(Wesam Saleh / MaanImages)

Business & Economy

Bamboo furniture-making tradition, brought from Jaffa, survives in Gaza

Rami Almeghari
Gaza City
17 January 2012

It is a craft that has been passed down from one generation to the next. The al-Mathloums were one of the best-known bamboo furniture-making families in Gaza but now, of his brothers, only Zakariya, the eldest son, is struggling to keep the tradition and the business alive.

Blockade dictates types of flowers grown in Gaza

Mohammed Omer
16 January 2012

Israel’s ongoing blockade has suffocated countless export industries and continues to dictate the types of crops grown in Gaza, including flowers.

Israel chokes Palestinian trade, says UN study

7 September 2011

West Bank trade remains largely isolated from global markets due to restrictions imposed on the movement of goods, according to a July 2011 study by the UN Conference on Trade and Development.

Odd jobs help Gaza families scrape by

Eva Bartlett
Gaza City
15 August 2011

Throughout Gaza, children take on responsibilities of adults to help their families, and adults revert from skilled labor to doing nearly anything to bring in a salary.

Export bans - the other half of Israel's siege

Eva Bartlett
Gaza City
18 July 2011

Despite Israel’s declared “easing” in June 2010 of the total siege on Gaza, manufacturers there are hurting badly. In June 2011 the World Food Programme (WFP) reported that “only 5 percent of the pre-blockade export volume was reached from November 2010 to April 2011.”

Siege and sewage make farmed fish a temporary option for Gaza

Eva Bartlett
7 July 2011

Severe pollution and Israel’s frequent attacks on fishing vessels have made it healthier for Gazans to eat farmed fish rather than fish caught at sea.

Siege brings Gaza's garment industry to a halt

Rami Almeghari
3 May 2011

The five-story building housing the now abandoned Hamdanco sewing factory is filled with machines gathering dust; it used to be the place of employment of 130 workers, including sewers and administrative staff.

Nablus, beautiful and unvisited

Ray Smith
26 April 2011

Few visitors make it to the city of Nablus in the occupied West Bank, causing the city’s tourism sector to suffer.

Interview: Raja Khalidi on the neoliberal consensus in Palestine

Ray Smith
25 April 2011

The Electronic Intifada contributor Ray Smith interviews Raja Khalidi, a senior economist with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, about the PA’s economic policies and its implications for statehood.

Boom times in the West Bank?

Ray Smith
19 April 2011

The Palestinian Authority is preparing to establish a state in the near future. But the Palestinian economy remains strongly tied to Israel, and manufacturers are struggling to recover from the second Palestinian intifada.


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