Ali Abunimah’s blog

Israel media publish, retract, then confirm calls for destruction of Al-Aqsa, "cleansing" of Israel's "enemies"

Israeli media reported, then retracted and then confirmed a claim that a Likud leader, Moshe Feiglin, was heading a rally to Al-Aqsa to call for its destruction. Meanwhile on Sunday morning, 12 February, Israeli police stopped Feiglin and several Likud activists from entering the Al-Aqsa compound.

Israel military again delays action on Khader Adnan's appeal as concern over hunger striker's condition mounts

Despite his grave medical condition after 54 days of hunger strike, Israeli military authorities have once again postponed action on Khader Adnan’s appeal against his four-month “administrative detention” – without charge or trial.

VIDEO: Former Irish hunger striker's message for Khader Adnan, a Palestinian prisoner 55 days on hunger strike

Tommy McKearney, one of the participants of the legendary 1980-81 Irish hunger strikes has sent a video message of solidarity to Khader Adnan and his family. Adnan, a Palestinian, has been on hunger strike ever since his 17 December detention without charge or trial by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank.

Presbyterian church body hits back hard at JCPA's "anti-Semitism" smear over support for Palestinian rights

The Israel Palestine Mission Network (IPMN) of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has hit back strongly at a smear campaign from a major pro-Israel group aimed at portraying it as “anti-Semitic.”

In responding to allegations from the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), IPMN stated:

Hunger striker Khader Adnan, held by Israel, in "shocking" condition as solidarity grows

The wife and children of Khader Adnan were allowed to visit him as the prisoner completed 53 continuous days of hunger strike against his detention by Israel without charge or trial and were “shocked” by his condition.

Amnesty to Israel: Release or try Khader Adnan, gravely ill after 51 days hunger strike

Amnesty International today told Israel to release or try Khader Adnan, the gravely ill Palestinian prisoner who has been on hunger strike for 51 continuous days, ever since his arrest by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank on 17 December.

Video of my Penn BDS speech and how Zionist filmmaker pretended to be from Canada's CBC

Video and report about my Penn BDS conference keynote, and my account of how an anti-Palestinian filmmaker misrepresented himself as a CBC journalist in a dirty trick.

Video: "We--the global 99%--shall overcome!" Omar Barghouti's salute to PennBDS conference

Despite all attempts to bully BDS activists at UPenn into cancelling their historic conference, they have prevailed. Omar Barghouti, a human rights activist and founding member of the Palestinian civil society Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement in this video salutes PennBDS and all US activists who have adopted BDS as the most effective form of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and equality.

Leading Palestinians boycott UN head Ban Ki-moon in Gaza as rebuffed prisoners' families greet him with shoes

Leading Palestinian figures including prominent human rights advocates Dr. Eyad Sarraj, and Raji Sourani have boycotted a meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Gaza today over the latter’s refusal to meet with the families of Palestinian prisoners.

As anti-BDS attacks mount, students feel unsafe but U of Penn President maintains shameful silence

Unchecked inflammatory rhetoric by opponents of the Penn BDS conference, and the University of Pennsylvania’s failure to act, is making students feel unsafe.


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