Showing posts with label x. Show all posts
Showing posts with label x. Show all posts

December 21, 2011

MyTop Ten For 2011

Notice a trend? That's because 2011 fucking sucked!

Best version of the old Ike & Tina toon.

Given the context, as Punk as fuck.

A song that makes me wanna jump and down and yell 'NO"!!!!

Nick Cave will kick your ass.

Ted Nugent exemplifies the year 2011. He's a tremendous asshole.

Next 5 to come...

September 6, 2011

The Worlds A Mess (it's in my kiss)

No one is united
all things are untied
perhaps we're boiling over inside
they've been telling lieeees
who's been telling lieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesss? 
there are no angels
there are devils in many waaaaaaaaaaays
take it like a maaaaaan

the world's a mess it's in my kiss

you can't take it back
pull it out of the fire
pull it ouuuuut in the bottom of the ninth
pull it ouuuuut in chords of red-disease
drag on the system
drag on my head and body
there are some facts here
that refuse to escape
i could say it stronger
but it's too much trouble
i was wondering down at the briiiiickkkks
hectic, isn't it? 
down we go craaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddle

(cue Billy Zoom!)

No one is united 
all things are untied
perhaps we're boiling over inside
they've been telling lieeeees
who's been telling lieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeesssssss?
there are no angels
there are devils in many waaaaaaaaays
take it like a man

the world's a mess it's in my kiiiissssssssssss 

and all the world's a mess it's in my kiss

go to hell, see if you like it
then come home with me
tomorrow night may be too late
both moons are full
dirty night dying like a lovely wife
goodbye my darling
how high the moon
well i wish i was

(I've been playing alot of X on my bass guitar lately).

Shwag: The t-shirt in the picture with the lyrics can be found at X's on-line store: (click here)

ps- This song is much better without the Ray Manzarek wankery on keyboard coda

May 29, 2009

Beyond and Back (and back again!)

Yee-haw! Going to see X tonite, gonna see X tonite! X-cited???? Fukkin A!
How many bands from my Punk golden years are still around and still intact with their original line-up and still rawkin' the shit out of it? Aside from X, I can't think of any. Can you?

I wrote this thing up about X a couple of years back, so rather than repeat myself, please click here, if you want the in-depth write-up.

X live at My Fathers Place, Long Island 11-12-83

February 10, 2009

Worried Man Blues

"Cause now your 35 and workin' in a warehouse/
because you spent your college money on cocaine"

Sorry Mom And Dad - The Vandals

Those kids were the smart ones. I spent 5 years in college (OK- 5 1/2, but who's counting) when I should have been in fucking trade school learning to be a plumber or an electrician instead of a white collar corporate asshole.

My reward? Constant stress over keeping my head while all others around me lose theirs. And, as as an extra added one time, never before offered on tv, special bonus; I get to also freak about other people's lives.

Because the real murderers NEVER get dirty, they get scumbags like me to follow their orders.

We're all fucked. As bad as things are right now, they are gonna get a fuckload worse. A fuckload as big as Rosie O'Donnell's ass.

Up until this past month, we've been training to get in the ring with Mike Tyson circa 1986. It was all conceptual... Hey, we'll go in the ring and get hit a couple of times, go down, it'll be unpleasant and then we'll be back to normal. With a pocketful of green dead president's to heal our wounds.

Guess what... We just took the rib shot that Michael Spinks got ... The only problem is... There's no count-out, no 8 second standing count, and no 3 minute rounds. It's a steel cage death match, and no way out. We're just gonna keep getting hit and hit again, until our blood is all over the ring, our teeth are knocked out, and we're all punch drunk, wandering the streets looking for a handout.


Woody Guthrie - Pretty Boy Floyd
Poor Bob - Ain't Got A Lousy Dime
Dead Kennedys - Kill The Poor (demo)
X- So Long (It's Been Good To Know Yuh)

Now playing: Arlo Guthrie - City Of New Orleans
via FoxyTunes

January 26, 2009

Blisters On My Fingers

This past Saturday saw not one but two band practices with different (as the kids say) projects. Considering my lack of musical ability, the concept of lil' ol' me participating with two different r 'n' r concerns is astounding and something I am truly thankful for.
It sure beat shoveling snow!

