top 200 commentsshow 500

[–][deleted] 4766 points4767 points  (279 children)

a moment of silence for our brothers who paid this price for a 3060

[–]lukezxl5600x, RTX 3090 1151 points1152 points  (188 children)

Paid this for a 3060 ti. Sadness

[–]DukepippittDesktop 150 points151 points  (12 children)

Same I feel you brother

[–]NoBallroom4you 100 points101 points  (11 children)

Pronouncing "T.i." as "Tie"...

[–]Rixae 29 points30 points  (7 children)

I thought it was pronounced tie

[–]NoBallroom4you 68 points69 points  (0 children)

Back to you Steve!

[–]ahigherthinkerPC Master Race 22 points23 points  (1 child)

Paid 600 for a tie

[–]Alternative_Spite_115800x| 32gb b die| 6700xt merc 319 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Only if your last name is a fancier version of wang.

[–]Satoshiman256 351 points352 points  (96 children)

Ti = Tiny Improvement

[–]Moneymoneymoney2018PC Master Race 227 points228 points  (49 children)

Not the 1080ti, best TI ever made.

[–]How_that_convo_went 44 points45 points  (11 children)

Still an absolute juggernaut for 1080p gaming. I was actually a little sad to retire mine when I recently upgraded. But it’s going to a good home— I’m giving it away for free to a buddy who’s currently rocking a GTX 960.

[–]astoesz 19 points20 points  (6 children)

Finally upgraded my 970 today with a 2060. Huge improvement

[–]Twelversi7-7700k | Strix GTX 1080Ti | 16GB @ 3200 | 1TB SSD 9 points10 points  (0 children)

My 1080ti Strix is still powering my dual 1440p 165hz setup quite well. I max out most of the games I play and run vr very smoothly too.

[–]adh247 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Wow, I bet your buddy is pumped! I'm still running a Nvidia Quadro K4000! I bet even a 960 would still be like running ten of the video card I have lol.

[–]Rogue__Jedi7600x and 6800xt 62 points63 points  (10 children)

I bought my EVGA 1080ti used from an individual crypto miner after the 2018 crash for like $450? It still had 2 years of warranty left and is still my daily driver at 1440p.

Hell of a card.

[–]gpburdell404i7-13700K | 3080 Ti | AW3423DW OLED 22 points23 points  (8 children)

I bought my 1080 Ti for $700 almost 5 years ago and still works great at 1440p for most games.

Though I just upgraded to ultrawide 1440p which is 25% more pixels so it's really time for a new card. Great timing with the recent nvidia price drop and will probably buy a 3080 this week. I'm tempted to wait for 4xxx series but don't want to take a chance that they aren't available for months after release.

[–]spacemanTTC 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Just sold my 1080ti for $250 to a young kid and got myself a SuprimX 3080. 4-5 years that card worked perfectly at 1440p, easily best value for money card of that era. So glad I waited for this price drop by NVIDIA though.

[–]Satoshiman256 27 points28 points  (0 children)


[–]ApokalypseCow 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I bought a buddy's 1080ti a couple years ago when he was upgrading, replaced my base-model 1080, which went in the wife's PC (replacing my old 690 in there). Still going strong, though I'm looking at 3080 cards now, because at this price, it's worth it, and I've got a new ultrawide that's begging to be pushed.

EDIT: Sunuvabitch, first time I mention that old 1080 in a post and it craps out in my wife's PC the next day.

[–]G_man252Desktop i7 8700k EVGA 2070 Super 8GB 16gb DDR4 RAM 11 points12 points  (17 children)

Outstanding GPU. I bought one from someone on ebay and that thing shit it's pants after like 10 minutes (the dude obviously have been bitcoin mining it to death). You could use a 1080TI for even a couple more years.

[–]PiperWarriorFlyerPC Master Race 107 points108 points  (40 children)

3060Ti is a big jump over a 3060. Now the 3070Ti and 3080Ti.. yea that's a different story

[–]G_man252Desktop i7 8700k EVGA 2070 Super 8GB 16gb DDR4 RAM 95 points96 points  (7 children)

At these prices, if I buy a 3090, the next time I play Cyber Punk Keanu Reeves better look at the screen and say ' G_Man252, we need you' and pull me into the game.

