Showing posts with label queen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label queen. Show all posts

August 16, 2011

Does Listening To The Cure Make Me A Pussy?

I gotta admit, everytime a song that isn’t from The Cure’s first album (Three Imaginary Boys) comes on my iTunes, I feel a little less than the masculine, testosterone uber-stud that I truly am. 

Just now, I was in the midst of a Rancid/Cramps/Ray Charles/Sugar (yeah- I know all about Mr. Mould) run and on pops The Cure’s “Lullaby”. It got me thinking just how many Cure songs (OK- I’ll give ya “Primary” – besides that whole lp is electro-pop so it’s robotic) are weak ass pussy crap. “Love Cats”, “Let’s Go To Bed”,  “Friday I’m In Love”  don’t even get me started on “Caterpillar”. “Just Like Heaven” is great, but the Dinosaur jr and Goldfinger versions shred the original.

Between Robert Smith’s penchants for make-up, black clothes and really bad hair, and all the goth wannabe’s that were late to the party and queued up for The Cure, what the hell was I thinking?

(Tongue In Cheek?)

Full disclosure- back in the mid-80’s, the “old enough to know better” Nazz wore eyeliner and other questionable attire to witness The Cure in person. My only excuse is that I was trying to bang this girl who I went to the show with. Of course, she turned out to be a lesbian, so Nazz’s physical needs were “c*nt-blocked”.

Thank Satan I was able to jump to the next song on my iTunes : Queen’s “Liar”. 

Fuckin’ manly music!

March 27, 2009

Even The Losers...

...Get Lucky Sometimes.

And I did.

To Mrs. Nomad... a very Happy 21st Anniversary. Our marriage is now legal!

Ramones - I Want You Around (demo)
Cult Hero - I Dig You
Replacements - If Only You Were Lonely
Hermans Hermits - White Wedding (Billy Idol cover)

October 2, 2008

Bread And Circuses

"Nobody's ever gone broke underestimating the intelligence of the general public."
...H.L. Mencken

Tonight, America gets to watch a debate between the two candidates for vice president (aka the person "one heartbeat from the Presidency"). Sarah Palin, the Repugnikkkan's choice, has viewpoints completely abhorrent to myself. Additionally, she has so far shown to be unqualified for the position. The liberal press has had a field day exposing this fact. It appears that McCain and the GOP assumed that the Hillary Clinton factor would swing the "soccer mom" vote their way, despite Palin's most decidedly unfeminist platform.

The Democrat's choice, Joe Biden, a slick Washington insider (despite Obama's cries of "Change") should mop the floors with her.

However, if he appears to be a "bully", that could work against him.
What appears to be a mismatch could work in Palin's favor if Biden attacks her and could result in Palin getting the sympathy vote. Which would be absurd of course, since the last reason someone should get votes is for sympathy.

Unfortunately, I fear that this is all window dressing. The subtle racism against Barack Obama that will be displayed in November is going to tip the election to McCain. Many people in this country actually think that Obama is Muslim and part of a "sleeper cell". Put on Fox News and they make sure to call Obama by his entire name: Barack Hussein Obama.

After Bush stole the election in 2000 and proceeded to systematically destroy the country, I was in shock when he was re-elected in 2004. If the citizens of the United States continue choose Repugnikkkan rule for another four years with McCain/Palin; well then we deserve everything that we get.

Well, tonight should be an entertaining night.


April 22, 2008

Spring Fever

It's getting to the warm weather stage here in en why cee and that means the workin' wimmen of said town are discarding the overcoats and flashin' their finest. Springtime, when the thoughts of a young man turn to... well, they turn to whiplash. And walkin' into poles and hydrants as one gets distracted by all the boobage and leggage.
Yeah, it's sexist, but I don't care. If ya don't like it, go write a letter to this fine example of womanhood. She'll have plenty of spare time soon enuff.

Besides, happily married me can only look anyway. And don't put the wares in the display if ya don't want us to do a little window shoppin'!

So, today's post is dedicated to the fairer sex.


March 27, 2008


Happy 20th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And they said it couldn't last!

