Showing posts with label pavement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pavement. Show all posts

October 4, 2011

Marriage Is swell, and for the most part better than Wilco

"What kind of face is that?"; Missus Nomad said to me yesterday over dinner. "Umm, my normal face?" I answered. Then in the middle of the night, she woke up and looked at me and screamed.

Hey honey, get used to this mug, you've had 20 plus years to accept it and I ain't going nowhere.

Wilco has a new album out and I am as ambivalent to them as always. I gave the lp a couple of spins on Spotify and immediately forgot every song. I do like that Jeff Tweedy and his band have been able to fashion a semi lucrative career and also become darlin's of the NPR crowd. They seem to be one of those bands that I'm supposed to like, but they just bore the shit out of me. My big Wilco experience seeing em live was drinking myself into oblivion and staggering out of their show a few years back. Blind drunken stumbling seemed like a better choice than standing and watching em.

I wouldn't put them in the same slot as a band like Pavement. I really hate Pavement. In fact, if one of the guys from Pavement came up to clean my windshield, I'd put my car into drive and run em over.

Jeff Tweedy on the other hand, I'd ask him to jump in on the passenger side and we'd go for a beer. He seems like a really cool guy. As long as don't have to listen to his band.

Maybe there's something wrong with me (and not just my face).

Wilco has "curated" a "YouTube channel" with some of their favorite other bands and I prefer 90% of the stuff on it over Wilco's own stuff.

Here's my favorite Wilco song. It's Closer To Fine, by The Indigo Girls and has nothing to do with Wilco. I'm pretty sure Amy Ray would kick Jeff Tweedy's ass.

Actually- I like this Wilco song alot. Probably because my friend John used to play it on his acoustic guitar and I always thought it was his song. And it's about being a fuck-up. And I bet the character in the song got asked alot about his face too.

July 9, 2010

Bands I Just Don't Get

Your old pal Nazz has never been one to swim downstream with the other fish. However, sometimes I find myself swimming upstream.

Here are some bands that I just cannot get into. I am not posting anything from any of em for obvious reasons. However, just for shits and giggles, if you click on each band name, you'll get routed to a "surprise" video.

Radiohead - I will grant that "Creep" and "Paranoid Android" are classics. And the whole "pay what you want" thing was cool. However, the mass adulation that these fey imitations of early 70's Pink Floyd escapes me. I find myself completely bored by the wan, precious toonage. Is there a drug that I am not aware of that makes these guys interesting? And Thom Yorke's solo stuff leaves me cold. Crack a smile every now and then, guys. It might help.

The Hold Steady - America's critical darlings? The music is rather rocking, but Craig Finn's vocals completely run roughshod over the backing instrumentation. This band reminds me of going to a bar and having some asshole next to you singing the wrong lyrics out of key. And not in a good way either. The only explanation I can think of is the old line about Elvis Costello: "critics like him because critics look like him".

Pavement - Feh. Slacker music. These guys are just too smug and pleased with themselves. I listen to these guys and the energy just drains out of me. I guess I just don't dig that lo-fi stuff.

The Pixies - Agreed, they have a few good songs ("Tony's Theme", "Debaser", "Wave Of Mutilation" come to mind). But the blind adulation that The Pixies have received for that "soft-hard-soft" approach is baffling to me.

Genesis - Didn't like em with Gabriel. Despise them when Collins fronted the band. Prog rock turns into Top 40 mush.

and here is something to mess your minds up completely!!!!!!!!!!