.O. win... even though that last touchdown the Colts blew at the end of the game cost me $1000 in my football pool! I hate you Peyton Manning!

On the bright side, my right hand isn't broken (just one knuckle is busted up) from a sports related maneuver last nite. Just can't make a fist. Which makes it hard to lift weights. Or most other actions. And I only drank soda during the game. That and Irish nacho's (Turkey Bacon, Taco Chips, Salsa, Grilled Chicken, Ton of cheese) kept our bellies filled. Then some ice cream, which was attacked by our kittens Riblet (aka Giblet aka Ribsey) and Roo (aka Rucifer J Cat).

Nothing like staying home on the high holidays!

January 15, 2010

Clean Liver, Dirty Soul

46 days sober. sobriety sucks. went out last night to get my rock n roll on and could neither rock nor roll. got up on stage and did a sorta crappy version of the damned's NEW ROSE. the only six pack i've seen lately is the one that's developing on my abs. up to three miles running, 2 miles on the elliptical and 1 mile on the stairmaster. the missus says i am getting too skinny and i need ass implants. and my buddy's are telling me i am turning into an emo pussy due to my lack of consumption.

and i am waiting on what could be a dream job, but the company i interviewed with has a human resources dept that is taking their sweeeeet ass time. don't they know that i am slowly dying, in anti-ci-pattttttiiiiiiooooooooooonnn?

a friday poem:

snow covered graves expectant mothers ready to take back what was once spilt forth.

the only true reclamation project...back into the dirt.

ps- wanna see something cool? go here. it's got isolated tracks of bass, drums, vox and geetar for songs from the clash, the who, the ramones and more. john entwhistle isolated bass!!!!!!

November 16, 2009

And On The Farm He Had An Aneurism

A couple of quickies...

The excellent site Music Ruined My Life has turned me on to this gentlemen named Frankie Turner. Sorta an angrier Billy Bragg/Ted Leo. I am quite impressed. See for yourself:

We recorded again this weekend... a demonic, demented version of the old children's' staple "Old McDonald". And yes, it's for another movie... about a satanically possessed "speak and spell". I'll post it as soon as we finished mixing.

Yeah, I play bass, but this guy REALLY PLAYED BASS!

And lastly, I suppose it is important to know that our new soon to be hit was recorded under the influences of this and this!

Semper Fi, muthafuckas!

September 2, 2009

Bat Babe

As a young pup, I was really really really into comics. Mostly the EC and Warren Horror stuff and Marvel. In fact if anyone wants to buy my collection, lemme know! Aside from a rather unhealthy fixation on Red Sonja and Vampirella, I was enamored over the flesh and blood version of Batgirl on the 60's Batman reruns that would be broadcast every night.

I have no doubt that you did too.

Here's a tribute to the lovely BatGirl.

Librarian by day, Bat-Babe by night.

Here's an unaired pilot for a proposed Batgirl TV series.

And Batgirl goes on the soapbox in this PSA for Equal Rights.

And sadly, the death of Batgirl... though in the print version of the comics, I believe she is crippled by The Joker


The Who - Batman

The Jam - Batman

June 12, 2009

THAT'S Rock N Roll!

(My idea of a party)

Dang, I think I am actually finally sober. From Tuesday nite. Yep, Caterwaul Of Sound came, saw and kicked ass. We played the premier party of the new film "Kids Go To The Woods, Kids Get Dead", and by all accounts, we were extremely entertaining.
What a thrill it was to play a packed club (our lead singer relates "I couldn't even see where the people ended") and rock it.
This was the famous "we're not gonna get wasted before we go on" show. OK, so that didn't quite come to pass, my excuse being that Mrs. Nomad accompanied me and well, what can a poor boy do, except get hammered with his rock n roll chick?
By the time we went on, I was obsessing how I couldn't get the G string on my bass tuned... until I remembered that I don't even use the G string!
The cool thing was, that despite our lack of, ahem, technical prowess, they all loved us. Our drummer beat the crap out of his cymbals so hard that they actually flew off the stands. As a result, I started to throw them all about in the air and play fungo, hitting my bass into them.

