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MrAuntJemima commented on
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1 point · 21 hours ago

Better than the ending

MrAuntJemima commented on
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1 point · 1 day ago

I'm a proponent of AI art, but I have to ask: how can you possibly benefit from sharing this model with others?

MrAuntJemima commented on
Posted by
9 points · 5 days ago

I noticed that the store now has collections for you to organize your games into personal collections, so I don't know why they don't let you do the same with UE marketplace assets.

MrAuntJemima commented on
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16 points · 8 days ago

Still waiting for a fix to the constant black screen crashes on my 6900xt and my girlfriends 6700xt, even with the numerous reddit fixes applied still can't game a full day without atleast 2 crashes minimum. Very frustrating. Both are being powered by a 1000w psu, underclocked, overclocked, factory clocks, remove mpo, with mpo, no xmp, with xmp different ram sticks. Different amounts of ram, different drivers, newest driver. Older drivers, clean installs, you name it. Never had this much issues with my old 2060. Just good ol plug and play for years and years....til now. Heavily disappointed in my switch over to the red side thus far. Really hoping amd can get it in gear and keep me as a customer, cause I'm this close to just biting the Nvidia bullet and throwing then my wallet instead as much as I dont want to.

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1 point · 8 days ago

I just bought a used 6900 XT on eBay, luckily the seller offers a 30 day warranty for returns, and I've got another week or so to try to solve the black screen/display signal loss I've been getting intermittently since day one with the card. I've tried lots of things to solve the issue, but I decided the next time it happens I'm just going to request to return it and pick up another Nvidia card...

Gaming is one thing, but when you also want to use your system to get some work done, it's not worth the time or sanity spent on dealing with these issues.

1 point · 8 days ago

Did you try downgrading the driver? Do you have multiple screens?

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1 point · 8 days ago

Just one monitor right now. I admit I haven't tried downgrading the driver yet, but I've tried just about everything else.

MrAuntJemima commented on
Posted by
36 points · 8 days ago

I wish they had made her boobs canonically flat…. Or put visible breast pads. Power isn’t your average bunny girl. She should be wearing sneakers on her hands or be holding up soda cans as bunny ears. Missed opportunity to embody her chaos energy tbh. I’ll be saving my money for the toilet figure of her

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2 points · 8 days ago

I’ll be saving my money for the toilet figure of her

The Shibuya Scramble one, or is there another? I've been kind of put off by the majority of recent figures given their pricing, with so many pushing $200+ for 1:8 or 1:7 scale without much real detail..

MrAuntJemima commented on
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1 point · 9 days ago

Hakeem Jeffries could do that. Bernie could do that. AOC could do that. Warren could do that....the problem isnt not having the shooters, the problem is that the DNC and RNC are the same creature pretending to be 2. Its a dude holding 2 sock puppets going "no you fix the debt, no you fix the debt" meanwhile the little Eric Cartman inbred is eating all the ho-hos while you starve watching the show.

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1 point · 9 days ago

But muh corporate overlords

MrAuntJemima commented on
Posted by
770 points · 14 days ago · edited 14 days ago
Take My Energy

In Westeros, good lords like the Starks or the Tully practice mass killing of innocent civilians in war every tuesday.

"Hoster Tully." Notch was a stooped thin grey-haired man, born in these parts. "This was Lord Goodbrook's village. When Riverrun declared for Robert, Goodbrook stayed loyal to the king, so Lord Tully came down on him with fire and sword. After the Trident, Goodbrook's son made his peace with Robert and Lord Hoster, but that didn't help the dead none."

Without siege engines there was no way to storm Casterly Rock, so the Young Wolf was paying the Lannisters back in kind for the devastation they'd inflicted on the riverlands. Lords Karstark and Glover were raiding along the coast, Lady Mormont had captured thousands of cattle and was driving them back toward Riverrun, while the Greatjon had seized the gold mines at Castamere, Nunn's Deep, and the Pendric Hills.

She felt near as stupid now, so she took the little man's place at the end of the bench, signaled for stew, and turned to thank the dwarf. "Do you serve some holy house in Duskendale, brother?"

"'Twas nearer Maidenpool, m'lady, but the wolves burned us out," the man replied, gnawing on a heel of bread. "We rebuilt as best we could, until some sellswords come.

"Pardoned?" The old man laughed. "For what? Sitting on his arse in his bloody castle? He sent men off to Riverrun to fight but never went himself. Lions sacked his town, then wolves, then sellswords, and his lordship just sat safe behind his walls. His brother 'ud never have hid like that. Ser Myles was bold as brass till that Robert killed him."

The wench was staring up at one of the dead women. Jaime shuffled closer with small stutter steps, the only kind the foot-long chain permitted. When he saw the crude sign hung about the neck of the highest corpse, he smiled. "They Lay With Lions," he read. "Oh, yes, woman, this was most unchivalrously done . . . but by your side, not mine. I wonder who they were, these women?"

"Tavern wenches," said Ser Cleos Frey. "This was an inn, I remember it now. Some men of my escort spent the night here when we last returned to Riverrun."

But when Dany tortures people who are actual suspect of murder or crucify people really guilty of slavery, she is the one who is cruel or mad....

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1 point · 13 days ago

This is why I hope GRRM changes the plot and steers her character in a different direction than that of the show. After everything she's learned about treating her subjects and causing harm to the populace, it seems like a disservice to her character and all the growth up to that point for her simply turn around and do the exact same thing as the other lords had done. But perhaps he was going for a different theme with her decision to burn thousands in King's Landing for a throne she doesn't need when she already had her own?

MrAuntJemima commented on
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42 points · 15 days ago

Because electricity is expensive.

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8 points · 15 days ago

It's not that expensive, charging your phone costs something like 2-10 cents per month, depending on your kwh cost.

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