[–]Roast_A_BotchPIII 500, AGP Voodoo2,128MB PC-133, 1000MB SATA 47 points48 points  (4 children)

I would love that... He would then gently caress my face and we'd make sweet love under the neon stars.

[–][deleted] 17 points18 points  (1 child)

Keanu is love, Keanu is life

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I feel like I overpaid for a prebuilt with 3070Ti, but idk. It works for me lmao

[–]SactownKorean 8 points9 points  (4 children)

3080 ti nah but yes to the 3070 ti for sure. I have one and its a really small increase in performance.

[–]Alternative_Spite_115800x| 32gb b die| 6700xt merc 319 7 points8 points  (3 children)

The 3060ti is a massive jump as well. Hell it’s not only a much larger die but also a 33% wider memory bus. Basically it should’ve been called “almost a 3070”. I already had a 3060ti but when the 3060 came out I had an opportunity to buy one barely over msrp but I had to grab it right then. I just assumed it would perform nearly the same as my ti and my sim rig also needed an upgrade. I was seriously disappointed, it was like 25% slower.

[–]Saltywinterwind 80 points81 points  (29 children)

Got mine for half but I’m a dumb ass and got a prebuilt pc. I know I know but I’m happy to have even got it. The company I ordered from went bankrupt a month after I got it…I won’t say who but it’s pretty obvious

[–]sweetdawg99 66 points67 points  (15 children)

F in the chat for the poor bastards who paid for a PC to be built by them, only for them to go under, not reimburse the client, and then later auction off their paid for PC to settle bankruptcy debts.

[–]Saltywinterwind 38 points39 points  (4 children)

Bro I got so many lawsuit papers ☠️ for real F. What a shit fucking company, at least they can’t scam anymore people.

And yes my pc has fan problems, like so many others

[–][deleted] 15 points16 points  (4 children)

What company is this?

[–]suddenlysnowedinn 12 points13 points  (2 children)

I would like to know as well. Not sure why the above commenter is being so secretive about it.

[–]StrangerIllRemainAorus Xtreme 1080 Ti - i5 12400f - b660m-a pro - 32gb HyperX 47 points48 points  (1 child)

Isn't it Artesian Builds?

[–]Edwardteechi712k 3090 32gb ddr5 17 points18 points  (0 children)


[–]Ancient_Mai 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Not to mention the people who had PC's sent in for RMA never to be seen again...

[–]insanservanti9-10900K@5.0GHZ|3080Ti|32GB@3600MHz|1TBSSD|XIIFORMULA 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Happy cake day!

[–]sweetdawg99 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Hey thanks!

[–]GoldElectric 31 points32 points  (2 children)

art... istic build

[–]Saltywinterwind 14 points15 points  (0 children)


[–]robnezSpecs/Imgur here 5 points6 points  (0 children)

You sir do not have enough of a reddit following to criticize art... istic builds...

[–]geredtrig 4 points5 points  (0 children)

They're bankrupt. Say who.

[–]sheen1212 8 points9 points  (7 children)

Last year I paid over 2k for a laptop with a 3070 cause I "knew" they wouldn't be going down anytime soon. Same laptop is now half the price

[–]RedstoneRelicLaptop baffled how this pos can run anything 2 points3 points  (2 children)

I bought a 3080 for 1000. In March.

[–]The_Hause 9 points10 points  (13 children)

I paid 900 for a 3070Ti :/

[–]Batavius527 5 points6 points  (6 children)

I paid about 1100 for a 3080ti :(

[–]_TheManInBlacki7-12700K (5.1Ghz) | RTX3080Ti | 32GB DDR5 (5200Mhz) 6 points7 points  (0 children)

That's 100 under MSRP? I haven't seen 3080Tis drop and I don't expect them to.

[–]TanHammer 8 points9 points  (3 children)

Honestly what ever made you think paying over 1k for a GPU made sense? I'm not being smart I'm curious

[–]Sabotage00R9 5900X | EVGA FTW3 3080TI | 64GB DDR3600 | B450 T MAX II 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I use mine for work and gaming so it's worth it to me for something that will easily last 5-10 years.

My 1080 was perfectly fine for now, but unreal5 games are going to break that card at uhd. 3080ti will easily handle them and after effects renders fast so win win.