The show ended with me doing a Pete Townshend and smashing my bass on the floor and jumping all over it. Real smart, Nazz.

And then we played Surfin' Bird. Because, every show should end with Surfin' Bird.
Or something.

The review of the night... courtesy of Mrs. Nomad: "Y'know, I will come see you guys again".

And then things got weird...

On another floor, there was some kind of weird party starting up. It turned out it was a lesbians only party for some magazine. I tried to make friends and even offered to have the band come up and play for them for awhile. Hey, some of my best friends are lesbians!
Unfortunately for us, these weren't exactly "lipstick lesbians", they were more of the, ahem, manly type. Now I ask you, what's the point of two butch lesbians going at it? Wouldn't that be sort of like they both wanted to be gay men? Ah, the wonders of true love. And why did they hate us guys so much?
Nonetheless, it wasn't exactly our cup of tea; watching gals who were dressed as dudes and looked manlier than us making out. Plus they told us they were gonna kick our asses if we didn't leave!

So we left.

Oh well, rock n roll!

Here's some stuff that came on my shuffle this morn... it seems to make sense.

Grandmaster Flash - The Message
The Who - Drowned (Quadrophenia demo)
Stiff Little Fingers - Strummerville
The Dickies - Sound Of Silence (Simon & Garfunkel cover)

December 1, 2008

Meme Meme Meme Meme Meme

I have been challenged by our friends at The New Disease to complete this Meme. I am a virgin to these types of things, but here goes, I'll try anything once!

1. Five names you go by:
a) Mr. ********
b) Rico
c) Nazz
d) Dad
e) R***

2. Three things you are wearing right now:
a) Black Men's Button down dress shirt (covering a ...)
b) Joey Ramone Black T-Shirt
c) Black fake Dockers pants

3. Two things you want very badly at the moment:
a) Terrorism to end
b) My cat to get healthy. He's got a nasty tumor that is not going to get better.

4. Three people who will probably fill this out*:
a) Zooma (but I think he's pissed at me for my Pro-Bama rantings!
b) Mark at Pig State Recon
c) My pal Just Watchin'

* But I do not put an onus on them to do so, though I'm sure their answers would be better than mine.

5. Two things you did last night:
a) I shaved after debating whether to grow my goatee out to a full Rabbinical student beard for the winter as has occasionally been my custom.
b) An Ambien so I could get some sleep and not worry about the hellish work week ahead.

6. Two things you ate today:
a) Blueberry Low-Fat Yogurt for breakfast
b) A mixed salad with tofu, grape leaves, egg white, beets, chick peas and kidney beans for lunch.

7. Two people you last talked to on the phone:
a) Mrs. Nomad (making sure I haven't jumped out a window)
b) Princess Nomad (she wants an iTouch for her combo B-day/Holiday present)

8. Two things you are going to do tomorrow:
a) Practice for our SHOW AT KNITTING FACTORY THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!
b) Give the "Come to Jesus" talk to a couple of my staff whom seem a bit ungrateful to still have a job.

9. Two longest car rides:
a) Florida to New York the day after the 9-11 attacks
b) NY to Boston one July to see the Grateful Dead. The "trip" (draw your own conclusions) due to holiday summer traffic took 7 hours!

10. Two of your favorite beverages:
a) Guinness Stout
b) Bourbon (and I am not very choosy!)

And finally, a clip from a favorite movie.
The life of a Repo Man is NEVER boring!

The Who - I Don't Even Know Myself (Live at Leeds)
Run DMC & Living Color - Me, Myself, My Microphone
Aha - Take On Me
Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers - All By Myself
Bowling For Soup - Sick Of Myself (Matthew Sweet cover)

September 10, 2008

(Un)Comfortably Numb

Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness

So, is it better to feel nothing or to be affected by things to the point that it's personally damaging? Sometimes the self medicating just isn't effective.
A friend of mine explained to me that "some things are just bigger than you and it's nothing to be ashamed of". I'm not so sure about that. But it is certainly worth trying to pick curtain #2 rather than always selecting curtain #1. Maybe there's something better than canned squid behind it.

Bookage -


April 11, 2008

The Hardest Job Is Finding One...

Personnel moves in Corporate Hades have been particularly draining as of late. I had to dispose of one person who reported to me for over a decade. It was well deserved, and I had no recourse, but nonetheless it was not a pleasurable experience.

As a result, I am now in the process of attempting to hire for two positions. As stressful as it is to be the interviewee, it is no big thrill having to do the interviewing either. You are sitting across from someone who's usually desperate for a job and who will say anything to get said job. So, I have to sell the person on how wonderful my company is, while attempting to engage my bullshit detector to make sure it's the right person.

Obviously, it's better to be on my side of the desk, but it's a real pain in the arse to go through the effort of speaking to a dozen or so people and take the chance on hiring one of em and hoping it works out.

Plus, I always feel guilty when I am looking at someone who has no chance in Hell of getting hired.
Time for another interview.

December 20, 2007

Satan and/or Santa Loves You

My best wishes to you all as you ejaculate your money in an orgy of consumption. Here's my gift to you...


South Park - The Lonely Jew On Christmas
Showcase Showdown - Merry Christmas, I Fucked Your Snowman
The Vandals -My First X-Mas (As A Woman)
Basement Five - Last White Christmas
Peter And The Test Tube Babies - I'm Getting Pissed For Christmas
The Clap - Christmas In A Bodybag
The Kinks - Father Christmas
Fear - Fuck Christmas
The Sonics - Don't Believe In Christmas
Crucial Youth - Christmas Time For The Skins
Ramones - Merry Christmas, I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight
The Who - Christmas (Demo)
The Vandals - Grandpa's Last Christmas

Download it all by clicking here!

October 30, 2007

Happy Whiskey Ween!

I was all set to do a Halloween themed post. But I got invited to the New York Whisky Fest last nite. Holy crap. 200 whiskeys, bourbons, tequila's and other spirits. Some of the stuff was ridiculously rare. And some girls offering their wares (liquor that is!). I concentrated on the bourbons. An absurd amount of single barrel and "old enuff to be legal" (ie 18 year old aged) bourbons. I don't have that educated of a pallet for these types of libations, but it sure beats the $6 buck a quart garbage that I was raised on!
So, get yer pre- Day of The Dead fix somewhere else. The name of the game today is booze... and lots of it.

Dillinger Four - Double Whiskey Coke No Ice
Barrence Whitfield & The Saveages - Whiskey Wagon
The Doors - Whiskey, Mystics & Men
The Who - Whiskey Man
Minutemen - Jesus & Tequila
Kiss - Cold Gin (demo)

August 6, 2007

Warped - Thirsty But Not Miserable

Hey, Kevin Lyman and the entire Warped Tour organization... suck my hot, parched balls. It's 100 degrees and you bastards are selling water for $5 a bottle! You greedy motherfuckers. Especially as you limited people to bringing in one bottle. And your water truck by 3 pm resembled a scene from a Save The Children ad. And then they ran out of water.

Aside from that atrocity, the Warped show in NY last week was just lovely... thousands of teenagers having a good time with no fights and no real hassles.


There is a no punk political movement. I guess suburban kids are happy and docile. One booth had anti-Bush stuff. That's out of about 100 booths.

There were alot of environmental and vegeterian booths - good!

There an awful lot of bands who seem to have Cookie Monster as their lead singer.

People should learn to pick up their garbage. It was disgusting to see trash just thrown on the ground when there were bins everywhere.

Bad Religion still kick ass.

Paramore are gonna be huge.

Coheed and Cambria are the second coming of Rush.

Tiger Army were rockin' and are much better live than on record.

Parents should not let their kids out of the house without either proper clothing or sunscreen. By 4 pm, it looked like a lobster convention. Kiddies- there's no ozone layer anymore! And skin cancer ain't cool.

Apparently, every girl over the age of 14 has a pierced belly button.

Best T-Shirt of the day "Hail Seitan, Go Vegan"
And most annoyingly... dozens of kids were holding up signs stating "Free Hugs". This was supposed to be Punk Rock, not a Phish concert.

Damn kids don't know the difference!