Showing posts with label real kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label real kids. Show all posts

April 22, 2008

Spring Fever

It's getting to the warm weather stage here in en why cee and that means the workin' wimmen of said town are discarding the overcoats and flashin' their finest. Springtime, when the thoughts of a young man turn to... well, they turn to whiplash. And walkin' into poles and hydrants as one gets distracted by all the boobage and leggage.
Yeah, it's sexist, but I don't care. If ya don't like it, go write a letter to this fine example of womanhood. She'll have plenty of spare time soon enuff.

Besides, happily married me can only look anyway. And don't put the wares in the display if ya don't want us to do a little window shoppin'!

So, today's post is dedicated to the fairer sex.