[–]PsychoSnake1012 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Bro same, and that was in January, big sad

[–]Vincenz_OB5800x 35 points36 points  (0 children)

But... It was 3060 ROG Strix... Still hurts so much though

[–]MalHeartsNutmegRTX 4070 | R5 5600X | 32GB @ 3600MHz 7 points8 points  (3 children)

I paid AU$1500 for a 3070 (roughly 1k USD), not really bothered by it though since I’ve got to be using it all this time.

[–]BassPersonSteam ID Here 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Yup, was dumb and impatient since i needed to upgrade a few things quick. 900 for the 3060, but a little over 1k after tax and shipping.

[–]DashTheHand 4 points5 points  (0 children)

And probably an open box 3060.

[–]Xerastraza 1673 points1674 points  (51 children)

FE cards were mandatory to sell at MSRP.

That's why BestBuy started doing borderline illegal shit like forcing you to join their Tech club for 300 dollars a year for the privilege of buying it at MSRP.

[–]perukid796 100 points101 points  (7 children)

I never heard of this and I got my 3060 ti at launch for $400. What was it?

[–]whatmodern 102 points103 points  (12 children)

I joined tech club once I found out I could purchase the 3080 and then get a refund on tech club through Best Buy's chat support. Was super easy, actually.

[–]paintpast 63 points64 points  (8 children)

Barely an inconvenience?

[–]MelAlton486DX2-66, 4MB ram, 500MB HD 33 points34 points  (3 children)

Wow wow wow wow wow wow.... Wow

[–]DankBiscuitsNGravy 7 points8 points  (1 child)


[–]MelAlton486DX2-66, 4MB ram, 500MB HD 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Oh I see, yes we'll include that product placement!

[–]SlothGod25 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Hey I know that guy

[–]WeaponX86 15 points16 points  (1 child)

Refunds are tight

[–]dinosoursrule 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Only need a percentage of people more lazy or ignorant than you to make a killing with no real work

[–]PubstarHeroPhenom II x6 1100T/6GB DDR3 RAM/3090ti 312 points313 points  (5 children)

$200 a year, and they did that for only like 3 of the drops at the beginning of this year.

Plus it was returnable. I did that crap after I got an FE and a PS5 with them.

[–]SobeyHarkerPC Master Race 182 points183 points  (1 child)

Wow that makes it so much better said everyone reading this.

[–]WhizBangPissPiece9700k, 32GB 3600, 1080ti 59 points60 points  (0 children)

They only conned people into buying a membership for one of the only drops you could ever dream of actually getting, and only for like a few of them!

[–]goda90 5 points6 points  (0 children)

When did they start that? I just had to wait in line for 3 hours at 5 am to get one at MSRP.

[–]OneEyeRick 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That did that crap for the Switch OLED. Wanted me to pay money to join a club to give them money. What a joke. I used to use their credit card for daily purchases to get points and platinum elite Best Buy status. Immediately quit using the card and shopping there after that.

[–]PubstarHeroPhenom II x6 1100T/6GB DDR3 RAM/3090ti 561 points562 points  (11 children)

Why yes. The only place you can buy them.

[–]Intrepid-Part-9196 157 points158 points  (6 children)

Throw back to September-October 2020 where people are camping at nvidia discord to get them from nvidia website. That’s where I got mine, I believe it was one of the last couple of batches from nvidia directly.

[–]0blakePC Master Race 34 points35 points  (2 children)

Ha! Camping the Nvidia discord and other random ones that got spun up Sept-Oct was such a stressful but oddly good time.

Something about being in the presence of a bunch of strangers working towards the same goal was endearing.

I was in an especially difficult spot since I had sold my 1080ti the day of the Nvidia event (yeah, I know.. such a terrible idea in hindsight). I was desperate enough that I camped MicroCenter a few times with no success. The discord was ultimately how I ended up getting my 3080 FE. I remember a bunch of people getting in on a big batch one night in utter disbelief that there were so many and the bots didn’t get them. It was kind of a bittersweet moment… finally getting my card but having to saying goodbye to the randoms on Discord lol.

[–]TheInstigator007 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Didn’t go to the store but I remember the online feeling when pre-orders first went up for XSX (also PS5 but I was dumb and didn’t bug when I could , I was given the opportunity to pre-order a PS5 at MSRP smh).