The first of these musical behemoths is the imminent return of the legendary old skool punk DIRTY PILLOWS! Yep, we put the band back together and will be playing this Wednesday, January 28 in Williamsburg, Brooklyn at Public Assembly. C'mon down if yer in the environs. Pretty please?

We're gonna do it as a benefit to raise bail money for Phish's Trey Anasatasio's next Heroin arrest or Mike Gordon's child molestation trial. Haven't decided which one yet.
And my other projection is Caterwaul Of Sound V2. We're Caterwaulizing stuff from bands as disparate as Funcadelic, Clutch, The Circle Jerks and even the Ronnettes. Pray for us.
All in all, a great way to have spent a weekend. I've got blisters on my fingers!
And, as it is raining absolute shit at my job... a welcome distraction.

November 17, 2008

Weird S.I.N.s Inside The Graveyard

"It's not the years honey, it's the mileage"
...Indiana Jones

For reasons that I will divulge soon, gentle reader, I made contact with an old friend last week.

I haven't talked to the guy since my wedding day; a score ago. But catching up, he's got a helluva book to write. It's funny what bits we had heard of each other over the last couple of decades, funnier that it's all the kind of stuff that would generally be dismissed as bizarre rumors, and yet in both of our cases, the information was true!

Unbelievably, the people he asked about on my side are all deceased, as are counterparts on his side. Suicide, jail and divorce abound as well. We're not old men either, I don't think either one of us is on the back nine of life expectancy.

I don't want this to sound like whistlin' past the graveyard, but the pressing thought I conveyed was how lucky the both of us are to still be walkin' this mortal coil. There but for the grace of the Grim Reaper (or the police) coulda been either one of us.

Growing up as an oblivious punk jerk-off, I always thought that the danger we put ourselves in wasn't as life threatin' as it really was. After all, we were immortal. Those that fell by the wayside were just unlucky, right? But looking back on the drunken driving, the chemical and agricultural products, the violence and the irresponsibility of the situations we placed ourselves in; well, it makes we shudder.

How I am able to communicate this to Nazz Jr. and Princess Nomad remains to be seen.

But, as we are still not A Diet For The Worms ... All the more reason to rock the fuck out whenever possible, I 'spose!

A Few Seconds Of Panic - Stefan Fatsis


The Mob - 101
Social Distortion - Another State Of Mind
Gram Parsons - In My Hour Of Darkness
The Soft Boys - Only The Stones Remain
Exene Cervenka and Henry Rollins - Wasted (Black Flag cover)
Now playing: The Only Ones - The Happy Pilgrim
via FoxyTunes

October 15, 2008

The Home Stretch

The home stretch. Less than three weeks before we get to vote for regime change. I can't wait.

How will the Repugnikkans steal this one? Voter fraud? Pre-programmed voting machines? Armed guards preventing voters from getting in? The possibilities are endless!

Whatever. Nevermind. As long as we still have rock n roll, how bad can things be? Oh yeah. Bad. Real bad!

But today was one of those days when the right batch of tunes came over the mp3 player on the commute in. The kind of songs where you get that feeling of "holy shit, I forgot what an awesome song this is". And then you hit reverse and play the fucker again and again, singing out of tune and messin' up all the words as the people around you think you're insane.

Yeah. Rock n Roll.


X - Poor Girl

King Khan And His Shrines - Land Of The Freak

Ramones - Pet Semetary

Run DMC - King Of Rock

New Bomb Turks - Chip Away At The Stone (Aerosmith cover)

Now playing: Social Distortion - Playpen
via FoxyTunes

September 22, 2008

Gonna Leave This (Un)Brokedown Palace

Utterly absurd to be tearing down Yankee Stadium. The fat cats get fatter. Regardless, Nazz Jr. and I made once last pilgrammage for the final games.
This is a shot taken as we drove away. You can see the Yankee Stadium lettering in blue, right above our Ramones air freshener!
The Yankee Stadium Facade.

Mariano Riviera pitching the 9th inning. You can see the ball speeding it's way to home plate (slightly to the right of the 2nd basemen).

August 22, 2008

m/c douchebag

No one ever rocked the leather m/c like the Ramones.

