Linah Alsaafin’s blog

Video: Raymond McCartney, former Irish hunger striker in message of support to Khader Adnan

Raymond McCartney, the former Irish hunger striker and current Member of Northern Ireland’s Legislative Assembly for Sinn Féin is the latest from Ireland to send a message of solidarity to Palestinian political prisoner Khader Adnan, who is entering his 63rd day of hunger strike protesting administrative detention, a policy started by the British and which is illegal under international law.

Al Jazeera English Doesn't Care About Khader Adnan

In a few hours, Khader Adnan will enter his 56th day of hunger strike. As international solidarity grows, the international media’s silence on his case is deafening. Below is how Al Jazeera English reacted to the simple question of “Why isn’t Khader Adnan getting more coverage?”

Interview with Injured French Activist in Nabi Saleh

During Nabi Saleh’s latest protest, tear gas canisters were once again fired at a group of peaceful protesters at head level, injuring a French and a Dutch activist. “The Israeli Border Police told me I was hit by a rock thrown by a Palestinian” says French activist Amicie P. “It’s crazy because it’s so obvious I wasn’t.”

Watch Trailer: We Are Nabi Saleh, a new film capturing people's struggle, Mustafa Tamimi

Trailer for the upcoming documentary “We Are Nabi Saleh”- a portrait of a Palestinian village in resistance - is finally released.

Israel's interrogation of Islam Dar Ayyoub Tamimi, age 14: video reveals rights abuses

A year ago on January 23, 14-year-old Islam Dar Ayoub Tamimi was arrested at gunpoint after the Israeli army surrounded his house at around 1:30am. A few days before, on January 17, Islam’s house was one of many in the village of Nabi Saleh that were raided by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF), where the soldiers then proceeded to take pictures of all males over the age of 12.

Follow Up Protest for #No2Negotiations

In a blatant demonstration of the Palestinian Authority’s colossal gap between the interests of itself and the people it claims to represent, unelected chief negotiator Saeb Erekat will meet up with his Israeli counterpart Yitzhak Molcho for the fourth round of talks in Amman, Jordan on January 25th. The announcement came barely  a day after Palestinians protested against the farcical negotiations in front of the PA compound of al-Muqata’a in Ramallah.

Palestinians for Dignity: Saeb Erekat, Go Home

Palestinians for the first time took part in a protest right in front of the Palestinian Authority compound Al-Muqata’a voicing their opposition and anger against the negotiations between the PA and Israel, currently taking place in Amman, Jordan.

Nabi Saleh's Balloon Release for Gaza

In an act meant to replicate what the youth-led Chicago Movement for Palestinian Rights did to commemorate the massacre on Gaza three years ago, the village of Nabi Saleh was once again meant with brutal suppression.

Video and testimony: Israeli soldiers' savagery at Mustafa Tamimi's funeral

Linah Alsaafin compiles documentation and witness testimony showing the brute force used by Israeli soldiers against protesters following Mustafa Tamimi’s funeral yesterday in Nabi Saleh, occupied West Bank.

An Israeli Soldier Cares For My Safety

A conversation with the occupier.


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