But hey I got my XSX pre-order in within 30 seconds of it releasing

[–]PubstarHeroPhenom II x6 1100T/6GB DDR3 RAM/3090ti 8 points9 points  (2 children)

I believe it was one of the last couple of batches from nvidia directly.

I dont know who else you expect to supply them with FEs.

[–]Intrepid-Part-9196 35 points36 points  (1 child)

No I meant order from nvidia website directly

[–]PubstarHeroPhenom II x6 1100T/6GB DDR3 RAM/3090ti 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Ah, gotcha. For some reason I was th inking you said camping Best Buy.

I blame being tired and the construction guys starting to do someone's roof at like 6am this morning.

[–]Decent-Passion-5821 4 points5 points  (0 children)

They sell for 1300€ here 😂😭

[–]crybllrdi7-7700 24GB RAM GTX 1050Ti 1 point2 points  (0 children)

So glad I live in Taiwan.

[–]ManyPandas 67 points68 points  (7 children)

All of the FE cards just went out of stock on the website. I missed the fuck out

[–]Rathadin 27 points28 points  (1 child)

JPow is gonna raise rates again, crypto is gonna drop again... Used cards are gonna keep flooding the market. You haven't missed out.

Be strong Clarence. Be strong for mother.

[–]m0cheen5600x | AORUS RTX 3070 Master 239 points240 points  (16 children)

Damn, a 3080FE at BestBuy up here in Canada is still priced at $1,209.

[–]theharps 64 points65 points  (8 children)

Our prices will adjust give or take a week or two

[–]m0cheen5600x | AORUS RTX 3070 Master 26 points27 points  (1 child)

Certainly hope so, I’m in the middle of piecing together a new build.

[–]blunted09 9 points10 points  (1 child)

I just google. It’s $1029

[–]tomokari21 6 points7 points  (0 children)

What a 3080 ti is cheaper then that on new egg

[–]whyamihereimnotsureNCase/10900k/3080/Custom Loop 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It’s never been $1200 in Canada. It was just under $1000 at launch and now it’s $1029.

[–]dassub 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yup, I got the 3070 FE literally last week for $679.99 though from Best Buy ($768.39 after tax). I think that's a pretty good middle ground.

[–][deleted] 704 points705 points  (57 children)

thats.. thats where they are sold

[–]TheMatt5615800X3D | 3080 12GB | 32GB 3200 CL14 301 points302 points  (39 children)

They're surprised that Best buy would not price gouge people

[–]Explosive-Space-Mod 200 points201 points  (20 children)

I don't think Best Buy can price gouge on fe cards though.

[–]TheMatt5615800X3D | 3080 12GB | 32GB 3200 CL14 111 points112 points  (18 children)

They can't but they made people jump through bullshit hoops like join their tech club or whatever the hell was

[–]Explosive-Space-Mod 55 points56 points  (7 children)

True, but they did that for more than just the GPU though. That was also for PS5's and other large appliances that were hard to get to begin with and if you were in the market for more than just a gpu or just a ps5 it was def worth it in the end imo.

Edit: Also a better option to fight scalping/bots than nothing too.

[–]Conscious-Golf-5380PC Master Race 24 points25 points  (6 children)

And after paying $200 for the membership you still get told they don't have shit. Genius on their part.

[–]CalRal 8 points9 points  (2 children)

I got the membership and scored a PS5, Xbox Series X, a 3080 FE, and a 3060 Ti FE for my nephew. I’ve also had an out of warranty gaming headset and a controller replaced for free. On top of that, I’ve saved about $80 on other exclusive discounts. TotalTech definitely isn’t worth it for most, but I don’t regret getting it.

[–]not_so_plausible 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Same. I love Best Buy and shop there a lot and it's nice getting random discounts on items and a 2 year warranty on everything I buy from them. Will I buy it again next year? Eh maybe if they add a few more perks, but it did help me land a 3080 and a ps5 so it was worth it this year.

[–][deleted] 15 points16 points  (5 children)

Fe cards are the only cards that never changed prices, i dont think they can gouge on them. but if anyone is in the market - the 3090ti FE online just dropped to 1599.99 and the ftw3 3090ti to 1499.99

[–]TheMatt5615800X3D | 3080 12GB | 32GB 3200 CL14 6 points7 points  (0 children)

That's super annoying

[–]PubstarHeroPhenom II x6 1100T/6GB DDR3 RAM/3090ti 2 points3 points  (3 children)

They cant because Nvidia sets the price and they are the only authorized FE dealer in the US, so.... why are people surprised?