Thanks to this post at Strange Reaction, I got to thinkin' of my original m/c Black Leather Jacket. It was 'round 1983 or so and, being the broke suburban kid I was; I didn't have the cash to buy one. It always amazed me that the so-called gutter punks all had em... probably mommy and daddy bought em for em when they went back to their Connecticut homes.

But I digress. I started going out with this girl who's parents definitely had serious bucks (her dad was a dentist in some Long Island high falutin' town). She was a couple of years younger than me and probably figured it was cool to be dating Mr. College Asshole Nihilistic Punk Rocker. Aside from her proclivity towards supplying me with drugs and payin' my way into stuff, she was pretty cool in other ways. Once time she made me this really cool Suicidal Tendencies shirt (like the one's that were pictured on the original album cover). I actually still have the back of that shirt.

Anyway, we were all also into the Grateful Dead and one day she presents me with this beautiful heavy duty (not some asian knock-off) Schott MC jacket. Only one problem, she had painted this absolutely kick ass Steal Your Face graphic on the entire back of the jacket.
Well, no way was I going to wear THAT to punk shows. It was bad enough I had long hair. I didn't want to spend ALL my time fighting.
Sooo... Mr. Asshole spray-paints the entire back of the jacket back to black and than throws the usual punk stickers de rigeur on the back as well. My girlfriend was crushed. But I was such an inconsiderate douchebag to her in other ways, I guess she chalked it up to my sparkling personality.
This jacket served me well for many years. It also got totally beat to shit, but survived (it was really well made). Than I left it at a friend of mine and he somehow lost it. Thanks for that, D.

In retrospect, I was a complete dickhead for destroying the jacket. And I hope my ex girlfriend found someone to treat her a fuckload better than I ever did. At least HER pain is over. She didn't marry me!

Here's some Kraut. I had a Kraut sticker on the back of my jacket. Were we ever that young????

The Replacements: All Over But the Shouting: An Oral History - Jim Walsh

Rolling Stones - Leather Jacket
Screeching Weasel - Leather Jacket
Guitar Wolf - Motor Cycle Leather Boy
NOFX - 13 Stitches
X - Poor Girl

Now playing: Black Flag - Jealous Again
via FoxyTunes

July 7, 2008

Hungry Freaks, Daddy

Crawlin' everywhere. Nameless, shapeless dread. They're distorted, like thru a fun house mirror. Bunch of freakin' monsters. Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing. Gettting closer. There's an itch I can't scratch...

January 14, 2008

Cry Baby Cry

What a beautiful football game Sunday night. The Giants kicked the crap out of the Cowgirl's and now it's on to the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field. The Cowboys went down quicker than Jessica Simpson does on her loser QB boyfriend.
At this point, it's all gravy for the G-Men.

Aside from being the reason that President Kennedy's dead and the main city of the state our Prez is from; Dallas will now be known as the place where grown men cry like little pussy's.

Seeing Terrell Owens weep like a little bitch in the post game interview was the cherry on the sundae. I eagerly await his next "overdose" of painkillers.


October 26, 2007

A Musical Train Wreck

We played a show last nite that was the musical equivalent of an abortion. And not just any old abortion. An abortion that would be performed in the backroom of a Tijuana bar, involving a drunken bartender and a rusty can opener.
On the bright side, if a rotting tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a bad sound?
It's a powerfully heady thing, knowing that you have fallen into the gaping maw of suckage and that there is no way out, save just finishing the show and skulking off the stage.

I suppose every band has those nights, but man, it was comically awful. But, I am very thankful to be able to play in a band even under the most absurd circumstances (and it was f#ckloads better than stayin' home and watching the G-Damn Red Sox play in the World Series).
Well, there was nothing left to do but smile smile smile afterwards. So we attempted to drown our sorrows.

And that made for an interesting drive home.
Good thing the cd player had one of those mixes on it that get's ya through the long lonely drive home. I didn't even remember when I made the mix, but one song after another, it kept me coherent and looking forward to what was gonna come on next.

So here is a selection of the toonage that kept me from doing a Ted Kennedy on the long ride home...


March 19, 2007

X- Making The Music Go BANG!

