Showing posts with label johnny thunders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label johnny thunders. Show all posts

March 14, 2011

4 Year Anniversary

Just noticed that BLEEDIN OUT hit it's 4th year anniversary. 300,000 hits (of course- it could be just one person (thanks mom) hitting refresh 300,000 times) over that period. Not bad.

Considering that I started this thang to exorcise; and quite often, exercise my demons; it's been a long strange trip. Or something.

4 years of (as someone once so aptly described it) of 1/3 music, 1/3 bitching about the government and 1/3 whining about my life. On the bright side, I've cyber-met some great people. I've also been able to write... which back in college was supposed to be my vocation. And, I have no doubt that this here outlet has kept me on this mortal coil, as the "bad thoughts" have had somewhere to be deposited.

Thanks to (any?) all of you who have commented, downloaded and read this stuff.

It's been "Bleedin Out" of my mind, heart, soul and veins. Hope I never run out. And long may YOU all run.

Replacements - Left Of The Dial
Adverts - One Chord Wonders
Husker Du - Everything Falls Apart (live in Tuscon)
Ramones - Slug (demo)
Grateful Dead - Attics Of My Life
Girls At Our Best - Getting Nowhere Fast

May 26, 2009

Scenes From A Weekend

Thanks to the economy, we got an (unpaid) day off on Friday, so a four day weekend was spent thusly:

There was a kick ass military air show at the beach- lots of thrills and chills as everything from old style bi-planes to Thunderbirds were doing there thing int he skys above. There were some people actually protesting the event, claiming that the show was celebrating war. Now, I ask you, gentle readers... is this taking the whole anti-war thing a little too far?

My punk band Dirty Pillows ended up playing a show in the bowels of Long Island Saturday nite. What made this so egregious was that we performed at a shit-hole bar that I used to drink in when I was underaged, millions of years ago. Back then, it was Top 40 cover band Hades. As we haven't even seen each since January, the prospects of us playing well were dicey. However, after an hour practice the nite before, the "old magic" was back, and three out of the four of us were dead on. Three chord songs do have their advantages. Our other bandmate, the less said the better. I played the show pretty sober (no free beers, and the bar wanted $5 for a can of Miller Lite- no way!). We actually drew a few people (outdrew every other band in fact), and of course got beat on the money. What a surprise. I actually played much better than I usually do (hmmm sober = playing well (what a concept!)). And I got to sing and play on a Ramones cover we whipped up ten minutes before we went on.

Got a nice big blood blister on my finger as a remembrance of things rocked.
Well, it wasn't as bad as Pete's hand, but it still is nasty!

Started to put the pool back together... lots of marine sealer needed. And there were no dead mammals or birds in the water. Hopefully it'll be ready to jump in by this weekend. And you're all invited to the pool party! Bring your own Absinthe.

So, after 4 days of getting totally baked by the sun and intoxicants, it's back to work time.

And how was YOUR weekend?

The Dirtbombs- The Sun Is Shining
The Jam - Here Comes The Weekend
Teengenerate - Wild Weekend
Johnny Thunders - Seven Day Weekend

April 8, 2009

Too Much Junk, Too Much Junk

Some odds and ends:

Vermont legalized Gay Marriage! Hooray, now homosexuals can be as miserable as the rest of us! And Iowa's courts also passed pro Gay Marriage legislation! Hooray for the Heartland too!

Did anyone catch Jeff Beck and Metallica's performances at the Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame the other nite? Any R N R HOF that doesn't have Rush, The Stooges, The Mc5 and KISS can blow me, but the show was kick ass. Who's that chick playing bass with Beck... awesome!

And today is 15 years since Kurt Cobain journeyed to Rock N Roll Heaven (or Hell).

In honor of that, here's some songs about a much cooler junkie: Johnny Thunders. And one dedicated to Kurt and Vermont!

Smells Like Queer Spirit - Pansy Division
Murder City Devils - Johnny Thunders
The Replacements - Johnny's Gonna Die (live 10-26-84)
and of course...
Johnny Thunders and The Heartbreakers - Too Much Junkie Business

January 19, 2009

To Serve Man

I'm giving Obama until Thursday to restore my 401K to where it was a year ago. Otherwise, this "change" thing is bullspit! I want wine to flow from the water faucets, manna to fall from the sky and disease to be eradicated! I'll give him until Friday for that.

Clearly, the stakes are high with this regime change. I saw something on CNN stating that his inauguration speech " is one of the most anticipated speeches in decades, with many expecting his words to be chiseled into marble some day."

Nope, no expectations at all!

And how long does the honeymoon period last before the bitching and moaning starts up?

I'm kinda hoping that he comes clean about Area 51. I think that would pull this country and world alot closer together if he let's on about some imminent Alien attack. Hey, it works in the movies! OK, maybe not!


John Lennon - Power To The People (alt verion - live)
Johnny Thunders - Blank Generation (live)
Jonathan Richman - Stop Your Sobbing (Kinks cover)
John Wayne - The Good Things
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - History Of Lies

December 1, 2008

Meme Meme Meme Meme Meme

I have been challenged by our friends at The New Disease to complete this Meme. I am a virgin to these types of things, but here goes, I'll try anything once!

1. Five names you go by:
a) Mr. ********
b) Rico
c) Nazz
d) Dad
e) R***

2. Three things you are wearing right now:
a) Black Men's Button down dress shirt (covering a ...)
b) Joey Ramone Black T-Shirt
c) Black fake Dockers pants

3. Two things you want very badly at the moment:
a) Terrorism to end
b) My cat to get healthy. He's got a nasty tumor that is not going to get better.

4. Three people who will probably fill this out*:
a) Zooma (but I think he's pissed at me for my Pro-Bama rantings!
b) Mark at Pig State Recon
c) My pal Just Watchin'

* But I do not put an onus on them to do so, though I'm sure their answers would be better than mine.

5. Two things you did last night:
a) I shaved after debating whether to grow my goatee out to a full Rabbinical student beard for the winter as has occasionally been my custom.
b) An Ambien so I could get some sleep and not worry about the hellish work week ahead.

6. Two things you ate today:
a) Blueberry Low-Fat Yogurt for breakfast
b) A mixed salad with tofu, grape leaves, egg white, beets, chick peas and kidney beans for lunch.

7. Two people you last talked to on the phone:
a) Mrs. Nomad (making sure I haven't jumped out a window)
b) Princess Nomad (she wants an iTouch for her combo B-day/Holiday present)

8. Two things you are going to do tomorrow:
a) Practice for our SHOW AT KNITTING FACTORY THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!
b) Give the "Come to Jesus" talk to a couple of my staff whom seem a bit ungrateful to still have a job.

9. Two longest car rides:
a) Florida to New York the day after the 9-11 attacks
b) NY to Boston one July to see the Grateful Dead. The "trip" (draw your own conclusions) due to holiday summer traffic took 7 hours!

10. Two of your favorite beverages:
a) Guinness Stout
b) Bourbon (and I am not very choosy!)

And finally, a clip from a favorite movie.
The life of a Repo Man is NEVER boring!

The Who - I Don't Even Know Myself (Live at Leeds)
Run DMC & Living Color - Me, Myself, My Microphone
Aha - Take On Me
Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers - All By Myself
Bowling For Soup - Sick Of Myself (Matthew Sweet cover)

May 9, 2008

Veneratio Thy Matris

"Well, you came into this world naked,
screaming and covered in blood
who was there to wipe you off and give you your first hug?
And it took a couple years to figure out how to not shit in your pants
but someone was there to clean you up and powder off your rash"

With Mother's Day around the corner, Bleedin Out takes time to honor the women who's wombs we sprung forth from. Musta been nice in there, all warm and wet and safe.

And leave a comment! Your mom would want you to!

November 19, 2007

The Heroin Diaries

I had not taken a bath in a year nor changed my clothes or removed them except to stick a needle every hour in the fibrous grey
wooden flesh of heroin addiction. . .
I did absolutely nothing.
...William Burroughs

The book du jour at the residence is Nikki Sixx's "The Heroin Diaries". First off, I never liked Motley Crue very much. As a punk, I hated hair metal. And while I was always in favor of sex, drugs and rock n roll, I absolutely despised the attempt at "singing" that Vince Neil screeched. The Crue had some righteous riffs, but why would you have a giant pussy like Vince Neil lead your band? According to The Heroin Diaries (and Tommy Lee's book as well), the rest of the band thought he was an asshole as well. Plus, Vince Neil murdered Hanoi Rocks drummer Razzle and paralyzed another person in a 1984 car crash.

However, Nikki Sixx seems to have been a guy I coulda gotten along with. Well, aside from the Heroin of course. He professes to have been influenced by all the "right" bands... Iggy, Sex Pistols, Cheap Trick, Aerosmith, etc.

It's nicely packaged, with Ralph Steadman style nightmarish art on virtually every page (lots of black and red)

The book itself reproduces his diaries from 1986 through 1988, at the height of The Crue's stardom and the depth's of Sixx's addiction. According to the book, he grew up pretty much unloved and abandoned. He's not exactly blaming his addictions on his childhood, but it certainly seems to be a factor. But Sixx takes all the credit for becoming a junkie and does not blame it on the r n r lifestyle. Escapades with former Prince anti-ingenue Vanity and various seedy denizens of the L.A. rock underground provide lotsa laughs (not!) and it's a miracle that Sixx was capable of keeping a diary, much less playing bass and writing the material for the band.

A cautionary tale to be sure and one that I would recommend to any teenagers. Hey kids, hard drugs are bad, mmmkay? There is absolutely no glamour or bragging in the book. It's simply a harrowing and sad tale of a guy who had it all, and almost blew it all.

Replacements - Hold My Life (live 7-27-87 NYC)
Velvet Underground - Heroin (demo)
Neil Young - The Needle And The Damage Done (live London 2-27-71)
Rancid - Junkie Man
Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers - Too Much Junkie Business (live)
Keith Richards - Before They Make Me Run (live 1993)
Rolling Stones - Sister Morphine (1969 outtake)

September 28, 2007

A Caterwaul of Sound


Tonight should be pretty fun. Me and the droogs are getting together for an old fashioned jam session. And by jam, I mean loud and sloppy renditions of some of our favorites. The addition of vodka and beer and who knows what else should add to the festivities, if not the musicianship!

But, hey, it's Punk Rawk... so the intoxicants are a requirement!
For those of you playing at home, here's some of the the songs we'll be mangling!