[–]PieganASUS X570 TUF | Asus 3060ti Mini | Ryzen 7 5800X 2 points3 points  (2 children)

I don't think most people are aware that BestBuy is Nvidia's official resaler. I'm not American so maybe it's more common knowledge if you actually live in the US, but I had no idea until (Jayztwocentz? I think?) mentioned it in one of his recent videos and there were a lot of comments seemingly surprised by it too.

[–]RolandMT32 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Why would they? The things they sell tend to be about the same price as anywhere else. If they did try to price gouge people, then people would just go somewhere else. And Best Buy does price matching.

[–]heepofsheep 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I’m surprised they have them…. Is this a thing they regularly in stock??

[–]fish106 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Exclusively at that. 😂. Came to say something similar

[–]Starkydowns 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Based on what happened over the past few years, your statement is debatable.

[–]detectiveDollar 1 point2 points  (3 children)

I've never seen them there in person. Do only big city Best Buys have GPU's in person?

[–]BhadBhris 24 points25 points  (2 children)

nice stance

[–]washyleopardi7-4720HQ | GTX 960M 2GB | 8 GB DDR3L 1600MHz| 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Heels in the sky, western spy!

[–]OneNewEmpire[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Thanks coach!

[–][deleted] 69 points70 points  (2 children)

This is indeed a beautiful picture and will be historically significant.

[–]Gaflonzelschmerno 7 points8 points  (1 child)

I thought the squatting person was part of the box art

[–]JoshZK 169 points170 points  (24 children)

Yeah they can keep them. Gouging us then tring to dump their stock, to be ready for 4000 series. Want to impress me. MSRP the 4000s.

[–]Sinister120 48 points49 points  (6 children)

They will when they are FE cards.

[–]PenguinSwordfighter 28 points29 points  (2 children)

All 3 of them?

[–]McQuibblyRyzen 7 3700x || RTX 3070 FE 8 points9 points  (1 child)

all 3 of them on backorder

[–]MelAlton486DX2-66, 4MB ram, 500MB HD 5 points6 points  (0 children)

all 3 of them on backorder, available only in Albania

[–]CDXXRoman 2 points3 points  (2 children)

What's FE mean?

[–]BluEch0_ 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Founder's Edition

[–]JaalanPC Master Race 30 points31 points  (7 children)

The FE cards have NEVER been out of msrp in US bestbuys. It's always been msrp.

[–]bizkutRyzen 5800x/3080 FTW3 12GB/32 GB DDR4 3200 14 points15 points  (6 children)

It was just impossible to find any of them because of that

[–]CoxyMcChunkR5 3600 | 5700XT | 16GB@3400 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Aren't the 4x releases being held up because Nvidia thinks there's too many 3x's out there that people aren't buying?

[–]amidoes2500k 4.6Ghz/GTX 1060 2 points3 points  (0 children)

They can get fucked now, I hope that stock rots in a warehouse. Companies need to pay for the absolute shitshow that was the 3000 series launch

[–]DarkShadow04 1 point2 points  (1 child)

According to what I heard on Friday's LTT wan show, Nvidia grossly underestimated the percentage of their users that were snapping up their cards for mining. Crypto crashed and now, they are over allocated on 5nm wafers that they are contractually obligated to take or find another company that needs 5nm wafers.

I have a feeling that 40 series cards will be easy to find in stock for MSRP at launch, or at least shortly after, unless crypto mining suddenly becomes profitable again.

[–]likewut 1 point2 points  (1 child)

The 4000's MSRP hasn't even been set yet. Of course they're going to MSRP them, they would just make the MSRPs super high if they plan to keep supplies low to price gouge.

[–]MrAuntJemima 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Want to impress me. MSRP the 4000s.

4080 MSRP reduced, now just $4206.90!

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (3 children)

I got my 3070 there at msrp last week

[–]dassub 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Same. And then I realized that my Steam library has nothing but old games. I'll need to buy something actually modern.

[–]Eboz255PC Master Race 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I forgot the 3080 was that ‘cheap’

[–]NangFTW 51 points52 points  (15 children)

NVidia reduced all prices, JayZTwoCents posted a video earlier today about it. BestBuy is the official nVidia partner for FE cards.