X is well known as perhaps the most successful and musically ambitious of the original Los Angeles Punk bands. The band’s strengths were the vocal interplay between (at that time married) John Doe and Exene Cervenka; the rockabilly tinged guitar of Billy Zoom (who had played in Gene Vincent’s band) and the hardhitting beats of aptly named drummer DJ Bonebrake. The lyrics reflected L.A. in all its decadence and bordered on poetry.

Many first got their taste of X from the original Decline Of Western Civilization film, which focused on the LA scene and also featured Black Flag, Fear, The Germs and The Circle Jerks.

X’s first album Los Angeles (1980) had some money behind it and got a lot of promotion and press. Some of this was due to the involvement of Ray Manzarek, the keyboardist from The Doors, who produced the record and also played keyboards on it. The album is in Rolling Stone’s top 100 records of the 80’s and in the top 300 of all time.

Despite some revisionist history, I remember that the album was pretty much ripped in most reviews. Remember, this was the time when Punk and all incarnations were pretty much universally reviled by the major media (with the exception of more established bands like the Ramones and The Clash). The L.A. scene was pretty violent and excessive and although X were certainly not hardcore in any way, they were lumped in with other more excessive bands.

Still, the album contained such classics as "The Phone’s Off The Hook (But You’re Not)", "Nausea", "Johnny Hit And Run Pauline", and a cover of The Doors’ "Soul Kitchen". The album breaks the three minute punk per song barrier as well, most notably with the 4 1/2 minute "The World's a Mess, It's in My Kiss".

Much better received was their next album; Wild Gift (1981). This album featured classics such as "The Once Over Twice", "Beyond and Back" and the decidedly unpunk "White Girl" and established X as THE L.A. punk band. The album is also recognized in the (yecch) Rolling Stone top 500 records of all time.

X also appeared in the concert film Urgh- A Music War playing "Beyond And Back".

X was amazing in concert (still are, in fact). Billy Zoom would stand almost motionless, flashing a big shit-eating smile, John Doe (dressed workmanlike) and Exene (dressed in thrift store splendor) would be harmonizing, and the place would go wild.

I had the chance to hang with X a couple of times in the early 80's. John Doe and DJ Bonebrake were the nicest, most easy going guys in the world. It was tremendous to actually be able to have conversations with (at least to us) real adult rock stars. Zoom was kinda unapproachable... he looked so, well royal with the platinum blonde perfect hair. And Exene, man I was sorta scared of Exene, she had this other-worldly aura about her, like she had one foot in some mystic punk rock universe. The fact that so much of their iconography was religious didn't help either! When she sang "Riding With Mary" (about her dead sister), it was genuinely chilling.

X then signed with Elektra records and released two more fantastic albums: Under The Big Black Sun and More Fun In The New World. Both of these records have a more “produced” (ie big budget) sound, but both are still highly recommended. The record companies were shooting for hits and despite college radio airplay on songs like "Blue Spark", "The Hungry Wolf" (on Big Black Sun) and "The New World" and "We’re Having So Much Fun" (on More Fun), the big break never happened. At this point, X also covered Jerry Lee Lewis' Breathless, from the movie of the same name).

In the mid 1980’s, X released a film The Unheard Music which details the band’s history. Seek it out- it is well worth owning. The musical performances are amazing.

X actually ended up with a semi-hit, when they covered the old Troggs tune Wild Thing (which got big play in the movie Major League).

The band (with-out Billy Zoom, but adding Dave Alvin from The Blasters) than changed direction and became The Knitters, which was a country folk project. Zoom left X at this point and the band added Tony Gilkyson for the albums Ain't Love Grande, See How We Are and Hey Zeus in the mid to late 1980’s.

That was about it for X.

Exene and John Doe ended up releasing several solo albums. John Doe has also appeared in several films and TV shows.

Since then, the band has reunited to play show (especially over the last three years.)

I am offering up a fantastic entire concert soundboard recording (from live radio) of X performing at My Fathers Place on Long Island, NY from 1983. I was at this show, in fact at one point we passed Exene a bottle of homemade Applejack (grain alcohol and cider) and she swigged it and almost puked mid-song. The crowd noise in the background undoubtedly included me and my friends. Good times, good times.

I am posting this on a new hosting site, if someone can let me know if the downloads are working, I would be most appreciative.

Click on this link for:
and here are a couple of other X tunes you may not have:
From the Adult Books 7"
From the soundtrack of The Decline: