
Thousands of Palestinians in the Jordan Valley risk forced displacement, says UN body

Sixty thousand Palestinians live under harsh conditions in the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea area - one of the most isolated and restricted areas in occupied Palestine. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs warns that thousands of Palestinians in the area risk forced displacement.

What can public records tell us about NGO Monitor's funding sources?

Today the Hebrew edition of Haaretz reports in a story about NGO Monitor that the organization hides details of its efforts to raise funds from US organizations. I have already collected some information about the sources of NGO Monitor’s income that I am sharing so bloggers and journalists can begin to do their own research into the network of funders behind this right-wing anti-Palestinian and pro-censorship organization.

Al Jazeera English Doesn't Care About Khader Adnan

In a few hours, Khader Adnan will enter his 56th day of hunger strike. As international solidarity grows, the international media’s silence on his case is deafening. Below is how Al Jazeera English reacted to the simple question of “Why isn’t Khader Adnan getting more coverage?”

Likud leaders to go to Al-Aqsa, call for "cleansing" Jerusalem and building Jewish temple on mosque's "ruins"

Leaders and members of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party are leading an incursion and rally into the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound – which Israel calls the “Temple Mount” – in eastern occupied Jerusalem this Sunday to call for its destruction and building a Jewish Temple on its “ruins.”

BDS victory: Cat Power cancels show in Tel Aviv

Cat Power cancels her show in Tel Aviv, after appeals by boycott activists.

Israel military again delays action on Khader Adnan's appeal as concern over hunger striker's condition mounts

Despite his grave medical condition after 54 days of hunger strike, Israeli military authorities have once again postponed action on Khader Adnan’s appeal against his four-month “administrative detention” – without charge or trial.

VIDEO: Former Irish hunger striker's message for Khader Adnan, a Palestinian prisoner 55 days on hunger strike

Tommy McKearney, one of the participants of the legendary 1980-81 Irish hunger strikes has sent a video message of solidarity to Khader Adnan and his family. Adnan, a Palestinian, has been on hunger strike ever since his 17 December detention without charge or trial by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank.

A 2:30-Minute Video Dedicated to Khader Adnan

My vocal, visual and written tribute for Khader Adnan and all Palestinian political prisoners in a 2:30-minute video. You should watch.

BDS roundup: South Africa to consider Israel boycott; defending academic freedom; and more

A regular roundup of news and actions from the global boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. Canadian radio broadcasters urge a Vancouver station to adopt a BDS resolution, boycott campaigners urge Cat Power to cancel her upcoming Tel Aviv performance, and more.

Amnesty: Israel must cancel plan to forcibly displace Jerusalem-area Bedouin

In a briefing paper issued today, Amnesty International stated that the Israeli military must cancel plans to forcibly transfer more than 2,000 Bedouin residents to an area besides the Jerusalem municipal garbage dump.


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