[–]bambinoneAbit BE6-II • CuMine-128 Celeron 1GHz • 192MB • GeForce 2 MX 17 points18 points  (1 child)

Only on the 3090 Ti. Oops, I'm wrong. 3090 Ti, 3090, 3080 Ti, and 3080 12GB.

[–]NangFTW 11 points12 points  (0 children)

That’s a shame. But hey, we got nothing here in the EU, so could be worse.

[–]chicostick13 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Only marked down certain ones like AIB but cheapest 3080 is still FE and 3090 when down by like 500$ because that’s exactly where 40’s will land, at the 2k spot

[–]Atromnis 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I watched his video yesterday and this morning picked up a 3080 12gb model from Newegg for $720.

[–]cvr249900K + GTX 1080 5 points6 points  (10 children)

Apparently Best Buy Canada didn't get the memo.

[–]OscarDivineIntel 13700k | Sapphire Pulse Radeon 7900XTX | ASUS Prime Z790-P 72 points73 points  (10 children)

This is a wacky outcome of the perfect storm. NVIDIA mandated a price drop and everybody (including AMD to compete) is following suit. Best Buy selling FE Cards at MSRP (and now the lower value) shouldn’t surprise you. Best Buy is Nvidia’s chosen golden boy edit: they are reducing MSRP so Best Buy follows suit. that shouldn't be surprising

[–]JaalanPC Master Race 37 points38 points  (1 child)

Bestbuy has always sold FE cards at msrp.

[–]gifred 4 points5 points  (1 child)

They mandated a price drop? When?

[–]threeforsky 1 point2 points  (2 children)

How soon should we expect AMD prices to go down? I’m on the fence between AMD/Nvidia, was leaning AMD for a more budget build

[–]OscarDivineIntel 13700k | Sapphire Pulse Radeon 7900XTX | ASUS Prime Z790-P 2 points3 points  (0 children)

they already are

[–]throneaweigh42069 22 points23 points  (4 children)

I paid that for a 3060 last year lol

[–]MalanaoWalanaoLaptop | GTX 1070 (Mobile), Intel i7 7700HQ 11 points12 points  (0 children)

GPU market 🤮

[–]ubiquitous_apathy4090/11700k 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I sold my open box 3060ti for 700 just in February.

[–]BaldEaglz177613900k | RTX 4090 | 32GB DDR5 5600 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Who else is pissed that right when prices are dropping They have no money for one 😂

[–]FinnishArmy12900KS | 4080 | 32GB 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I’m so glad I returned the FE 3090Ti I bought from BestBuy I bought for $2k (no tax cause Oregon)

[–][deleted] 13 points14 points  (5 children)

Buy it

[–]OneNewEmpire[S] 26 points27 points  (4 children)

I already have one :) camped out a year ago to get mine

[–]GoldElectric 9 points10 points  (2 children)

think about it, SLI to get worse or really similar performance while sipping a lot more power!!! or you can sponsor me one

[–]bizkutRyzen 5800x/3080 FTW3 12GB/32 GB DDR4 3200 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Pretty sure only the 3090 supports SLI anyways, so their performance is safe

[–]AndreiBriR5 3600 | RTX 3080 | 32GB 3200MHz | RM750 7 points8 points  (3 children)

At this point in time the prices should be like 100$ under msrp

[–]ImTheGreatLeviathan 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Grab me one, too, please!

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children)


[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

w h a t

[–]attrib 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Cries in European

[–]CAtoSeattle 13 points14 points  (10 children)

I’m so glad I bought a 3070 for $1000 3 months ago

[–]whiffle_boyDesktop 5 points6 points  (4 children)


That’s sooo 2020

/s (I loved mine when I had it)

[–]Blurrg_Rancher 11 points12 points  (13 children)

Boys. We won the Crypto Miner War.

[–]Setekh79i7 9700K 5.1GHz | EVGA 1070ti FTW2 | 32GB 94 points95 points  (7 children)

Did we? This is like getting the shit beaten out of you for hours and when they finally stop you declare that you won.

[–]Blurrg_Rancher 10 points11 points  (0 children)

*looks down at amputated leg and sighs; swigs glass of whiskey; single tear rolls down cheek*....... "We WON.... The Crypto Miner War."

[–]JoshZK 17 points18 points  (4 children)

It's a trap they just recouping costs. So they could buy up all the 4000s and do it again.

[–]danyaylolMSI MAG TOMAHAWK Z790 | RTX 4090 | i9-13900K | 32 GB DDR5 | 5TB 14 points15 points  (1 child)

We did? It’s 2 years later and only now prices have dropped. 2 years. Right before the 4000 series.

[–]twhite1195PC Master Race | 5600x RX 6800XT | 5700X RX 7900 XT 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I honestly hope that many of the people that got fucked by NFT's and crypto drops don't support it anymore so it dies out... Block chain is an amazing technology, but crypto is honestly such a shitty application of it

[–]lolsrsly00 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Someone didn't buy their own GPUs in 2014.... or 2017....

It's cyclic my dude.

[–]Muk-Bong 2 points3 points  (3 children)

Very recently paid $1300 cad for my 3080 rip me I guess

[–]mechcity22Desktop 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Dude it's insane! Literally 1k right now for 3080ti's from newegg and Amazon if yoy can find stock after yesterday. A freaking evga and msi suprim x for 1049! After 50 dollars off. Freaking incredible! Then you have 3090s going for 1200 to 1300 and then a 3090ti I saw a few for 1499. Like shits getting crazy now lol. But it's only for Amazon day and neweggs fantastech sale. So they will go back up in the next week or so through newegg for sure and Amazon I heard is done after today.

[–]PrimeTimeMKTO5800X3D | 3080 FE 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Are you wearing golf shoes?

[–]makinbaconCR 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Best buy cannot price these higher per contract. They save the price gouging for partner cards

[–]omnikron702 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I sold my asus tuff 3080ti oc and picked this up and a 3070 Fe for my son at 499 not too bad now I can build my ghost s1 pc

[–]lil-dlope 1 point2 points  (1 child)

What’s FE mean?

[–]OneNewEmpire[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Founders edition. It's the original design from Nvidia.

[–]Bogus198910700k ghz | MSI RTX 3080 | 32GB Trident Royale Gold 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Jayztwocents said that the FEs are actually being sold at bestbuys cuz they have a deal with nvidia. Sweet.

[–]kingcarcas 1 point2 points  (0 children)

MSRP looks cheap now wth

[–]olikczech 1 point2 points  (0 children)

is it sad that in my country they sell 3060Ti for same price :D :)

[–]BLACK-C4T 1 point2 points  (0 children)

got a 3070Ti and a 3080 for MSRP in the past few weeks. Feels good

[–]CreodaWin11. 5800X3D. 32GB. RTX 4090 FE 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Lots of 30xx stock around, lots of 2nd hand ex-miner GPUs being sold and NVidia has invested in huge numbers of RTX 40xx 5nm wafer manufacturing based on past crypto-card boom. Nvidia and OEMs are worried that they will have 30xx cards sitting on shelves not selling and an oversupply of 40xx. A well known friend of EVGA did a video the other day basically imploring gamers to buy 30xx GPUs now with lots of EVGA sales pages and positive talk of GPUs saying how the prices are great now, if that wasn't a sponsored video I'll eat my hard drive. No one with a brain would buy a new 30xx card right now.

[–]ur_opinion_is_wronghttps://pcpartpicker.com/b/Y23bt6 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Best Buy is Nvidias authorized seller. Best Buy has to sell those cards at MSRP.

[–]toasterbath6467 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Wtf is Best Buy never heard, America?

[–]blutigetranen 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Best Buy has had good stock. I got my 3070ti there

[–]boblot1648Ryzen 7 5700X | RTX 3080 12GB | 64 GB DDR4 1 point2 points  (0 children)

AFAIK, Best Buy is the official Nvidia outlet for the Founders Edition. So when Nvidia changes the MSRP, Best Buy adjusts accordingly.

[–]xDoWnFaLL7900x | 4090FE | 32GB 6000CL36 | ASUS B650-A | o11D Mini | SF750 1 point2 points  (6 children)

Finally got the elusive 3080FE two weeks ago from BestBuy, but honestly, kinda underwhelmed on my 34" LG. Maybe I expected too much or should have gone higher 3080Ti/6900XT/etc...

Good to see them in stock though, fffuuu scalpers.

[–]FallenReaper360 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Was able to get one today because of you. Thank you.