I want you around
I want you around

They're telling us, they're gonna make a fuss
About the two of us

I want you around
I want you around

I know what you're thinking about ,
that you must have some doubts

I know what you're thinking,
when you find out I want you around

You know if it comes true, I'll be so good to you

I'll never treat you cruel as long as I've got you around

I want you around
I want you around

You heard that I'm no good,
yeah, yeah I'm no good

But I'll treat you like I should

I want you around
I want you around

You know if it comes true, I'll be so good to you

Ill never treat you cruel as long as I've got you around

I want you around
I want you around

They're telling us , they're gonna make a fuss
About the two of us

I want you around
I want you around

I want you around
I want you around

Ramones - I Want You Around
Led Zeppelin - Thank You (live)
Queen - You're My Best Friend
NOFX - We Got Two Jealous Agains
John Lennon - Grow Old With Me (Dakota sessions)

February 19, 2008

The cold and Foo Fighter season

Was the best career move of Dave Grohl's life when Kurt Cobain fellated a shotgun? I'd vote yes.

Grohl went from being the drummer of a band that couldn't ever be considered a good long term bet to being the leader of the Foo Fighters, a band certainly capable of "classic rockdom".
The bearded one has been able to mesh the quiet to loud dynamic of Nirvana with arena rock and has been churning out radio friendly alt rawk for over a decade already. Hey, what's not to like? Power crowds, great hooks, powerhouse drumming? This shit's in my dna.

Considering that Grohl got his start in DC hardcore, it's been one long strange trip. But good for him. He's travelled in some cool circles; jamming with folks like Queen and Lemmy and he gets extra points for playing a Dead Kennedy's tune on Mtv.

And the missus digs the heck out of the Foo Fighters, so it's all good.

We'll see em tonight, as the Foo Fighters play the big room, the world's most famous arena, Madison Square Garden.

Foo Fighters - Danny Says (Ramones cover)
Foo Fighters - Everlong (Acoustic -Live on Howard Stern)
Foo Fighters - Tie Your Mother Down (Live w/ Brian May and Roger Taylor)
Foo Fighters - Gas Chamber (Angry Samoans cover)

December 14, 2007

Baseball Altamont

I could care less if every Baseball player was taking steroids and HGH. If their heads exploded one day after they retired it would make no difference to me. As long as my team was successful (and The Yankees sure were), what do I care?
Athletes have been cheating forever… whether it was corked bats, stolen signs, amphetamines or anything else they could do to get an edge.
If someone gave me the opportunity to make millions of dollars playing baseball by shooting a needle into my arse, I’d do it in a heartbeat.
And of course they were going to lie and plead innocence… wouldn’t you?

In tribute to these brave warriors… I humbly offer the Bleedin’ Out Baseball mix.

Download the whole kit and caboodle by clicking here!

Yo La Tengo – Baseball Altamont
Weezer – We Are All On Drugs
The Vipers – Cheated And Lied
The Muffs – You Lied
The Clash – Cheat
Swingin’ Medallions – Double Shot Of My Baby’s Love
Stevie Ray Vaughn – Cold Shot
Sex Pistols – Liar (Live Atlanta – 1978)
Rolling Stones – Don’t Lie To Me
Ramones – Needles And Pins (demo)
Queen – Liar
Painted Ship – Little White Lies
Irma Thomas – Cheater Man
Husker Du – The Biggest Lie
Hank Williams – Your Cheatin’ Heart
Grateful Dead – Silver Threads And Golden Needles (live Chicago 1969)
Funkadelic – Hit It And Quit It
Face To Face – You Lied
Dexy’s Midnight Runners – Liars A To E

September 18, 2007

Make Mine Marvel!

When I was a kid, you could either be a DC Comics loyalist or a Marvel Comics true believer. We were all firmly entrenched in the Marvel camp.

I absolutely loved the old EC comics like Tales From The Crypt and Haunt Of Fear. But they were collector's items by the time I was a kid. The reprints are great however.

Spiderman, The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four and The Silver Surfer had it all over the DC stable. Besides, Superman was a giant pussy and never killed anyone. And this was before Batman became "The Dark Knight" and became more of a vigilante. But Marvel had The Punisher and he was actually looking to shoot the bad guys. And Marvel wasn't afraid to kill off characters like Spiderman's girlfriend Gwen Stacy. Of course, then they had to clone her and Aunt May must have almost died about 300 times, but still; Marvel kicked ass. And Doctor Strange was THE acid comic. He's even on the cover of Pink Floyd's Saucerful Of Secrets

And, the girls in Marvel comics were ridiculously hot (yeah- I know they weren't real; but when you're 14 years old...)

I like the current threads in Spiderman alot... he absolutely kicked the shit out of Kingpin a few issues back and seems to be going into a "vengeful retribution" phase.

Now that I have kids, I get to relive my old comics plus check out the new stuff. The Marvel Zombies line is bad-ass, if a bit silly. Some of the Marvel character movies have been disappointing as well. But, all in all: